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A Dirty Dozen Christmas [The Dirty Dozen 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

  “Poor baby. I’ll give you a massage later.”


  Tina chuckled and handed over her boxes when he opened the trunk. “I promise.”

  “I wonder if I can get Drew or Ranger to massage my feet for me when we get home.” Carly held out her bags to Zack before climbing in the backseat.

  “I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to play with your feet.” Tina closed the car door after getting in the front passenger side.

  “Don’t give Tina any ideas, Carly. She’ll expect us to take care of her feet next.”

  “Of course you will, honey.” Tina looked over her shoulder at Carly.

  “See. What did I tell you?” Zack started the car and pulled out of the parking spot into traffic.

  “Wow! We might have finished at a decent hour, but getting home is going to take some time.” Tina pulled her list out of her pocket and started looking over it again.

  She still couldn’t believe they had managed to finish so soon. She honestly thought it might even take an additional day to get everything. She hoped everyone else had been able to finish as well. That would put them ahead of schedule in getting everything wrapped and delivered. Tina was all for that. She couldn’t wait to talk to Parker about it. She thought about calling her on the cell phone, but decided to wait until they were all together. Besides, she had a headache and felt a little dizzy. Maybe a short nap was in order.

  * * * *

  Alexis started to help unload the cars until the men put a stop to it. She rolled her eyes with the other women and hurried inside where it was much warmer. The men never let them do anything that might be considered hard. They all treated the women like spoiled queens. She didn’t think she would actually be complaining anytime soon.

  Shrugging out of her coat, she realized that she hadn’t had that much fun in years. Wrapping the gifts was going to be even better. She couldn’t wait to get started. This was going to be the best Christmas ever.

  As she walked into the kitchen, she realized she was feeling a little weak.

  Maybe a snack would be a good idea.

  She looked for Tina and found her directing traffic as the men brought in their bags of gifts.

  “Tina, do you mind if I fix something to eat. I’m feeling a little weak.” Alexis noticed that Tina appeared pale.

  Maybe I’m not the only one who isn’t feeling so hot.

  “That sounds like a great idea.” She turned around and called out to Carly. “Carly, help Alexis make some snacks for us while we organize this mess. I think we could all use something to eat.”

  Carly nodded and hurried into the kitchen with Alexis. The other woman grinned and fanned herself.

  “I was getting hot out there. As cold as it is outside, something’s got to be wrong with me.”

  Alexis laughed. “I was feeling a little weak. I think I’m starved. Let’s see what we have to work with.”

  They worked together for the next twenty minutes putting together sandwiches, cheese, and crackers. Alexis nibbled some as they set everything on the table so anyone who wanted something could stop by and grab what they wanted. Carly made coffee and distributed mugs to everyone who wanted it.

  Durn. I wonder if something is going around? Carly’s face is all flushed and Tina is pale looking. Maybe we picked something up while we were out shopping.

  “How are you girls holding up in here?” Neal and Drew walked in as they were washing up.

  “All through. The food is out on the table. Is everything situated out there now?” Alexis snuggled up against Neal’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I think Tina and Parker have it under control. You’re shaking, baby. What’s wrong?” Neal pulled back to look at her.

  “I think I got a little too hungry before I got something to eat. I’m fine. Let’s go tell everyone the food is ready.”

  “Don’t think you have to announce it,” Drew said as they walked into the dining room. “I think everyone already found it.”

  Alexis and Carly chuckled at the crowd around the table. Alexis accepted a paper plate with cheese and crackers from Mark. He lifted a brow when she started to hand it back, so she nibbled from it.

  Once everyone had stuffed their faces, Parker divided them all up once again into groups so that each room with gifts would have at least two people to wrap gifts with two people in charge of watching the children. Alexis and Carly worked on wrapping gifts for girls under the age of twelve. She had to admit, it was fun but a lot of work to keep everything straight. At least they had names for their gifts. Some of the gifts were just forboysorgirls.

  By the time everyone had finished wrapping, it was almost midnight. Alexis was almost asleep on her feet. She’d already called Ranger into the office where they had been wrapping to get Carly. The poor woman had fallen asleep standing up and nearly hit the floor before Alexis got to her. She couldn’t help but worry that there was something going on. She hesitated to bring it up when it might be nothing.

  Alexis sighed and finished straightening up the wrapping paper that was left and stacked the presents out of the way. Mark and Neal walked in and shook their head.

  “You’re not any better off than Carly was when Ranger carried her out to the car.” Neal picked her up.

  Alexis was too tired to even squeal when he did. “I think we’re all pretty much exhausted.”

  “I don’t like how pale you are, baby. Let’s get you home.” Mark bent over and kissed her before Neal carried her out of the room.

  “Hey, Alexis, are you okay?” Tina took her hand and squeezed it.

  “I’m fine. These guys like carrying me around. It comes in handy when I’m feeling lazy.”

  Tina laughed then took a step back and her eyes rolled back in her head. Alexis yelled out her name, but it was too late. Shane made a grab for her and managed to keep her from hitting her head on the coffee table. Then Cole and Zack elbowed their way through and picked her up.

  “Neal, put me down so I can check on Tina.” Alexis was afraid something was seriously wrong.

  “Cole and Zack have her. Let’s get out of the way and give them some room.” Neal carried her over toward the door.

  Everyone was talking at once. Parker brought a wet dish cloth to Cole and suggested they put her to bed. Alexis hoped she was just worn out like the rest of them. It had been a long, exhausting day for everyone.

  “She’s coming around. We’ll take care of her. You can all go home and we’ll talk tomorrow.” Zack helped Cole pick her up. “We’ll call if anything happens.”

  Shane and Allen helped straighten everything up while Parker saw to the leftover food. Alexis felt terrible for not helping put it away, but Parker assured her that she could handle it.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Go on and get some rest, Alexis. You’re dead on your feet, too.”

  “Ha! I’m not on my feet.” Alexis tried to add some humor to the situation. “I’m on Neal’s feet.”

  “Go home, Alexis. You’re not even making sense now.” Parker grinned and shooed her off.

  As they drove toward home, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Never even knowing when they made it. The last thing on her mind was worry over Tina. She had been looking a little ill for the last two days. She hoped she wouldn’t be sick for Christmas.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Christmas Eve afternoon, everyone gathered at the shelter with the gifts they were bringing. Jill, one of the managers, met them at the door when they arrived. She was as excited as if the gifts were for her. Parker grinned as she teared up over their generosity.

  “You have no idea how much this will mean to the women here. I can’t wait for them to open them. Thank you all.” Jill wiped her eyes and hugged each of the women.

  “We have one more surprise.” Tina spoke up this time.

  Cole helped her open up a sketch pad to show Jill the plans to renovate the shelter one room at a time over the next six months.

ou don’t have any storage at all here. We’re going to add shelves all along this wall and a long closet here for all the clothes.” Cole pointed out the various areas where they were going to improve the room.

  “How? We can’t afford all of this right now. Our budget is already approved for next year.” Jill shook her head.

  “You don’t have to worry about a thing. The supplies are being donated from various businesses, and thanks to Brandy, our website guru, we have agiftaccount where people are sending in money and other donations to help fund the renovations.” Zack pointed out Brandy.

  Jill started crying all over again. The women in the shelter who had been staying hidden slowly came out to see what was wrong with their friend. She finally managed to explain to them that there was nothing wrong. Instead, she handed them packages to open for the shelter. As each gift was unwrapped, the women began to smile. The children took the toys and played quietly in the back of the large common room while their moms saw hope in the new clothes and household items for the first time since they had arrived.

  “You can’t imagine what this is to them,” Jill said. “You’ve given them more than a dress to wear to an interview or a set of silverware for when they find their own place. You’ve given them a taste of hope that they will survive this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  Parker could only smile because there was such a lump in her throat at the moment that she knew she couldn’t speak. All the charity balls and dinners in the world could never equal this moment for her. Actually seeing and being a part of this meant more to her than anything. How could anyone not become involved and feel the need to personally help these people?

  Caro and her group didn’t deserve to be a part of something like this. They didn’t appreciate what they had much less understand what it was like to have nothing. Maybe Parker didn’t know what it was like to go without, but she understood what it meant to give freely from her heart and receive freely the love that they returned.

  She hugged each of the women and children before they left. Thank God for the chance to help them and thank Him for Brandy’s website. None of them had expected the depth of generosity that people showed who had visited the site over the last few days. Brandy had managed to garner the needed attention for their charities through pictures and prose. They were very lucky to have her.

  They loaded back up in the cars and headed toward the Dallas Children’s Home with the rest of their gifts. Parker and Tina held hands the entire time they rode. There was no need to say anything. They both knew what the other was thinking.

  When they arrived, she noticed that everyone was holding hands as they waited for the men to unload the presents and carry them into the common area of the building. The staff had all of the children waiting in another part of the house while they arranged the presents under the tree. As much as they all wanted to be a part of the actual celebration when they opened their gifts, they had agreed that it was best that the children wait until the next morning to open them.

  Instead, once everything was situated, they were going to share cookies and punch with the children. Parker could hardly wait. Addison, along with Darla, Deanna, and Matthew were at Tina’s with a couple of babysitters so that they all could be a part of this. They had all worked hard to bring these children some joy when they had no parents of their own. It was only right that they all celebrate together.

  One of the women spoke up. “Are you all ready for the kids?”

  “Bring them on.” Gavin and Dillon looked as excited as Parker felt.

  The woman opened the door to the back and called out. In less than five seconds, boys and girls of all ages ran through the door and headed right for the Christmas tree. It was obvious that they all wanted to tear into the gifts, but they were careful not to disturb them much. They pointed and called out to each other when they found their name on a tag.

  “Look at them. They are so excited.” Parker couldn’t keep the tears from her eyes as she squeezed Tina’s hand.

  “Look at the little girl with the black hair. Isn’t she adorable?” Tina pointed out a child of about seven who was holding an older boy’s hand. She seemed to be afraid to get too close to the tree. The teenage boy was trying to urge her closer.

  Tina let go of Parker’s hand and walked over to the two of them. She crouched in front of the little girl and spoke to her. Then she looked up at the boy and nodded before holding out her hand to the little girl. Parker prayed that Tina, Cole, and Zack would be able to have children one day. Tina was so good with them.

  Tina managed to get the little girl to sit in her lap next to the tree and look at the lights and the gifts. The boy stood behind them with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Cole and Zack walked over to him and started talking to him. Parker smiled and turned to join Shane and Allen in the middle of a group of kids around ten or twelve years old. They were talking about what they had asked Santa for. Shane had a little boy on his lap and Allen had two little girls in his. Parker plopped down in the middle of them to share in the joy.

  Nearly two hours later, Parker gathered with everyone to say good-bye to the kids. She hated to leave, but they needed naps before dinner that night and she wanted to get home to Addison. She needed to hug her little girl and be sure she knew how much she was loved. Being with this many children so hungry for love had reminded her how lucky she was to have had her parents for as long as she did and how blessed she was to have Shane and Allen and little Addison.

  Tina wrapped her arms around Parker and squeezed when they were out by the cars again.

  “What’s that for?” she asked.

  Tina giggled. “We’re going to take Antonio and his sister, Rachel home after Christmas for a week.”

  “Those where the two children you were spending time with?” Parker asked.

  “Yep. They are so cute. Antonio is so protective of his little sister. The only way they have been able to find a home for her was without him, but it didn’t work out because Rachel cried and refused to eat when they took her from him.”

  “That is so sad. Poor thing. I’m sure Antonio was hurting without her, too.” Parker couldn’t imagine being separated from the only family she had left after losing her parents.

  “He was, but he wanted her to have a chance at a normal home. We’re going to have fun with them.” Tina’s smile was contagious.

  “How old is Antonio?”

  “He’s fourteen.”

  “Everyone ready to head back to the house?” Cole asked.

  There were excited murmurs all over as they all piled into their vehicles to return to Cole, Zack, and Tina’s place. They were going to watch Christmas movies and visit each other for a few hours. Parker grinned as her men bundled her into the car. Christmas Eve wasn’t over yet.

  * * * *

  Zack watched as Tina waved at the last of their guests. He was worried about her. She’d been feeling bad for over a week now, and after passing out the other day, he and Cole were keeping a close watch on her. She looked so pale and fragile, which wasn’t like their Tina at all.

  “How are you feeling, babe?” Zack wrapped his arms around her as Cole closed the door.

  “Tired, but happy. This was one of the most wonderful days of my life. Thank you both so much!” Tears shone in her eyes.

  Cole kissed her as Zack held her in his arms. He knew they were tears of happiness, but he didn’t like seeing them anyway. He didn’t want to ever see her cry. He wanted her to only know joy and happiness. He and Cole had talked about how she’d been really anxious over getting pregnant and wondering if maybe that was what was wrong. Maybe she was worrying over it too much and making herself sick. That was why they had agreed to bring the children home with them for a week after Christmas. If she was happy and relaxed around them, she wouldn’t be so anxious about getting pregnant right away.

  Zack sighed. At least he hoped that would work. He and Cole both liked the two children. Antonio was a young man in a child’s
body. He’d been caring for his sister for nearly three years now. Zack could sense the young boy’s anxiety over keeping her safe and making her happy. It wasn’t all that different from the way he and Cole strived to take care of Tina.

  “Ready for bed?” Cole asked, looking at their wife.

  Tina smiled. “Let me finish cleaning up the kitchen, and I’ll be right up.”

  “We’ll help you so it won’t take very long.” Zack nipped at her shoulder before releasing his hold on her.

  He and Cole followed her into the kitchen to wipe down the counters and put away the drying dishes. They teased Tina about what they had gotten her for Christmas, reminding her that she couldn’t open it until the next morning.

  “I’m going to sneak down here before you wake up in the morning and unwrap all my gifts first.” She laughed when Cole growled at her.

  “I’ll spank that pretty ass of yours if you do.” Zack quickly took a step back when she lunged at him with the dish towel.

  “Hey! No fair popping me.” Zack grinned.

  Cole stacked plates in the cabinet as Tina hip checked him. She handed him more plates to put up.

  “What do you think about little Rachel and Antonio, guys? Aren’t they sweet?”

  Cole winked at Zack. “Antonio seems to really care about his sister. Brothers don’t always act like that.”

  “He knows she’s scared. He’s trying to make her feel safe.” Tina dried off a glass and handed it over to Zack.

  “Rachel seemed to trust you. She was sitting in your lap before we left,” Zack said.

  “It broke my heart to see her so afraid of getting too close to the Christmas tree. She was afraid that she would get into trouble if she got too close.”

  “I wonder why?” Cole closed the cabinet door and folded his arms as he leaned against the cabinets.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t want to ask too many questions.”

  Zack took Tina’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “She’s going to be a different little girl once you’ve spent some time with her. Cole and I will spend time with Antonio and do guy stuff with him.”