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Rissa’s Men Page 8

  “That’s why I’m going to use plastic containers for everything. We’ll unpack the boxes and divide them out by size into plastic-covered containers that you can see through. It will be much lighter that way and easier to get to if we’re in a hurry.”

  “So, you’re going to hire someone to help you right off?” Deacon asked.

  “Most definitely. I’ll need help even if I’m not busy at first. Setting things up and getting the store open will take two people,” she said.

  “That’s smart,” Jethro said. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

  “Not yet. I thought that closer to time to start ordering merchandise I’ll put an ad in the paper,” Rissa told him.

  “We may know of someone who would work out for you. Let me know so I can get her to put in an application. She’s the daughter of a friend of ours. She’s got a two-year degree in business and is working at a store in the mall. She isn’t happy there and wants to quit but needs the job,” Jethro told her.

  “Why does she want to quit?”

  “The manager is a bit of a prick. He makes inappropriate comments, and she won’t let her dad have a talk with him because she needs the job.”

  “That’s terrible. She needs to complain to the owner and have the man fired.”

  “He’s the son of the owner,” Deacon said.

  “I see. Well, have her send me her resume and I’ll look it over. If you’re giving her a recommendation, I’ll definitely consider her,” Rissa said.

  “Thanks. I’ll have her send it to the address that’s on your card if that’s okay,” Jethro said.

  “That’s fine. I can’t believe she’s having to deal with that. How old is she?” Rissa asked.

  “Twenty-two,” Deacon told her. “If it wouldn’t get her fired, I’d plant my fist in his face.”

  “I wouldn’t blame you. I think that once she’s found another job she should let you do that.” Rissa smiled at the surprised expression that exploded over Deacon’s face. “What? I’m not the least bit against violence when it’s necessary.”

  “I like this bloodthirsty side of you, Rissa.” Jethro shook his head. “What do you think, Deacon?”

  “It’s fucking hot,” the other man said.

  Rissa knew her face was red from the heat in her cheeks. She hadn’t expected that reaction. The fact that he thought she was hot at all got her blood surging like a rushing river. She was positive that her pussy was wet as well. She sure hoped the gray slacks she was wearing wouldn’t show it when she stood.

  “Um, we better get back to the building in case the guys have any questions,” she suggested as she resisted the urge to fan her face.

  “I’ve got it,” Deacon said as they stood. “You can walk her out to the truck. I’ll be there in a sec.”

  Jethro led her out with one of his big hands at the small of her back. He waved at the waitress as they stepped outside. He helped her into the truck then followed her as she scooted over.

  “Thanks for going to breakfast with us. Made for a much more interesting one than what we usually have,” Jethro said.

  “I enjoyed it. Thanks for asking me.” Rissa smiled.

  Deacon climbed in on the driver’s side. “Ready to go?”

  “All buckled up,” Jethro told him.

  The trip back to the building was made in silence, but Rissa didn’t feel as if it were strained or uncomfortable at all. Once there, Jethro asked her if she wanted to come back inside or if she was leaving.

  “I’m supposed to have lunch with Daddy, and if I go back inside, I’m not going to want to leave anytime soon. I better go while I can,” she teased.

  Jethro chuckled. “Got it.”

  “I’ll see her off. Why don’t you check on the guys?” Deacon said out of the blue.

  Jethro smiled and nodded. “See you next time, Rissa. Be safe.”

  “Bye, Jethro.” She walked over to where she’d parked her SUV and unlocked the door.

  Deacon opened it for her and waited while she climbed in before he tapped the seat belt. She smiled and snapped it in place.

  “Thanks for breakfast, Deacon. I had a great time and the food was wonderful.”

  “We enjoyed eating with you. Next time you manage to crawl out of bed at the butt-crack of dawn, stop by, and we’ll do it again,” he said.

  She smiled. “I just might do that.”

  Before she knew what he was going to do, Deacon leaned in and kissed her. It was a quick peck, but she felt it all the way to her toes. It burned a hot molten fist into her chest.

  “Before you see your daddy, you better go home and change pants, babe. You’ve got a wet spot between your legs.” Deacon winked at her then stepped back and closed the door before she could say anything.

  Well, hell.

  Chapter Nine

  “So, Rissa, hon, how is that building coming along?” Rissa’s father asked.

  “My apartment is nearly finished. They’re putting in the last parts of the kitchen today and tomorrow. Then they’ll do all the painting and touch-ups. Next is the second story which won’t take long since all they’ll be doing there is my office and the shelving.” She took a bite of her seared salmon salad.

  “How safe is it going to be for you to live there, Rissa?” he asked.

  “It’s safe. Plus, they’re putting in new locks, cameras, and a security system for me. I’ll be fine,” she assured him.

  “I guess I hadn’t really thought about you living there until now. I worry about it, Rissa.”

  “I wouldn’t have bought the building and planned to live in it if I hadn’t made sure it would be safe, Daddy. The bakery has already opened next door, and the restaurant across the street will be open by the end of the month.”

  “A father can still worry. You’ll be careful, won’t you?” He looked at her with concern drawing his brows together.

  “Of course I will, Daddy. How is everything going with the business?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Busy as always. Andrew is handling a lot more of it these days. I’m trying to take a step back and let him. It’s time I semi-retire.” He smiled. “Notice I said semi?”

  “I noticed. My brother is perfectly capable of handling it for you. You deserve to enjoy yourself some. You’ve worked so hard all your life to build it up. Time to enjoy some of the fruits of your work.”

  “I’ll feel better when he and Sondra get married and settle down. I’d love a grandchild,” he said with a smirk.

  “Don’t look at me,” she said with a laugh. “I’m about to start a business.”

  “I’d feel better if you at least had someone in mind to marry.”

  “Daddy. I just haven’t found anyone who makes me feel loved. I will one day. I’m only twenty-five. There’s plenty of time. Andrew is nearly thirty. Fuss at him.” She smiled and patted her father’s hand.

  “He’s a man. He can afford to wait a little longer. You need someone to help look after you. I wish you and Brad had worked out.” He waved her off when she started to protest. “I know he wasn’t the one for you though. He’s been exceedingly rude about your breakup. I’ve made sure he knows how I feel about it, too.”

  “I hate that you even know what he’s been saying, Daddy.” It was humiliating.

  “Don’t worry about it again. I’ve taken care of it. Just look for someone who makes you happy, darling. That’s all me and your mom ever wanted.”

  “I will. I’m not settling for anything less than happiness.”

  “Make sure he doesn’t put his job before you, too. I screwed that up with your mom. If I’d known I’d lose her so soon, I’d have never have spent all that time at work. I miss her every day that she’s been gone, Rissa.”

  “I miss her, too, Daddy.” Rissa had to blink away the tears.

  “So, let’s talk about something less depressing than this,” he said.

  They talked about the latest dinner party one of his business associates had thrown where a fight broke out ove
r a bet on a football game. By the time she’d finished her salad, her father was winding down. He hugged her before she left, reminding her to call him more often.

  “I will, Daddy. You can call, too, you know.”

  “I’m always afraid I’ll interrupt something,” he said.

  “Never. Nothing’s more important than you.”

  She climbed into the SUV and looked down at the navy-blue slacks she’d changed into before her lunch date with her father. Thoughts of what Deacon had said to her had her face heating up all over again. He’d been right, too. When she’d gotten home she’d looked at herself in the mirror, and sure enough her gray slacks had a spreading dark spot between her legs.

  At the time it had embarrassed her, then after she’d showered and changed, she realized that it had turned Deacon on that she’d gotten wet because of them. And it had been because of them. That little comment from Deacon had really done it for her. He’d thought she was hot. No one had ever thought that, much less said it to her. She liked the idea of being hot to them. She liked it a lot.

  And that kiss. She still felt a little tingle from it. When she got back home, Rissa thought more about it. It had lasted less than a second, but good Lord, she’d felt as if it had last minutes. Why had he kissed her? He worked for her. What had made him do it? Was the fact that she’d obviously gotten turned on by what he’d said, or did he think she was an easy mark?

  She shook her head. She didn’t believe he thought that at all. She’d been careful not to make any obvious advances toward them. Mostly, it had been them who’d made the odd comment or given her the lightest of touches here and there. Still, she was certain she hadn’t led them on in any way. Maybe having gone to breakfast with them hadn’t been the smartest of things to do.

  She shook her head at herself. She needed to stop obsessing over it. Whatever had happened was done with now. What mattered was how things went from then on out. She’d be careful that she didn’t lead them on. All she needed was to screw things up with them while they were still working on her building. How could she have let this happen?

  Rissa sighed. It was because she was so attracted to them. Why couldn’t they have been old fat men instead of the two young virile men who starred in every one of her dreams since she’d met them?

  Whatever the reason, I’ve got to control myself around them until everything is finished. After that? All bets are off. I’m going after them.

  * * * *

  “What did she taste like?” Jethro demanded.

  “What the hell? Were you watching like some kid waiting on Santa Claus?” Deacon asked.

  “Hell, yeah. I could tell when you sent me inside that you were up to something. So?”

  “Perfect. She tasted perfect.”

  “What did she say when you kissed her?”

  “Nothing. I told her that she had a wet spot so she better change pants before she went to eat dinner with Daddy. Then I winked at her and closed the door.”

  “Fuck! You told her that?”

  “Well, yeah. Couldn’t let her go to have lunch with her dad with wet pants, now could I?” Deacon chuckled. “Her face got that pretty shade of pink again, too. I just fucking love it when she gets all embarrassed like that. Love a woman who can blush.”

  Jethro shook his head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, man.”

  “What? Would you have let her go without saying anything?”

  “No. I guess not. She smelled divine. You didn’t get close enough to smell her arousal, but I sure as shit did. Can’t wait to bury my face between her legs and see how she tastes as well.”

  “I keep wondering if she waxes or shaves or does nothing at all. I want to shave her, man.”

  Jethro chuckled. “What is it with you and a woman’s snatch?”

  “Just love the idea. You know me. I love eating pussy about as much as I love fucking it.”

  “She’s not just pussy, Deacon.”

  “I know that. She’s different. If we can get her to date us, I’m going to do my best to keep her. I’ve fought it all I’m going to fight. I want her for more than a few weeks or even a few months. I want her for always, Jethro.”

  He couldn’t stop thinking about how her eyes had gone all soft when he’d kissed her. He wanted to see her go soft when they had her between them, then he wanted to see her go crazy as they made her come again and again. He just bet those green eyes of hers would go bright as she came.

  “She’s not going to go out with us until this job’s finished. You know that, don’t you?” Jethro asked.

  “Yeah. I get it. That’s why we’ve got to finish this up as soon as we can. I’m not sure how long I can hold back with her. I want her with us for more than fucking. I want to take her places and find out what she likes to watch when she watches movies.”

  Jethro looked at him as if he’d grown a second head.


  “You care about what kind of movies she watches?”

  “Well, yeah. Don’t you? I mean all we have at home are action flicks. If she likes those girly movies, we’ll have to buy some for her to watch with us,” Deacon said.

  “You never stop surprising me.”

  “Fuck it, man. You sound like some pansy ass talking like that.”

  Jethro chuckled. “We’d better get to work if we’re going to have any chance of taking her out before Christmas. If she can get the store open before Christmas, she’ll do some good business.”

  “Let’s go crack a whip over the guys’ heads.”

  By the end of the day, they’d succeeded in finishing up everything except the paint and final walk-through before they could get Rissa to sign off on the third floor. Deacon felt good about the work. They could call her and tell her to schedule her movers for the next weekend. The new security system would be in by then, and they’d already gotten the locksmith out to put in new locks on not only the back and front doors but also the door to her apartment upstairs. They were also having a camera on that door as well.

  He wanted to be sure she was safe living there until they could convince her to be a part of their lives. Then it would be up to them to keep her safe. Long-term? He didn’t have a clue what they’d do then. They’d have to build another house if she became someone permanent in their lives. Their little house wasn’t large enough for someone like her. She’d want a big-ass closet like what was in an apartment they’d created for her. Plus, their kitchen was perfect for a couple of bachelors, but not for someone who said she liked to cook. The one she’d created upstairs was a beauty.

  No, they’d have to build a house from the ground up to satisfy what she’d want. He’d do it in a second to make her happy. Maybe they could all live in her apartment upstairs until they had the house built.

  Deacon cursed. He was getting way ahead of himself. They hadn’t really even taken her out yet. There was no guarantee that she’d date them both, much less see spending more than a few nights with them.

  But Deacon couldn’t help but let the hope that she would build inside of him. He hadn’t wanted something this important in a very long time. Despite their having attempted to date women in the past with the intent of making them long-term, he’d never been this into someone before. Normally it was mostly Jethro who’d been attracted to the women. He’d just gone along with it to make Jethro happy.

  This time, he was all in. All in.

  “You’re thinking about her, aren’t you,” Jethro said.

  “Yeah. Can’t help it.”

  “Same here.”

  “I keep seeing that wet spot and knowing she was turned on with us.”

  “Fuck, man. Did you have to bring that up again? She smelled so damn good,” Jethro mused.

  “She tasted good when I kissed her, too,” Deacon told him.

  “I want to run my hands through all that red hair while she sucks my dick,” Jethro said.

  “I want to hold on to it while I fuck her from behind. Just think how it will
feel to bury yourself balls-deep and pull her head back with all that hair. I bet her eyes glaze over when you tug on it.”

  “You’re killing me, man.” Jethro shook his head. “We’re never going to get anything done if you keep talking like that.”

  “Day’s done. I can dream all I want to now. Besides, we know this apartment like the back of our hand. Can you imagine her taking a shower in that monster of a bathroom? I’m going to imagine that every night when I’m in the shower rubbing one off.”

  “I really didn’t need that vision in my head, Deacon,” Jethro chuckled.

  “Like you aren’t doing the same thing every night when you shower.”

  “Didn’t say I wasn’t, but thinking about you doing it doesn’t do it for me.”

  “Thank fuck.”

  “Let’s go. I’ve got a date with my hand and the shower,” Jethro said.

  Chapter Ten

  “What do you think?” Jethro asked her as Rissa looked around the second floor.

  “It’s perfect. You got the shelving at the perfect height, and the plastic storage bins will fit just right. I love the shape of the floorplan as well. I wasn’t sure when you proposed it, but it’s much better than what I had imagined,” she admitted.

  “Let’s look at the office,” Deacon said. “You left it up to us except for where you wanted your desk.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Rissa followed Deacon while Jethro took her elbow. One of them was always touching her in some way. It sent little shivers up and down her skin each time they did. She loved the way they made her feel. Not just the little touches, but how they seemed to value her opinion and listened to her when she had something to say. No man had ever paid this much attention to her before.

  Deacon opened the door to the office and stepped back so that she could enter first. Her mouth dropped open at the amazing sight before her. She’d told them she wanted her desk in front of the window facing the doorway and they’d done that plus designed the room surrounding it. She had the massive window that looked out of the busy street so that she could see the restaurant that would soon be opening and several more buildings she hoped would soon be under renovation as well.