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Her Mountain Home Page 8

  She showered off before bed to get the smell of smoky bar off of her and out of her hair, then dried her hair and climbed into bed. She could still feel the tingle of the guys’ kisses on her lips as she lay there replaying the entire night over and over in her head. Despite her belief that she’d never get to sleep as excited as she was, Selena drifted off soon after the fat cat had finished her bath.

  * * * *

  The next week proved to be busy for Selena. She spent the first few days doing edits on one of the books she’d written for another author, then worked on the second draft of her latest cozy mystery. She was having trouble with one of the plot points smoothing out into the sixth chapter. Sometimes she tended to get too hung up on tiny things and overlooked a large problem. This had been one of those times, so she was having to go back and fix it.

  She worked on it until two in the afternoon on Thursday, then broke off to make a grocery run. She hadn’t been in over a week and was out of just about everything. When she hurried out the door to head to her car, she fell over the box sitting on her front porch and scraped her hands.


  She checked the box and found it to be from the online store where she got Maggie’s special diet food. She shoved it inside with her foot, then rinsed off her stinging palms. She couldn’t afford to have messed-up hands. She flexed her fingers and found that they were fine, so she smoothed on a little antibiotic ointment and headed back out the door. This time she managed to lock up and get to her car without incident.

  It only took ten minutes to get to the grocery store, but she walked across to the dollar store first to shop. She liked going there for simple things like notepads, sticky notes, and ballpoint pens. She even found a feather toy for Maggie there.

  While she was checking out, a woman walked up to her and held out her hand. “Hi. I’m Anna. You’re new in town, right?”

  “Um, yeah. I’m Selena. Nice to meet you.” She’d never been comfortable meeting strangers.

  “We, my husband and I, saw you out the other night with two of those guys from the mountain. Are you dating one of them?” she asked.

  That perked Selena’s ears up just fine. This wasn’t a welcome-to-the-neighborhood meeting—this was a gossip dig. She was well aware that Anna held the shovel.

  “Actually, I was out with both of them. They’re really nice. I had a great time,” she said as she paid for her items.

  “Both of them? Like a ménage à trois?”

  “Both like I went on a date with both of them and we had a great time. Did you want to say something about it?” Selena asked, a little pissed now.

  “Well, no, but isn’t that a little daring to date two men at one time? I mean, you just moved into town,” Anna said, frowning.

  “So, if I had decided to go out with them in say two months, it would have been okay?”

  “Well, that’s not what I meant. I—” Anna began. Selena interrupted.

  “It was nice to meet you, Anna. I’ve got to go.”

  Selena took her purchases to the car, then hurried into the grocery store, praying the woman didn’t follow her. It pissed her off that someone would say something to her in such a public place like that. She had little doubt that everyone on the woman’s gossip train would be getting their ears full now. Damn.

  She shopped her list without further incident, but when she emptied her items onto the conveyor belt at the cash register, she felt eyes on her again. This time it was from the cashier as she scanned her food selections. Had she been at the restaurant or the bar, as well? If she was going to get this much grief after only one date, what would it be like after two or three? Could she handle this kind of attitude?

  It was something to think about, but Selena had never cared before. Why now? She might not even be here for more than a few months, and then they would all be a distant memory.

  What about Caleb and Austin? Do I want them to be a memory? Even a pleasant one?

  Selena hadn’t thought about that. She’d just met them and had only been in town a month now. It was too soon in both the relationship and her time in town to wonder about the future. It would take care of itself. All she had to do was live her life however it made her happy. Right now, the two men made her happy.

  End of argument.

  She glared back at the woman and was pleased when she ducked her head and continued ringing up the groceries. Once Selena had loaded them into her car, she turned it toward home and away from the knowing glances of the busybody women watching out their windows as she drove away.

  She’d just parked when a big red truck pulled in behind her. She frowned, then smiled to see Austin climb down. So, he drove a red truck and Caleb drove a black one.

  “Hey there, handsome,” she called out.

  “Hey yourself, beautiful. Want some help with those groceries? Saw you loading up in town, but you were already finished by the time I could get there.”

  “Thanks. I sure won’t turn down the help,” she said.

  They carried in her bags with her stopping to put up the cold items while he finished unloading the rest.

  “Thanks. I really appreciate it. Want a cup of coffee or something cold to drink?” she asked.

  “Something cold would be great.”

  “Lemonade or iced tea?”


  Selena pulled down a couple of glasses and poured them both some of the slightly tart drink. It felt good after having been out in the warm sun. It would start to cool off quickly now that it was after three. Fall in the mountains meant cooler evenings and nights. She loved it about the area. She would turn on her gas logs and curl up in front of the fire to read for a bit before bedtime.

  “This hits the spot. You doing okay, hon?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Ran out of groceries and had to make a run to town. How about you guys?”

  “I ran into town for some supplies. We’re working on a rebuild up on the mountain right now. Friends are updating the kitchen and both bathrooms.”

  “Do you actually build homes or just do refurbishing and such?”

  “We don’t build homes from the ground up, but we do the carpentry and such in homes being built sometimes,” Austin said.

  “I can’t help but admire you guys. My shelves are wonderful. Come look at how nice they are with the books in them.” She took his hand and dragged him toward the office.

  He chuckled as she turned on the light and held out her hands toward the shelves. They did look pretty damn good with books in them.

  “Not sure I’ve ever seen our work in actual use before,” he said with a laugh.

  “They look awesome,” she said.

  “Yeah, they do.”

  “Ooh, and a giant ego to boot.”

  “The books are what makes them look so good. Without them they’re just boards with stain on them,” he told her.

  She smiled. “You’re right. Being used for what they were made for makes them perfect.”

  “I better get back with those supplies or my partner is going to want to hang me by my toes,” Austin said.

  “Thanks for the help,” she said.

  “No problem. Thanks for the lemonade and letting me see your bookshelves complete with books.”

  She watched him back out of her drive, then waved as he headed up the mountain. Selena realized that she would handle the gossip without a problem because they were worth it. They were decent, hard-working men who treated her like a woman they respected. In the end, that was all that mattered.

  Chapter Ten

  Caleb checked the meat he had marinating in the fridge once more. After flipping the container, he pulled out a couple of beers. Austin would be down soon, and they could go pick up their woman. Yeah, he was already referring to her as theirs, but that was fine. This was officially their third date whether she counted the lunch or not. He did. It was where he’d first decided she was someone they could fall for.

  “Everything ready?” Austin asked as he wa
lked into the kitchen.

  “Yep, got a bottle of wine cooling in the refrigerator in case she’d rather have that, and the salad is cut up and in there, too. Potatoes will be ready in thirty minutes, so we need to go get her and get back so I can throw the steaks on the grill,” Caleb said.

  “Sounds good. Let’s go.”

  They parked in the driveway to her house, and this time Austin climbed down and jogged over to the door to knock while Caleb waited in the truck. He couldn’t help but grin when the door opened before the other man had even knocked. She was anxious about the date, as well.

  He smiled as Austin helped Selena into the cab of the truck. She looked edible in her well-worn jeans and T-shirt that had rounded holes out just off the shoulders with sleeves reaching to her elbows.

  “Hey there, gorgeous. Love that shirt,” he said.

  “Thanks. Can’t wait for dinner. I got distracted writing today and skipped lunch.”

  “Can’t have you dying of hunger pains,” Caleb said. “The steaks will be ready in about twenty minutes. How do you like yours cooked?”

  “Medium rare,” Selena said.

  “Yep, twenty minutes until everything is ready,” he said.

  “So, what were you working on today?” Austin asked.

  “Today was my day. I worked on my latest cozy mystery,” she said.

  “No wonder you got caught up in your writing. You obviously love writing your own books,” Austin said.

  “Yeah. But I like doing the ghostwriting for the two authors I still write for. They’re great to work with and we have fun when we talk on the phone about the latest plot,” she said.

  The remainder of the drive was made in silence. In less than five minutes they pulled up outside their house. Austin helped Selena down while Caleb unlocked the front door. He held it open while Selena preceded them inside. Her soft exclamation as she looked around thrilled him. They loved their house and had it custom built when they’d moved there. Some of the other guys had bought houses already there and were renovating them instead.

  “I love this place. It’s spectacular. Look at that view,” she exclaimed, looking out the windows in the living room.

  “Pretty amazing, isn’t it?” Caleb said.

  “And the woodwork is awesome. I’m sure you guys did it yourself,” she added.

  “Yeah. We pretty much did everything except the electrical and plumbing,” Austin said.

  “I’m impressed. Really. It’s absolutely amazing.”

  “I’m going to put the steaks on the grill. There’s wine in the fridge if you’d like a glass,” Caleb said.

  “That would be nice,” she said.

  “I’ll get it for you. Why don’t you go check out the deck and the view from there while I get it,” Austin said.

  Caleb opened the French doors off the dine-in kitchen area that led out onto the deck. “Go on out. I’m just going to grab the steaks.”

  Caleb watched as she stepped outside. He hurried into the kitchen and pulled out the container holding the marinating steaks.

  “She likes the house,” he said as he double-checked the potatoes.

  “Yeah. She seems more relaxed, too,” Austin added.

  “Maybe she’s going to be okay with dating both of us,” Caleb said.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, man. This isn’t a public date. She’s naturally more relaxed without other people around to stare.”

  “Yeah. You’re right, but I like that she’s warming up to us like she is.”

  “Go cook the steaks so we can eat. I want to sit next to her on the couch and watch a movie. Can’t wait to be able to touch her again,” Austin said, shoving him toward the door.

  Caleb found Selena leaning against the railing, looking out at the woods falling away below her. They’d chosen the location because of that amazing view.

  “Something else, isn’t it?” he asked.

  “You’re so lucky to have this to look at every day. I bet it’s amazing in the spring when everything is first budding out,” she said.

  “Wait until winter. That’s when it’s really amazing. There’s snow on the mountaintop over there, and when it snows here the trees are covered in it and glisten in the sun,” he said.

  “It’s beautiful right now with all the fall colors.”

  “So are you,” he said, bending down to kiss her on the cheek.

  Caleb backed away and started adding the steaks to the grill. He’d pushed a bit by kissing her, but he didn’t think it bothered her. She’d just smiled and continued looking out at the view.

  “Here you go.” Austin stepped outside holding a glass of wine and two beers in his hands.

  Selena hurried over and took the wineglass from him. Caleb snagged one of the beers and took a pull from it.

  “Mmm. This is delicious,” she said after taking a sip.

  “We don’t know much about wine, but it was what the guy at the liquor store suggested for steak and potatoes,” Austin said.

  “Thank you for thinking about it,” she said.

  “Steaks will be ready in about two minutes, guys. Why don’t you go take the potatoes out of the oven, Austin? I already set the butter and sour cream on the table,” Caleb said.

  “Got that covered,” Austin said, returning to the kitchen.

  Selena walked over to where he tended to the steaks and sipped at her wine. She looked relaxed and happy. He wanted to keep her that way.

  “Hold the platter for me while I take the steaks off the grill. Looks like they’re ready,” he said.

  She held the dish close to the grill as he loaded it up with meat. Then he took the plate from her and led the way inside. Austin was setting the dish with three baked potatoes in it on the table.

  “Just in time. I got the salad out and filled our bowls, as well,” Austin said.

  “Perfect. Let’s eat,” Caleb said.

  Austin held Selena’s chair for her, and the three of them started fixing their potatoes and digging into the salad.

  “The potato is cooked perfectly,” Selena said.

  “Thanks. Nothing worse than one that’s hard in the center,” Caleb said.

  “This is all delicious.” Selena took a bite of her steak and moaned.

  “I like the sound of that,” Caleb said. “I’d like to hear more of that in the future, too.”

  She blinked at him, then smiled shyly. Maybe he’d been a little too forward with that, but he meant every word. He wanted to hear her moan when they made love to her. Might not happen tonight, but soon. He couldn’t wait to have her between him and Austin, making her moan and beg for their touch.

  Caleb nearly groaned himself as he adjusted his crotch under the table. He shouldn’t have let his mind go there. Now he’d have a hard-on the rest of the night.

  * * * *

  The meal was perfect. Selena ate the last spoonful of her chocolate chip ice cream and smiled. They’d gotten that right, as well. No cookie dough. They’d been wonderful all during dinner, talking about working on their friends’ kitchen and how they’d had to rework one of their designs when the men had changed their minds about something.

  “I swear it’s worse than working for a woman,” Caleb said.

  “Careful, man. We’re sitting next to one,” Austin cautioned him.

  “Selena is different. She knew what she wanted and didn’t change her mind,” Caleb said.

  “He’s right, Austin. Women do tend to change their minds about how they want something to look,” she said with a smile.

  “Well, if these guys make one more change, I’m going to hand them the saw and tell them to fix it themselves,” Caleb fussed.

  “No, you won’t. You’ll gripe and cuss and fix it for them,” Austin said.

  “Ready for a movie?” Caleb asked, changing the subject.

  “Sounds good. I’m too stuffed to do much more than veg on the couch,” Selena said.

  “Lucky for you we have a really comfortable couch. Any movie preference
?” Austin asked.

  “I like action and suspense if you have something like that,” she said.

  “Got the perfect movie,” Caleb said.

  Selena laughed when he jumped up and strode out of the room at a fast clip. She was almost worried about what she’d end up watching.

  “Let me help you with the dishes,” she said, picking up her plate and reaching for Caleb’s.

  “Nonsense. You’re our guest. I’m just going to set them in the sink for later. You can carry the butter and sour cream for me though.” Austin picked up the plates.

  Selena snagged the butter and sour cream and followed him into the well-appointed kitchen. She marveled at the workmanship and all the extra bells and whistles a woman could possibly want. Even the sink was a dream.

  “Want to see the rest of it?” Austin asked as she ran her hand over the granite counter.

  “There’s more?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “This is the washroom here.” He opened a door to reveal a nice-sized laundry room with a place to fold and a utility sink, as well. “Over here is the pantry.”

  Selena walked to where he held open a door to find a large pantry that was big enough for two people to fit in at the same time. Floor-to-ceiling shelves lined all three walls. Each shelf held a plethora of canned goods along with boxes and bottles. She doubted there was much they didn’t have in there.

  “It’s all so amazing. I’m impressed,” she told him.

  “We wanted it to be perfect,” he said. “Come on. Let’s go see about the movie before Caleb starts without us.”

  Selena nodded and allowed him to take her hand and lead her toward the living room. Caleb already had the movie queued up and was waiting on them. He patted the middle of the couch next to him.

  “Have a seat. This is going to be great. I haven’t seen this one yet but hear it’s great.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “The Equalizer,” Caleb said.