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A Dirty Dozen Christmas [The Dirty Dozen 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10
A Dirty Dozen Christmas [The Dirty Dozen 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 10
“We showed them, though.” Briana smiled and grabbed the saltshaker out of Darla’s hands. Deanna made a swipe at the pepper, but Dillon was too fast for her.
The waitress returned with their drinks and took their food orders. They jumped from one idea to the next all during the meal. Parker noticed that neither Tina nor Carly were eating much. Mostly they were playing with their food. She hoped they weren’t coming down with something right at Christmas. Plus, they had the big shopping day on Saturday. It would take all of them working together to get everything on the list.
It had been decided that the men would handle the kids while they were out on Saturday. Now she wondered if maybe a couple of them shouldn’t come along for support. They could be their pack mules if nothing else. She grinned to herself and listened as Briana talked about how the twins where getting into everything.
After everyone had finished their meal, they gathered outside in the parking lot and made plans for that Saturday. She warned everyone about the newspaper article coming out the next day and that it would probably be a good idea to stay close to home if they could. She knew that Carly and Alexis were both going into work. Carly had been lucky so far that her bosses hadn’t fired her over the stunt Caro and her crew had pulled.
By the time they had made it back home, Parker was exhausted and decided she needed a nap along with Addison. Shane and Allen chuckled and helped her put Addison down for her nap.
“I think we could all use a little downtime,” Allen said.
Shane began pulling off Parker’s clothes while Allen shucked his in record time.
“Something tells me sleep isn’t all you have on your minds.” Parker smiled up at Shane.
“Well, Allen and I are always ready for anything that comes up.”
Parker couldn’t help but laugh when Shane’s cock jumped up out of his jeans when he unfastened them.
“See, we’re always ready for you, baby.” Allen grasped his dick in his hand and pumped it a few times.
“I thought we were going to take a nap, guys.” Parker pretended to pout.
“Oh, we’ll get to that.” Shane backed her up until the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed.
Parker bounced when she fell back on the bed. Shane followed her down and took her mouth in a searing kiss. His lips burned hers until she opened her mouth for his tongue. He slid alongside hers and then teased her until she was moaning.
“Move over, Shane. I want her pussy. I can already taste her sweetness on my tongue.” Allen separated her legs and settled between them.
The first swipe of his tongue across her pussy lips tore a scream from her that Shane quickly caught in his mouth. They were in a mood, she could tell. She was glad that baby Addison could sleep through anything.
* * * *
Carly climbed out of the truck and followed her men into the house. She hadn’t had much of an appetite at lunch. It wasn’t that the food hadn’t been good. It was that she wasn’t really feeling well. She hoped she wasn’t getting sick right at Christmas. There was too much to get done. Between shopping for the kids at the orphanage and wrapping all the gifts, there was all the cooking to get done as well.
Right then, it all sounded like too much to her. What was wrong with her? Normally she had more energy than even the guys.
“Babe, you look a little pale. Are you okay?” Drew pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead after rubbing his cheek against it.
“I’m fine. Just a little tired. I think I’ll take a nap.”
“I’ll help you get settled.” Drew took her hand and towed her through the house and up the stairs to the bedroom.
Ranger called up the stairs. “I’ll be up later. I want to finish in the office.”
Carly let Drew undress her and help her settle in bed under the covers. Then he stripped and joined her. He pulled her back into his arms and she quickly fell asleep that way.
When she opened her eyes sometime later, it was to find herself cocooned between both of her men. Drew’s hand was on her breast and Ranger’s was cupping her pussy. It was how she normally woke up when they were both in the bed with her. It made her feel safe and loved.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep, but she felt much better. In fact, she felt great. The soft snores of her men made her smile. Maybe she would play a little bit now that she was awake.
Carly shifted a little in the bed and managed to get her hands on both men’s cocks. She slowly pumped them until they grew hard and were helping her in her efforts to arouse them. She knew they were awake by now since they were lifting their hips as they shoved their dicks between her fists.
“Baby, you’re killing us.” Drew’s tight voice made her smile.
She loved driving them crazy. When they got to the point that they couldn’t take it any longer, they would attack her, and she loved it. Ranger was so intense that if you didn’t know him better, you might think he was dangerous. She knew better though. He would never hurt her. She knew it would kill something inside of him to cause her any harm or distress.
“I need in that hot ass, babe. Are you going to let me have it?” Ranger’s growl turned her on.
“Depends on if you’re good or not. Are you a good boy, Ranger?”
“You know I’m not, Carly. I’m never a good boy.” Ranger’s deep, guttural words plucked at her nerves deep inside her cunt.
Carly was counting on him being a very bad boy. It was when he was at his best.
“Show me, Ranger. Make me yours.”
Drew chuckled and pulled away to lie back on the bed as Ranger grabbed Carly by her waist and turned her over so that she was on all fours kneeling on the bed. She looked over at Drew and winked at him. She couldn’t wait for Ranger to take her. He knew exactly how to get her ready and then blow her mind.
“You want me in that hot ass, don’t you, Carly?”
“Only if you can fill me up, Ranger. Can you do that?”
Ranger growled and spread her legs wider before pulling her ass cheeks apart as well. He licked her there, paying extra attention to her puckered opening. He swiped his tongue across it making her draw in a deep breath. Then he pulled back, and she knew he was reaching for the lube. She wiggled her ass in hopes he would hurry up.
“Stop shaking your ass, baby. I’m going to spank it if you don’t be still.” She could tell Ranger was grinning.
A cold drop of lube hit her back hole then his finger was pressing inward, smoothing the lube inside of her as it pushed deeper. At first there was only some pressure, but when he added the second finger, a small bite of pain reminded her of how full she was going to be in a few minutes. Ranger slowly pumped two fingers in and out of her ass, adding more lube as he did. The pain soon morphed into need as her nerve endings came alive and made her itch for something more.
“Please, Ranger. I need you inside of me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, Carly. Let me get you ready first.”
Carly wasn’t sure she could stand waiting much longer. Her body was on fire with need. She moaned and pushed back against his fingers as he added a third. She hissed out a loudyesand dropped her head as he stretched her back hole.
“Drew. She’s ready. Hurry up, man. I’m already so close I might not make it inside her.” Ranger’s voice gave away how aroused he was.
Drew moved under Carly until he was able to line up his hard cock with her slit. He grabbed her hip with one hand and held his dick steady with the other as he plunged upward inside of her. She groaned deep in her throat at the fullness of his shaft inside her cunt with Ranger’s fingers pressing deep into her ass. She couldn’t wait for Ranger to replace his fingers with his thick cock. She knew they would burn her alive.
Drew thrust upward inside of her over and over until he was as deep as he could go. Then he stopped and pulled her down to his chest, holding her there with his hands across her back so that Ranger could enter her rear while she was being held still.
she’s tight, Ranger. Hurry up, man.” Drew’s voice cracked as she squeezed down around him. He popped her on the ass.
“What was that for?” she asked.
“Be still and stop squeezing my dick until Ranger gets inside of that tight ass of yours. I’m not coming before I even get to fuck you.”
Carly smiled with her face pressed against Drew’s shoulder. She loved being able to make them lose control. Right now it wasn’t to her advantage, so she would be good for now. The men would be on edge, and if she pushed them, they would come too soon. She was hoping for a nice long ride.
Ranger removed his fingers before squeezing a fresh line of lube along her ass. Then the spongy head of his cock pressed into her dark rosette. The pressure was almost more than she could bear at first, but once his cockhead pushed through, the pain morphed into pleasure as his long thick shaft filled her back end. In one strong push, he managed to bury himself balls deep inside of her. She couldn’t stop the low keening noise she made as he pressed against the thin membrane separating him and Drew’s cocks from each other.
Carly was almost certain she could feel them in her throat. They didn’t move. Their heavy panting above and below her let her know that they were trying to regain control and cool off their need to come before moving again. She tried to be still as well, but with all the pressure and the overwhelming fullness she felt, she couldn’t handle it for long. Finally, she pulled off of Drew, pressing back against Ranger then dropped hard on the cock in her pussy and pulled off of the one in her ass.
“Fuck! Carly. Your ass is hot as sin.”
She squeezed down on both men and smiled at their creative curses in her ears.
“Move! I need you to move or I’m going to scream.”
Her men took her at her word and began to move in tandem, their rhythm so perfect it was as if they had choreographed it. She flowed between them as they took turns filling her body then retreating and leaving one area of her achingly empty while filling the other one with their hot hard cocks.
“Aw, God! I’m not going to last. She’s too fucking tight.” Ranger’s strained confession thrilled her.
“More! Fuck me harder.”
They groaned together and began to power in and out of her tight holes. Carly sobbed out her release as their combined efforts shot her off like a bottle rocket on the Fourth of July. She felt as if her insides were on fire as she keened out their names. Her pussy tightened around Drew as her ass squeezed Ranger’s dick.
Seconds later, her men climaxed filling her body with their hot cum. It sent another shiver down her spine as she fought to breathe around the fullness of having them inside of her. Nothing could ever compare to having her men surrounding her, filling her. It made her feel complete and a part of them at the same time.
Despite having just awakened from a nap, Carly was exhausted and closed her eyes for just a second, or maybe longer.
Chapter Twelve
Alexis answered the phone in her office on the second ring. For some reason, she felt like it was important.
“It’s started.” Parker’s strained voice wasn’t surprising. It was nearly nine, so most people would be reading their paper by now.
“What happened?”
“Caro called, threatening to sue. I explained that she couldn’t sue if it was the truth.”
“What did she say to that?” Alexis couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face.
“Well, outside of the swear words, I’m not really sure. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense.” Parker seemed to relax some with that statement.
“Any other phone calls yet?”
“Not yet. It’s still early.”
“Keep me informed. I’m going to be here all day since I want to have more time off during Christmas. Are we still meeting at Tina’s Saturday morning to go shopping?” Alexis was getting excited.
“So far. Nothing has been said, yet. I’ll let you know.” Parker hung up the phone, leaving Alexis smiling.
“Alexis. What is this I’m reading in the paper this morning?” Vernon Eddison walked into her office with the paper opened to the article they had sponsored.
“I’m not sure, Mr. Eddison. What is it about?” Inside, she cringed. She had hoped he wouldn’t put two and two together.
“Well it would seem that your friends are waging a war against another charity out there. What do you know about it? Hmm?” he asked.
“Well, it’s like this, Sir. We pledged to adopt the Dallas Children’s Home for Christmas and began making plans and setting up our charity drive when another group challenged us. They tried to nose us out of the picture and accused us of some pretty nasty things. They even called Child Protective Services on one of us. So we fought back.” She spread out her arms and shrugged.
“I see. So everything in this article is true. You have proof of it. ’Cause if it isn’t or you don’t have proof, they can sue you, Alexis. I can tell you drew this up.”
“Oh, we have proof. We also hired a lawyer to handle the proof and approve the verbiage of the article.”
“I’m a little miffed that you didn’t ask us to handle this for you,” Vernon said.
Alexis hadn’t counted on that. She really didn’t think they would make the connection since they weren’t really all that friendly in the first place. Though she enjoyed working part time for them, she hadn’t felt as close to them as she had to her previous bosses. She’d chalked it up to the job not being as important to her as it once was.
“I’m sorry, sir. I really didn’t think you would want to be a part of it. It’s really sort of juvenile, but we had to fight fire with fire.”
“Yes, I’m sure you did. Next time don’t write us off when you have something going on like this. Not only does it reflect back on us, but we might want to be a part of it outside of buying tickets to a raffle.” He grinned at her and turned and walked back into his office.
Alexis was surprised at his attitude and decided that she needed to be sure they knew how much she did enjoy working for them. Her career just wasn’t her priority anymore. Neal and Mark were.
She pulled out her copy of the newspaper and read over the article once again. The brief introduction talked about the overwhelming need for charities in the Dallas area, naming many of the worthy causes as well as some of the groups who were regular sponsors of some of them. Then it discussed the charities that were usually picked up around holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving.
The article went on to list some of the generous contributions to those charities over the years before settling into the reason for the article in the first place, the feud between The Dirty Dozen and Caro’s group, aptly named The Drama Queens. By the time she finished reading, Alexis was grinning from ear to ear. It had turned out even better than she would have imagined. Parker’s lawyer friend had tweaked a few words to keep it completely legal while dragging Caro’s cause through the mud.
There was no way they would be able to dig their way out of this. Besides, where was their threat now that they had pretty much announced their lifestyle to the world? They had armed themselves using freedom of sexual orientation among other things while touting the importance of family values in caring for those less fortunate.
The crème de la crème was where Caro’s selfishness had nearly cost a young woman her life and had gotten her banned from having anything to do with the women’s shelter. How could a group run a charity when they were banned from them? Since the women’s shelter wasn’t the only black mark on their record, the article seemed less like a blatant attack on Caro’s Divas and more like an exposé on one group’s inability to handle themselves or the charity work they said they wanted to provide.
All in all, Alexis felt like it was a roaring success. Now all they had to do was step back and wait to see what happened next. She prayed there wouldn’t be any bad publicity for The Dirty Dozen out of it. She felt as if they had been backed into a corner. To jump out fighting
was the only option open to them.
Her phone rang again. She checked caller ID and recognized Tina’s number.
“Hey, Tina. What do you think?”
“It turned out perfect! Cole was impressed.” Tina’s voice held enough excitement for all of them.
Alexis chuckled. “Have you heard from anyone yet?”
“No not yet. I expect it will be Parker who will get the phone calls, though. She’ll keep us informed.”
They chatted for a few more minutes then hung up when Alexis’s phone began to buzz with incoming calls. For the next hour she fielded calls for her bosses with an occasional call from her friends. Parker called her at lunchtime to fill her in on what was going on.
“Caro called me not long after I got off the phone with you. She was fit to be tied to say the least. She had calmed down some from the original phone call, so not every word was a curse word.”
“What did she have to say this time?” Alexis asked.
“She said they would leave us alone as long as we stayed out of their business from then on. I informed her that we were never in her business until she opened her big mouth and spewed pure bull crap at us.”
Parker chuckled then continued. “She said they would handle charity for the hospital and the schools and stay away from the women’s shelter and the Dallas Children’s Home. She was snarky about that saying that she had informed everyone that we were handling those two charities from now on. I’m sure she thinks we can’t deal with two by ourselves. I just told her fine that we would take care of them.”
“That does put a little more pressure on us for Christmas since we hadn’t planned on the added responsibility of the shelter.” Alexis frowned. They hadn’t planned on that.
“I know, but we can do it. It might not be what we would have wanted, but it will be better than what they got last year. That’s for damn sure.” Parker’s resolve was catching. Alexis vowed to do her best as well.