Rissa’s Men Read online

Page 12

  “She’s right, Jethro. We can’t treat this like we have in the past if we’re serious about forming a ménage relationship.” Deacon sighed.

  “I guess I’m worried about someone saying something that will hurt you,” Jethro told her.

  “Didn’t you think of that before you asked me to see you both?” she asked.

  “I guess we didn’t. We thought about your family and friends, but hadn’t really thought about just anyone out there saying something hurtful.” Jethro leaned back in the chair. “Are you having second thoughts after this?”

  “No. But it sounds like you are. We haven’t even been out once and you’re already second-guessing. I was afraid of this.” Rissa sighed and crossed her arms.

  “I’m not,” Deacon said. “Neither is Jethro. We’re just realizing some hard truths we hadn’t anticipated, that’s all.”

  Rissa looked over at the other man. “Is that right, Jethro? You’re still good with what we’re trying to do?”

  “Absolutely. I want us to become a family eventually. I know it’s going to take time, but I want to make this work.”

  “Then we have to be honest with each other and anyone who asks. Otherwise it will all come back to haunt us later,” Rissa told him.

  “Agreed,” he said.

  Deacon nodded. The big man seemed to be handling it a hell of a lot better than Jethro, which surprised her. She’d figured he’d be the one to hit a snag first. Not Jethro.

  They ate, talking about what they were working on and the possibility of a larger job in the same district where Rissa had her shop. It felt good to have someone to talk with about everyday things instead of the latest ball or who was dating whom. She got tired of talking fluff with other women who could care less about what they were talking about unless it was a juicy piece of gossip. She had no doubt she’d be that juicy piece soon enough. They would be going out to one of the restaurants she normally frequented next week. They’d agreed to go with her knowing it would be a washed-down form of fancy but that many of her acquaintances ate there.

  I’m nervous about it, but we’ll be fine. As long as we don’t let anything they say hit a sore spot, we’ll be fine, and once the news is out, I can handle it. It’s the not knowing when and where it will happen that worries me.

  “Still feel like going dancing?” Jethro asked.

  “Absolutely. Just remember, I don’t know anything about country music. I’m going to embarrass you,” she told them.

  “Nonsense. All you have to do is follow our lead and sway,” Jethro told her.

  “If you say so.”

  * * * *

  Jethro inhaled the scent of Rissa’s shampoo as he held her close while they danced to a slow song. She smelled delicious. His dick was pushing hard against his jeans. He needed to adjust the damn thing out from in front of his zipper. Instead, he swayed with her pulled tight, reveling in the softness of her body against his much harder one.

  “Having fun?” he asked.

  “Mmm. Yes. I love slow dancing with you guys. The faster stuff? Not so much.” She chuckled.

  “You’ll get the hang of it. You just need practice.” Jethro laughed with her.

  “I’m just glad you guys have on steel-toed work boots,” she said.

  “Nonsense. You didn’t step on our toes all that much. Besides. You don’t weigh enough to hurt us.”

  “You’re being too kind. I’m a big girl, Jethro. Brad was always on me about my weight.”

  Jethro cut her off. “Stop thinking about that bastard. He didn’t know what he had right in front of him. Nothing he said to you was the truth. You’re gorgeous. Can’t stand holding a bony woman. I like curves and cushion, hon.”

  “I’m glad, because I’ve got both.”

  “That you do, hon. That you do.”

  Jethro led her back to the table where Deacon watched over their drinks. He helped her back in her chair then sat next to her. She looked amazing in her jeans and blouse. The cowboy boots were a nice touch. When he’d worried that they’d hurt her feet since he felt like they were new, she’d surprised him by saying she’d had them for over a year.

  “I wear them from time to time when I’m going somewhere that’s casual. I promise, I can dance all night in them,” she’d assured him.

  “Having a good time, babe?” Deacon asked.

  The man had a pleased-as-punch smirk on his face all night. Seeing that she was obviously enjoying herself in their comfort zone seemed to make him happy.

  “I am. I love dancing with you guys, and the music is fun. Thanks for bringing me.”

  “We come here nearly every weekend for a beer and to listen to the music,” Deacon told her.

  She winked at him. “And to pick up girls. Don’t lie.”

  His face actually reddened. Jethro nearly hooted at the sight.

  “That’s in the past. We’ve got our girl now,” the big man said with a serious expression darkening his face. “No need to look for a hook up anymore.”

  She smiled and reached over to squeeze his hand. “That’s right.”

  Jethro drained his beer. “I’m going to get another beer. You guys want another one?”

  “Yeah, one more,” Deacon said.

  “None for me.” Rissa smiled up at him.

  “Be right back.” Jethro threaded his way through the throng of people until he reached the bar. He ordered another Bud and waited on the bartender to get to him.

  “Jethro. Haven’t seen you the last few weeks. Where have you been?” A scrawny redhead wearing a very low-cut T-shirt wrapped her arm around his waist.

  “Busy. Work,” he said, trying not to encourage her.

  “Too busy to hang out here? Must be some serious work. Where’s Deacon?” she asked.

  “With our date. Excuse me, Karen, right? I’m heading back there now.”

  “Your date? Like both of you are dating her? I would have thought you’d have outgrown that by now,” she said with a frown.

  “Excuse me.” He thrust himself into the crowd as soon as he had his beer and had paid the bartender.

  To his disgust, she followed him. He sat down next to Rissa and ignored the woman.

  “Hey, Deacon. Jethro was just telling me you two had a girlfriend. This her?” She looked Rissa up and down as if sizing her up.

  “Hi, I’m Rissa.” She held out her hand.

  Karen ignored her hand and sat down across from her. “You do realize they plan to share you between them. Like sexually, right?”

  “Karen, you need to leave. Now,” Deacon said, snarling over at the woman.

  Jethro grimaced. This was going to be a mess. Why had he thought it would be a good idea to bring Rissa there?

  “Of course they are. I’m their woman. Why wouldn’t they?” Rissa asked, frowning over at Karen.

  “They’ve been trying to get women between them for years. I’ve been with them. It’s okay for a night or two, but all that gets old after a while. I guess you haven’t gotten to that point yet.”

  “Our love life is none of your business, Karen. It was nice to meet you, but you can leave now,” Rissa said, crossing her arms.

  “Oh, really?” Karen laughed, leaning back in her chair.

  “Karen, you aren’t welcome here. Go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and leave us alone,” Jethro sneered.

  He hated that she was screwing up what had been until then, a great night. He’d wanted it to be perfect for Rissa to prove that they could make a threesome work. It sure as hell wasn’t turning out the way he’d planned.

  “I’m going.” Karen stood. “It’ll be interesting to see how long you last with them. I have to say one thing, though. They’ve added class to their search. You’re definitely not from around here. You’ll get tired of slumming soon enough.”

  With that, the other woman walked off, swallowed up by the crowd. Jethro wanted to kick something but refused to let Rissa see how much Karen’s comments had hurt him. He looked over at De
acon and relaxed just a little bit. At least the other man wasn’t chomping at the bit to leave yet. For some strange reason, Karen’s words hadn’t worried him as much as they had Jethro.

  They’d hit home for him. He’d been worried that she’d get tired of them once the new wore off. Why had he been so sure they could make things work when Deacon had had doubts, but now it was him who was worried while Deacon seemed immune to them?

  Jethro needed to finish his beer and get them out of there before someone else decided to screw up the night.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rissa smiled as Jethro and Deacon climbed into the elevator with her. They still refused to let her use the stairs with her heels. Even if they were cowboy boots. She loved how protective they were of her for the most part. The incident at the bar had obviously upset Jethro a lot. He’d been unusually quiet the entire drive back to her place.

  Deacon, on the other hand, hadn’t let the other woman’s comments bother him in the least once he’d realized Rissa could hold her own with the other woman. They didn’t get that she’d sparred with the best of them when it came to cruel jabs and dirty innuendos. She was from a class of women who cut their teeth on sarcasm. No, Karen hadn’t bothered her in the least except for how it had bothered Jethro.

  “I had a wonderful time, guys. Come on in for a while. I’ll fix coffee,” she said.

  “I’m sorry about Karen,” Jethro said as they waited for Deacon to unlock her door then turn off the security alarm.

  “Oh, her. Don’t be. She was just a jealous bitch. I forgot about her as soon as she walked away. You should, too.” Rissa leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him lightly on the mouth. “Coffee?”

  “Yea, that would be good,” Deacon answered for them.

  Rissa dropped her purse on the table by the front door and strode to the kitchen. She brewed up three cups of coffee, carrying it back to the living room where the guys were sitting on the couch.

  “I’m sorry she upset you, Jethro, but she didn’t bother me one bit. If this is going to be a problem for you, we’re not going to make it very far.” She sighed. “I thought I was the one trying this out, but it looks like it’s you instead.”

  Jethro’s eyebrows lifted into an arch. “Guess I hadn’t thought about it like that. You’re right. I can’t worry about how it affects you unless you say something.”

  “I can take care of myself, guys. You don’t have to run interference for me with your friends or mine. If I can’t handle it, then we don’t have any business trying this. The same goes for you two,” she told them.

  “I get it now,” Jethro said. “I was so intent that you have a good time that I didn’t want anyone to screw it up on our first date.”

  “I did have a good time. No one screwed anything up.”

  “Except for maybe you,” Deacon said, punching Jethro in the arm.

  “Play nice, guys.” She sipped her coffee.

  “So, are we still on for dinner at that fancy-smancy place of yours next week?” Jethro asked with a grin.

  “Absolutely. Remember, nice slacks and button-down shirts. I’m not ashamed of what you do, but we do want to be able to get you inside,” she said with a smirk.

  “I’m just glad it’s not a tie only kind of place. I don’t think I own one of those things,” Deacon said.

  “Sure you do. We had to wear them for Alex’s wedding, remember?” Jethro asked.

  “Oh, yeah. I borrowed mine. You had one already,” Deacon told him.

  Rissa laughed. She couldn’t help but be amused by them. They were so down-to-earth. She loved that about them. She loved a lot of things about them. Including their smoking-hot bodies. Even now her pussy was wet. She was sure her jeans were going to be saturated by the time they kissed her good night.

  Good night? Did she even want them to go? No, she wanted them to stay, but was it rushing things if they did? Rissa wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like she didn’t know them. They’d been seeing each other on an almost daily basis for several months now. She’d had breakfast and lunch with them on several occasions and spent time alone with them as well. No, it wasn’t too soon.

  “The coffee was great,” Jethro said, standing.

  “Would you like some more?” she asked as Jethro took Deacon’s cup.

  “No, this was plenty. We’d better get out of your hair so you can get some rest. It’s late,” Jethro said.

  Deacon rose as well, following them to the kitchen where Jethro rinsed out their cups and set them next to the sink. Rissa walked over and insinuated herself between them.

  “What if I don’t want you to go?” she asked, looking up into Jethro’s eyes.

  She felt Deacon pull her hips back against his hard cock. Jethro’s hazel eyes darkened. The man knew what she was saying and wasn’t opposed to it at all. Still, he tilted her chin up and cocked his head.

  “Are you sure, Rissa?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t,” she told him.

  “Fuck me. Get her ass in the bedroom before I lose it and come in my jeans,” Deacon said in a growly voice.

  Rissa laughed as Jethro shook his head at the man. “I can’t take you anywhere.”

  “No more talking.” Deacon pushed Jethro back a step and swung Rissa up in his arms. “Don’t need directions. I know where the damn bedroom is. Find your own way, man.”

  Rissa couldn’t stop laughing as he carried her down the hall to the master bedroom where he dumped her on the mattress then reached back over his shoulders to pull his T-shirt over his head in one smooth move before untying and removing his work boots. He tore off his socks and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans, but didn’t pull them off.

  When she looked at them and lifted a brow he chuckled, the deep sound of it stoking her desire to new levels.

  “If I take them off, I’m going to be inside you so fast you’ll think Christmas came early. I don’t have an ounce of control right now, babe. I need that layer between us while we get you ready,” he said.

  “Damn, Deacon. What happened to your clothes?” Jethro chuckled as he walked into the bedroom.

  “What took you so long?” Deacon asked.

  “I made sure all the lights were off and the door was locked up tight.”

  “Good thinking. Clearly, I’m not,” the other man said. “Catch up.”

  Deacon pulled Rissa toward the edge of the bed and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. He carefully removed it and tossed it on the chair next to the bed. Then he traced the edge of her bra with one callused finger before bending down to kiss the top of each breast. He licked and nipped his way up to her neck then her earlobe.

  “You taste a-fucking-mazing, babe,” he whispered in her ear before he nipped her jaw.

  She gasped as he reached behind her and unfastened her bra. It fell away, and he tossed it the same place he’d deposited her blouse.

  “Hell, would you look at these beauties, Jethro?” He cupped them in his big hands. “They’re the perfect size, all heavy with pretty pink nipples on top.”

  Rissa inhaled hard when he closed his mouth over one nipple and sucked. She felt it all the way to her tiptoes when he did that. Then he nipped the little bud before moving to the other one. God, she was going to combust if he kept doing that.

  And he did. Over and over. She shivered as he slowly moved down her belly where her jeans circled her waist. He popped the button then unzipped them, kissing every inch of flesh he uncovered.

  “Boots, man. You’re forgetting her boots,” Jethro said as he climbed up on the bed next to her.


  Deacon knelt on the floor and tugged her cowboy boots off then returned to scoot her jeans off her bottom then down her legs. He left them on the floor and returned to her panties. He leaned down and sniffed.

  “She’s so fucking wet, Jethro. Her jeans were damp. You should see her panties. They’re dark with her pussy juices,” Deacon told the other man.

  “I’ve had to change
my panties every day at least once if not twice when I think about you guys. I get wet that easily for you,” Rissa told them.

  “You hear that shit? She gets wet just thinking about us,” Deacon said in a hoarse voice.

  “Get those damn underwear off her. I’m hard as a criminal on death row.” Jethro’s voice had gotten nearly as raspy as Deacon’s was.

  Before she knew what he was going to do, Deacon tore off her panties, tossing the scrap of cloth over his shoulder. At her gasp, he chuckled.

  “You own a fucking lingerie shop. I think you can get some more. Hell, I’ll buy you a whole box of the damn things,” he said.

  She shook her head and grinned. “I think I can handle buying my own. Besides, I get a discount.”

  “Stop talking, Deacon. Get busy on her. She needs to come at least once before we fuck her. I’m never going to last once I’m inside her,” Jethro said.

  “Can’t wait to eat this pretty pussy. It’s so juicy and hot. I can feel how hot it is on my face.” Deacon leaned in and blew across her wet bolds. “She fucking shaves, Jethro. She’s got a nice little strip right up the center. Fuck me I can’t wait to shave her.”


  “Deacon likes to shave pussy. He’ll keep her nice and trimmed for you,” Jethro chuckled.

  Rissa was just about to say something when Deacon took her breath away by licking right up her slit with his hot tongue. She gasped instead. He licked her like he was licking ice cream for several long seconds then circled her clit with the tip of his tongue before spreading her pussy lips and stabbing her hole with his tongue.

  “Deacon. Oh, God. Yes.” She didn’t know what she was saying. All she knew was that it felt so damn good.

  He thrust two fingers into her cunt as he continued to lick her pussy juices. She had to be soaking his fingers because she was super turned on. She’d never been like this before in her life. She didn’t know whether to scream or pass out. It didn’t help that Jethro had taken over playing and sucking on her nipples. She’d never really thought about what it would feel like to have two men touching her at one time other than in her dreams, and they didn’t come close to what the real thing was like.


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