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River's Biker Heroes [The Ghost Riders 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 14

  Cassius agreed with his brother, but this was much bigger than they’d realized. It involved the governments of at least three countries, probably more. Some of the people that she had mentioned were on Uncle Sam’s payroll. Her Uncle Bernard, it turned out, worked for one of the alphabet soup groups the government didn’t recognize. They wouldn’t take being accused of harboring a sadistic bastard who bought and sold humans very well to say the least.

  “Suffice it to say that’s what we all would like to do, Merrick, but it ain’t happening,” Butch spoke up for the first time.

  “We need a plan to get them off her back and stay away from her from now on. Then we work within the system to have her uncle taken care of,” Merrick finally said.

  “So what do you suggest?” Cassius asked, knowing his brother probably already had it worked out.

  “We get the evidence and make copies of it. We make one copy that only has small pieces on it to prove that we know enough to cause a big stink if he doesn’t call off the dogs. If she goes down, they go down with her,” he began. “He would have moved his base of operations after she got away from them, so we need to figure out where they moved it to and show that we can find them no matter where they hide.”

  “How in the hell are we going to do that?” Walker asked, glaring at Merrick.

  Merrick looked over at Cassius. “Tell them.”

  Cassius smiled. He loved his toys. “I have a little device that will give us a GPS signal and its part of the jump drive. They won’t expect a bunch of bikers to have that kind of technology.”

  “Fucking slick, man. How are we going to get the jump drive to them without risking any of us going down?” Butch asked.

  “Dom’s going to send a message to The Ravens in California that we want to send something to the man who’s looking for River. The Ravens deal in that sort of stuff, but will pass on the word for us since we’re on good terms. Once her uncle gets back to them and we get the message, we’ll be ready to send it their way. Then we can track it to wherever they are holed up,” Cassius told them.

  “Fucking convoluted bullshit,” Walker groused. “Whatever happened to calling the fuckers on the phone?”

  “Got to have a phone number first, man.” Butch chuckled.

  “So tell them to call us,” he said.

  “Dom’s going to call them in the morning while we’re getting the evidence. Then while we wait to hear back from them, we’ll make the copies. We’re going to mail a set to our attorney with instructions of what to do with them if we don’t call him within the next five days. Another set goes to the clubhouse and the last set stays on us. We’ll make up the partial one and have it ready to go when we find out where to send it,” Cassius told them.

  “Once we have everything in place, Turk is going to help us get the bastard caught in another country. We have way too many loopholes in our judicial system for a known criminal to slip through the cracks. That’s not happening with this bastard. Once we know for sure where he’ll run to, we hand over enough information to that government of what he’s been up to in their country. They’ll make sure he never sees the light of day again,” Merrick said.

  “Hope this works,” Butch said with a yawn. “I’m going to bed. Dawn comes awful freaking early.”

  Walker followed him into the other room. They closed the door between the rooms but didn’t lock them. Backup only worked if they could get in to back you up. Cassius stretched and checked the clock on the bedside table. Another thirty minutes and they would need to get River out before she turned into a raisin.

  “I still can’t believe she got away from them and made it all the way to where we found her, Cassius,” Merrick said shaking his head. “There had to be someone on the inside who helped her. No way were they that sloppy.”

  “I agree. That means her uncle is either already being investigated or someone is trying to get him out of that position and hope she will somehow make him fall and leave the job open for him to step in. The problem is, do we use that without knowing for sure or leave it alone and let the cards fall where they may?” Cassius asked.

  “I can see her wrist restraints getting loose since she’d been sweating in them and bleeding on them. They might have stretched. We don’t really know what kind they were. Her wrists could have slipped out of them,” Merrick conceded.

  “Maybe, but finding a slim piece of metal in the cage with her so she could pick the lock is a bit too coincidental to me. I think it was planted. Otherwise, she would have found it sooner.”

  Merrick looked at him. “How did she get out without someone seeing her?”

  “She had to have had help. She’s good, but she’s not that good,” Cassius agreed.

  “Not only that, but she would have been operating on pure instinct. She admitted that after a while she didn’t really remember anything. She had to have pulled in on herself to survive that kind of pain and torture, but how did she get all the way to Texas?”

  “Maybe she was in Texas to begin with,” Cassius said. “We don’t know how long she was kept out when they took her from here. We may be in the wrong state in the first place.”

  “Fuck. You’re right. If it turns out the GPS points back toward home, we’re taking her there first and taking care of the assholes later.”

  “I agree. I don’t want her anywhere around when it goes down,” Cassius said.

  Cassius heard River calling from the bathroom. “Time to get our woman and rub her down.”

  He followed his brother to the bathroom and watched as Merrick pulled a very sleepy River from the tub and pat her dry. Then he carried her into the other room where they rubbed her down with the liniment for her sore muscles. She purred for them as they manipulated her arms and legs and especially her ass cheeks.

  “That feels so good, even if it does smell kind of funny.” She wrinkled her nose at him.

  Cassius chuckled. “Don’t worry, sweetness. We’ll sleep next to you despite the stench.”

  “Asshole.” She yawned and snuggled deeper in the covers.

  He and his brother stretched out on either side of her as she wiggled to get her nest made. In less than five minutes, her soft snores could be heard. He grinned. It cracked him up to hear her make those cute noises.

  Five minutes after that, his brother added his slightly less cute noises to hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  River prayed the key would still be where she’d put it. It had been much longer than she’d thought it would be when she’d hidden it all those months ago. She let the guys worry about people watching as she slipped behind the “Keep Out” sign that separated the area where they composted the manure from the rest of the zoo.

  The smell was strong but she didn’t let it deter her once she got past the gate inside the building where they kept their tools. She located the worn board on the floor of the building and pried it up with the screwdriver she’d brought with her and felt around beneath it for the key. Her fingers located it quickly and she pulled it free. Then she pressed the board back down and hurried back through the gate and around the sign.

  When she walked up to where the guys had been standing guard, they smiled at her nod. Then they left without having seen a single animal. They were hunting a different sort of animal now and had to lay the trap.

  The trip to the bank didn’t take long at all and they had to wait for nearly ten minutes before the bank opened at nine. Once inside, she produced ID and her key before being led to the room with the safe deposit boxes. Merrick waited outside while she and Cassius opened the box to retrieve her insurance.

  “Hell, River. I didn’t realize you’d still have it wrapped in your hair,” he said with a wry grin.

  “I didn’t take the time to unravel it at the time. It’s really tied up in it.” She slipped them into a small bag then stuffed it inside the empty purse they’d bought so she’d look less out of place.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Ready.” They walked out
and joined Merrick.

  The three of them joined the others outside at the bikes then weaved around town for a while to be sure they didn’t have a tail before heading back to the hotel. She let Cassius and Merrick deal with the memory’s card and stick while she took a nap. When she got back up an hour later, they were in the middle of making copies of the data using the laptop Cassius had brought with them.

  “How’s it going?” she asked Merrick.

  “Almost done,” he said. “Then Walker and Butch will go mail the copies while we wait to hear back from the call Dom placed this morning.”

  “I’m hungry. When they get back, can we go get something to eat?” she asked.

  He winced. “We’re not risking you out in the open any more than we have to. We’ll get something and bring it back.”

  She pouted, but not for long. They were right. It wasn’t safe yet. She couldn’t wait until she didn’t have to worry about her uncle or anyone again. She wanted her life back. Well, sort of. She didn’t want to lose Merrick and Cassius. She was in love with them and wanted more than a few weeks with them. She wanted forever with them, but they hadn’t really indicated that they were looking for more. Sure, they’d said she was theirs and crap like that, but did that mean anything to them? They were bikers.

  She bit her lip and tried to think about something else, but the idea of having to leave when everything was over hurt a lot more than she’d planned. When she’d first met them after waking up, she’d thought she wouldn’t want to have more than a fling, but now she wanted it all. She’d give up traveling if it would allow her to stay with them forever. She’d never believed she could trust someone to be there for her, but they had more than proved that they always would be. Now she wasn’t sure they would want her once the danger was past.

  “There you go, guys. Get those puppies in the mail. Why not figure something out about dinner while you’re gone,” Cassius told Butch and Walker. “Go ahead and eat and bring us something with you when you come back.”

  “How about barbeque?” Walker asked.

  “What do you think, kitten?” Merrick asked.

  “Sounds fine to me,” she said. Merrick nodded.

  She watched the two men take the packages and walk out the door. Merrick sighed and stretched. Then he grinned at her and stalked in her direction. River squealed before running for the bathroom. Cassius snagged her as she ran by.

  “Where do you think you’re going, sweetness? We’ve got some time to kill and I’m a little hungry,” he said.

  “Mmm. Me too.” Merrick knelt in front of her and began unfastening her jeans while Cassius took care of her shirt.

  The two men had her naked in no time. While Cassius carried her to the bed, Merrick removed his clothes, tossing them aside without a care. He didn’t waste time. Before she could make a sound, he had her legs spread and his shoulders between her thighs. His wet tongue licked down her slit then traced her pussy lips before spearing between them to lap at the juices she already had leaking from their play.

  “Fuck, you taste like the best candy in the world, kitten. I could lick you for hours and not get tired,” Merrick said.

  “Look at those breasts. I love how they feel when you’re on the back of the bike pressed up close to me. I don’t ever want you to wear a bra, River. It’s just too good like this.” Cassius leaned over and ran his tongue back and forth over each of her nipples, over and over again.

  River couldn’t be still. The way both men seemed so turned on by her and got so intense when they were loving on her turned her insides to jelly. She melted a little every time they touched her. She felt like the center of their world when always before, she’d been a stop off on the way to something else. Even her parents hadn’t made her feel cherished like this.

  Merrick did something with his tongue on her clit that had her eyes rolling back in her head. Goose bumps broke out over her body as her blood began to simmer in her veins. They could get her ready to come in mere moments just by touching her or kissing her. When they ganged up on her like this, she was a contender for the speed record.

  “Oh, please. I’m so close. Fuck me, Merrick. Please.”

  He chuckled with his mouth still on her pussy. The vibrations had her squeezing her legs tightly around him and he grunted.

  “Hell, you’re going to choke me when you come, kitten,” he teased.

  “I’m going to choke you if you don’t put your cock inside of me and fuck me!” she all but yelled.

  “I think you better take care of her before she has the management down on us for disturbing the other guests,” Cassius said with a bark of laughter.

  “Pushy woman.” Merrick wrapped his arms around he thighs and held them apart as he latched on to her clit and flicked his tongue back and forth over the little bud sending shivers of pleasure through her so fast she couldn’t catch her breath to scream.

  Cassius pulled and pinched her nipples and waves of rapture crashed into her, forcing the climax out of her in the process. Her scream of pleasure was cut off by Cassius’s mouth as he covered hers. He swallowed her scream and added layers to the sensation with his kiss. God the man could kiss.

  When he finally lifted his head from hers, River was panting. She felt as if every muscle in her body had seized with the pleasure they’d given her. It was time for her to give back to them. She pried open her eyes and smiled up at Cassius then looked down her body at where Merrick leaned his head against her thigh.

  “I want you,” she said. “I want both of you. Now.” She looked at Cassius and smiled.

  “I don’t think you’re healed enough for a double, kitten,” Merrick said. “Give it…”

  “Shut the fuck up, Merrick. I want you both inside of me. Today. Now. No more waiting. I know you’ll be careful,” she said with a low growl to her voice.

  Cassius and Merrick exchanged glanced between them. She could see the worry on Merrick’s face. The truth was, she was a little nervous about it as well, but not for the same reasons. She’d had anal sex before, but had never been with two men at one time. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but River wanted it. She wanted them to take her at the same time.

  “River. If we do this, you have to be still and let us do all the work. You have to promise me you’ll tell me if we hurt you so we can stop. I’ll never forgive myself if I hurt you,” Merrick said.

  “I promise. Just hurry,” she said.

  Cassius got up and walked over to his pack and pulled out two condoms and some lube. Merrick lifted an eyebrow at that. Cassius merely shrugged and returned to the bed, giving the tube to him. Merrick unscrewed the cap, and as Cassius gently turned her on her side facing him with one leg pulled over the top of his thigh, his brother dropped lube on her ass.

  The cold substance startled her, and she jumped. Both men whispered calming words to her as Merrick massaged the jelled substance into her back hole. The lube quickly warmed, and she realized it had a slight desensitizing element to it.

  Cassius kissed and licked her neck and shoulder while playing with her breasts to distract her. Merrick began breaching her rear entrance with one finger, moving it in and out while adding more of the numbing lube while he did. Soon she felt two fingers pressing inside of her. The pressure wasn’t nearly as much as she’d expected, but then it wasn’t Merrick yet.

  “Time to slip in, Cassius. She’s almost ready back here,” Merrick said.

  “Oh, yeah. My favorite place to be,” Cassius said.

  She felt him finger her pussy lips, parting them and testing her readiness. She could have told him it was a waste of time to check. She was more than ready.

  “Fuck, you’re wet. I bet I’ll glide in like a greased pig,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Eww,” she teased. “That’s just nasty.”

  His cock pressed at her slit then slowly entered her. His hiss of pleasure told her that it felt good to him. It felt really good to her. She tightened her cunt down around him once he’d gotten nearly
all the way inside of her. He growled in her ear.

  “Don’t make me come yet, River. If you do, I won’t be able to help Merrick fuck you into a screaming orgasm in a few minutes,” he said.

  Just the thought of that had her shivering all over. He pumped in and out of her several times before wrapping his arms around her and holding her still for his brother to finally enter her ass.

  “Relax, kitten, and push out for me,” Merrick said.

  She did as he said and felt her eyes widen at the feel of his cockhead pressing at the tight rings of her ass. The pinch she felt wasn’t anything like she’d expected it to be, but then they’d used a numbing cream to minimize it for her. Merrick’s thick cock pushed through the first ring then a few seconds later, he popped through the second one to sink a few inches inside of her.

  Holy hell, the pressure was almost overwhelming. With both of them inside of her, there was barely room for her to breathe around them. The feel of Merrick pulling out slightly only to tunnel back in with his steel-hard dick sent shivers all along her spine. She couldn’t help the whimper that escaped with the tingling that started within the tissues of her ass. Who knew anal sex could feel so good?

  “Are you okay, kitten? Am I hurting you?” Merrick asked in a raspy voice.

  “Good. I’m good. Oh, God. You need to move, Merrick. Please.” She hoped that when they moved, she would be able to breathe again.

  “Hold on, sweetness. Let us do the work.” Cassius pulled out and pushed in while his brother did just the opposite. They sawed in and out of her in perfect rhythm. The give and take between the two men had her rocking into ecstasy before she knew it.

  “Sweet Jesus. She’s so fucking tight with you back there, Merrick. I’m going to go off like a fucking geyser before long,” Cassius choked out.

  “She’s burning my cock up back here. Feels like I’m fucking an oven mitt. Stroke her, Cassius. Not going to last.” Merrick’s voice was just as strained as his brother’s had been.

  River was afraid that when she climaxed her head was going to blow off. There was so much pressure. Her ears were already ringing and a soft buzz had started in her cunt. She wanted it to last, but was afraid if they didn’t hurry, she was going to go insane.


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