Her Forever Mountain Read online

Page 3

  Hi. Great. What about yours?

  Elbow deep in grease but just got better chatting with you.

  “That’s it? That’s all you’ve said?” Andy asked.

  “Yep. That’s it.” Joe took his phone back. “Don’t need to say much to let her know you’re thinking about her. You should send her a text like that later today. Something easy,” Joe said.

  Andy frowned. “I don’t know what to say on these things. I barely know how to talk on them.”

  “Don’t I know that,” Joe mumbled.

  “Fuck you.”

  “You used to be a lot more easygoing. What in the hell happened to you that you got so anti-social, man? I get that things were fucked up as hell overseas, but what the hell happened?” Joe demanded.

  “Shit happens. Things got bad. That’s all. I’ll try to text her after dinner tonight. We’ve got two more days till we take her out. So far she hasn’t come up with an excuse not to go with us, so that’s a good thing, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s a good thing.” Joe nodded.

  Andy was glad Joe dropped his questioning about what had gone on overseas. They’d been in the same unit but had gotten separated that last mission. Some of the things he’d seen and had to do had changed him. Made him doubt his character and doubt himself as a man. It was one of the reasons he’d been all in with sharing a woman with Joe when they’d talked about it again once they’d gotten back stateside.

  They’d been tossing it around with some of the other guys beforehand, but he’d been a little doubtful that it would work. He’d always loved a threesome and how much more intense the sex could be but never thought a true ménage relationship would work long term. Some of the others had proven him wrong. Now, after all he’d been through, he was banking on it to work.

  “Think about what you want to say before you type it in,” Joe said. “Make it sound sincere.”

  “Yeah. I get it,” he said.

  Andy walked back over to the truck and got back to work. He went over possibilities in his head as he worked on the truck and dismissed them all. By the time he had the gear housing back together again, he was no closer to what to say as he’d been when he started. Texting shit was hard. Hell, talking was hard.

  He wiped his hands and gathered his tools. He wiped them down then put them away. Once he had the big truck down from the rack and pulled out into the yard, he cleaned up with the Gojo and fiddled with the paperwork to be sure he’d listed everything he’d done to the truck on it. Joe jumped on him all the time for skimping on listing the services he performed.

  “Finished for the night?” Joe asked, walking into the office.

  “Yeah. Got that Volvo ready for tomorrow, but I don’t want to start on it tonight.”

  “Let me work on this paperwork, and then I’m ready to go. If we don’t keep this at least halfway done, we’ll drown in it and probably lose money in the process,” Joe said.

  “Maybe we should hire someone,” Andy said.

  Joe nearly dropped the file folder he was holding. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “You really okay about hiring someone?”

  “Well, yeah. It looks like a dump in here. We could use some help.”


  “Fuck off.”

  “I’ll put an ad in the paper first thing tomorrow.” Joe was nearly dancing in the damn office as he put away some forms. “Let’s go.”

  Andy didn’t say anything all the way home or once they walked inside. He headed straight to the shower and spent longer than usual in it just because he didn’t have a clue what to text Cindy. He needed to do it before dinner because afterward was too late. He didn’t know what time she went to bed and didn’t want to wait and risk her being in bed or getting ready for bed.

  “What’s wrong?” Joe asked as he rummaged around in the kitchen.

  “Trying to figure out what to text Cindy,” he confessed.

  Joe sighed. “Just say, ‘Hi. How was your day?’”

  “That’s too general.”

  “I don’t know what to suggest then.”

  Andy walked into the living room and dropped into his recliner and stared at his phone. He started several test texts but deleted them all. By the time he finally had one that he was halfway satisfied with, his battery power was down to fifteen percent. He sighed and, after hovering over the send button for a good twenty seconds, hit Send. Then he set the phone on the wireless charger on the end table next to him with a sigh.

  He didn’t have long to wait before his phone beeped at him. He grabbed it off the charging pad, nearly dropping it as he did. He hit Enter and pulled up the message to find her answer.

  His: Checking in to see how your day was today.

  Hers: Good. How was yours?

  He scowled. Now what? He hadn’t thought far enough ahead to how he would answer her if she responded. He had to think fast. He couldn’t take as long as it had taken him to think of the initial text. He skimmed the keys then typed.

  Finished up a truck, so it was productive. Thought about you.

  Yeah, that was good. His phone beeped again almost immediately, causing him to fumble it in his hands. He pulled up her return message.

  Good night, Andy.

  Good night? Was that good? Well, she had used his name. That was good, right? He sighed and shoved the phone back on the charger and grabbed the remote. He wasn’t any good at this texting flirting crap or whatever it was. He’d leave that shit to Joe. He would stick to the in-your-face stuff. That he could handle. He’d show her when he saw her. She couldn’t say he hadn’t warned her. Her lips were his when he got the chance.

  Chapter Four

  Cindy paced in front of her mirror as she tried to calm her nerves. They’d said seven, and it was ten minutes till. She still wasn’t a hundred percent sure about her outfit. Was it too dressy? She’d chosen a pair of pale yellow slacks with a frilly yellow blouse. It was perfect for spring and looked amazing on her, but was it too dressy for a first date to a steak house? She just didn’t know. Maybe she should have gotten Beverly to come over and help her pick out her outfit the night before.

  She slipped her feet into the strappy sandals that complemented the outfit and sighed. Perfect or not, it was what she was wearing. Time was up. They’d be there at any minute. She grabbed her purse off the bed and eyed Rascal with a wary eye.

  “Remember. I told you I might be a little late ahead of time. You’ve been fed, and I cleaned out your litter box early. Give me a break tonight. I’m going on a date,” she told the finicky feline.

  Rascal blinked then proceeded to clean his butt. Perfect. She drew in a deep breath and let it out, shaking her head. That cat was never going to cooperate. He saw her as his and his alone.

  The doorbell rang, making her jump. She was surprised she hadn’t squealed like a pig. Cindy walked over to the door, and after peeking through the peephole, she opened the door with a broad smile.

  “Hi,” she said.

  Both men smiled, though Andy’s was obviously forced.

  “Hi, beautiful. Ready to go?” Joe asked.

  “I’m ready.”

  “That blouse is gorgeous on you,” Joe said.


  “All bright and stuff,” Andy said then winced.

  “Thanks, Andy,” Cindy said. She could tell he was really trying.

  Why things seemed to be so hard for him she wasn’t sure, but he seemed to struggle with the normal, everyday things. He sure didn’t struggle with the sexy things. She felt heat blossom in her cheeks when she thought back to his whispered words about the kiss.

  “Let’s go then,” Joe said.

  She locked her door then slipped the key into her purse and allowed the men to guide her to their truck. She nearly winced at the thought of her yellow pants on their greasy truck seats but determined not to show it.

  To her surprise, when Andy opened the passenger side door and helped her up into the ca
b, the leather seat was clean, as was the rest of the truck. She smiled as she scooted over on the bench seat to give him room to get in next to her. Joe climbed in on the driver’s side.

  “You smell nice,” Andy said when Joe started backing out of her drive.

  “Thanks,” Cindy said. She wasn’t sure what to say to that. She didn’t wear perfume. It made her sneeze.

  “I’m sure you’ve eaten at the steak house a million times since there aren’t a lot of places around Cozy to eat. Hope it’s okay with you,” Joe said.

  “It’s fine. I’m not picky. I like just about anything,” Cindy said.

  “We mostly stick to the steaks, but they have plenty variety to choose from,” he said.

  “I like their pork chops, but I might get catfish tonight. I’ll just have to see when I look at the menu,” she said.

  They arrived at the steak house after a short drive, and Andy helped her out of the truck and held her elbow as they walked across the gravel lot to the front door. The hostess led them to their table then left them with menus with an assurance that their waitress would be there shortly.

  After giving their drink order to the waitress, they talked about the various menu choices, and Cindy settled on the pork chops after all.

  “I love them. The last time I got the catfish it was a little off flavor. I’ll probably wait awhile before I try it again,” she said.

  “You could always try the salmon or the bass,” Andy suggested.

  “Just wasn’t feeling like that. I’m good with the pork chops. Do you really always get the steak? You never get anything else?” she asked.

  “On rare occasions we get catfish but not very often,” Joe said. “We eat other things at home. When we go out, we like steak.”

  “I guess I can understand that,” she said. “Maybe.”

  Joe chuckled. “No, you can’t. We’re men. We like steak and potatoes. Just how we are.”

  “Do you like beer, chips, and ball games?” she asked, wincing.

  “What?” Andy asked.

  “Sometimes, but not really. Why?”

  “Just asking,” she said with a sigh. Maybe all men weren’t the same.

  If you don’t like ballgames, you don’t have to watch them, Cindy.” Joe shook his head. “We can always look at something different. You can always pull them up again later and watch them.”

  “Forget I said anything,” she said, forcing a smile.

  “What do you like to do when you’re not writing articles on the internet?” Joe asked.

  “Read, a little gardening, and I have a cat,” she said.

  “A cat?” Andy asked. “Like a cat that has claws and teeth?”

  She chuckled. “Last I checked, he sure does. He’s black and gray and white and huge. His name is Rascal. He doesn’t approve of me being out late and lets me know it when I am.”

  “She’s got an animal living with her,” Andy said with a frown.

  “Just a cat,” Joe said with a grin. “Andy has a love-hate relationship with animals. They love him, and he hates them.”

  “What do you mean?” Cindy asked. She didn’t want a man who wouldn’t love Rascal like she did.

  “Doesn’t matter what kind of animal it is, they love him. Follow him around. Climb in his lap and rub all over him. He can’t get rid of them. Funny as hell,” Joe said.

  “That’s funny. I bet Rascal won’t do that. He’s very reserved. You’re safe from him,” Cindy told Andy.

  “I hope so. Can’t stand to have them rubbing all over me like I’m some sort of catnip tree or something,” Andy said.

  Their meals arrived, and they concentrated on eating, pausing only to mention how good their food was. By the time they’d finished, Cindy was full and had to decline dessert. The men each ordered pie and offered her a bite of theirs, but she turned them down.

  “I swear if I eat even one more bite I’ll explode. I never should have eaten that last bite of potato. I’m going to fall asleep before we even get home,” Cindy said.

  “You can sleep on my shoulder,” Andy said.

  She smiled at the other man. “Thanks. I just might take you up on that.”

  By the time they left the restaurant she was pleasantly full and more than a little sleepy. She hated that feeling. She’d wanted to spend more time talking with them. They were really pretty interesting. They’d been overseas serving in the armed forces and had a plethora of information about other parts of the world.

  Once she was belted in and they were on their way, she felt her head slowly sink onto Andy’s shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in next to him. She let herself slowly relax a little at a time until she lost consciousness. After what felt like mere seconds later, he was shaking her slightly.

  “Cindy? Wake up, babe. We’re here. Wake up,” Andy said.

  “Hmm?” She opened her eyes.

  “We’re back at your place, babe. Time to wake up.”

  “Oh, goodness. I really did fall asleep.” Cindy stifled a yawn and sat up from Andy’s warm embrace.

  “Let me get your belt.” Andy reached over and unbuckled her then slid out of the truck and reached for her. “Let me help you down, babe.”

  Cindy was still a little woozy from having only been asleep for a short while. She let him help her down from the seat then wobbled a bit before he let her stand on her own.

  “Good to walk now?” Andy asked.

  “Yeah, thanks.” She shuffled up the walk to her front door with both men behind her. When she reached the door, she turned to tell them good night.

  Andy pulled her into his arms. “Told you your lips were ours the next time we saw you. They’re sweet, and I want to taste them, babe. You going to let me taste them?” he asked.

  Cindy could only nod her head. He’d taken her so off guard she didn’t know what else to do.

  Andy slowly lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers in a soft, barely-there touch that sparked heat throughout her body. Then he pressed harder, and her heart sped up and her blood rushed through her veins. When he licked across her lower lip, she gasped, and he dove in, swiping his tongue inside to take control of her much as his strong embrace took control of her body, molding it to his so that she wasn’t the least bit in the dark about how he felt about her. He wanted her. His cock was rock hard and pressed tightly against her belly.

  When he slowly released her and placed a last lingering kiss to her lips, she felt woozy and swayed on her feet. He kissed her nose and smiled that half-smile she knew was what he gave as a full smile.

  “I was right. You do taste like sunshine,” Andy said.

  Then Joe held her. He backed her against her door and slowly kissed the corners of her mouth then sucked on her lower lip before taking control of her mouth so that she had no doubt he was demanding control of her body, as well. He held either side of her cheeks with his hands as he explored her mouth with his tongue and spread fire throughout her body, even as she felt the heat of his desire in her blood. Both men were well endowed, and both men had no qualms about showing her just how much they wanted her.

  When he slowly pulled back, she was reeling from their kisses. She wasn’t even sure she’d be able to walk inside and undress to go to bed. She was that unsettled. They’d definitely kissed her silly. What would it be like to have sex with them? She wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle anything more. They were dangerous. God help her if she fell for them. They’d own her for certain.

  “Good-night, beautiful. Lock up. We’ll talk to you later,” Joe said.

  “Night, babe,” Andy said. “Go on inside and lock up like Joe said.”

  Cindy fumbled in her purse for her key and finally got it in the lock. By the time she was inside, had twisted the deadbolt, and slid the chain home, she was shaking like a leaf. They’d really done a number on her. She dropped her purse and the key on the little table by the door and shuffled past the glaring cat to the kitchen. She needed a Diet Coke in the worst way.
br />   * * * *

  “So, tell me all about it. How did they act? Did they kiss you? What was it like?” Beverly had come over Sunday afternoon to bombard her with questions as soon as she’d opened the door.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Cindy asked.

  “Tea would be great. Spill, girlfriend. What was it like?”

  “Let me get your tea, and we’ll sit down and I’ll tell you all about it. Watch out for Rascal though. He’s pissed at me.”

  “Why?” Beverly asked.

  “I ignored him last night and forgot to give him his treat for staying out so late. I gave it to him this morning, but it was too late, and he still hasn’t eaten it or forgiven me.”

  “Oh. You are in the dog house.”

  “Ha ha.”

  Cindy poured a glass of iced tea for Beverly and, after handing it to her, grabbed her own glass of Diet Coke and followed her friend over to the living room, where she sank down in her favorite chair while Beverly took the couch.

  “So?” Beverly asked.

  “They were great. They both picked me up. Their truck was spotless, so I didn’t have to worry about my outfit getting dirty. I would bet they have a work truck that they take to and from work and then a different truck when they aren’t working,” she said.

  “That’s nice. Men don’t usually think of things like that. Points to them. Go on,” Beverly said.

  “Andy helped me up into the truck and fastened my seatbelt for me. Then he helped me back down, and they escorted me inside.” Cindy told Beverly all about their conversation and how much fun they had been talking about work and the town and their time in the service.

  “You sound like you had a great time. I have to say they sound like decent men. What about when you came home?” Beverly asked.

  “Well, I was so full I fell asleep on them,” she admitted.

  “You didn’t!”

  “I did. Right on Andy. He woke me up when we got back to my place.”

  Beverly giggled. “So, you slept in his arms. How sweet.”

  “Then there was the good-night kiss,” Cindy said before taking a sip of her drink.

  “Spill, girlfriend.”

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