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- Marla Monroe
Their New Home Page 4
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Page 4
Randi exploded.
Her roller coaster plunged over the top, racing downhill until she thought she’d die from the pressure releasing inside her. She was sure she screamed, but her ears were ringing so loudly she couldn’t hear herself. Her hips bucked as she tossed her head from side to side in pleasure.
By the time she’d calmed down enough to know where she was, both men were petting and stroking her body, murmuring encouragements as they did.
“Feel like you can sleep now, babe?” Mason asked with a grin so broad it threatened to touch his ears.
“I’m done for. Oh, my, God. I can’t believe that.” Randi opened her eyes, finally realizing that they were still closed. “Thank you. What about you guys?”
“We’re fine,” Bryson told her.
“Don’t be surprised if our dicks don’t poke you some while we sleep, but that’s natural after watching you come apart like that. Next time you can take care of us.” Mason pulled her back into his arms, and sure enough, his rock-hard cock rested between her buttocks.
Randi lay there thinking about what she might do for them the next night. A smile similar to Mason’s followed her into sleep.
Chapter Four
“Looks like we’ll be planting by the weekend, guys.” Mason stood at the back door, looking out over the frosted-blue grass.
“So, this should be the last frost of the year?” Randi asked.
“Yeah, took it long enough, but I think it’ll be safe to plant by Saturday. The ground should have warmed up enough by then.”
“I can’t wait to get started. Planting is my favorite part other than harvesting. I may think differently about the harvesting part once I start putting up all the vegetables as they mature. I sure hope the other women can help some. Otherwise I’m going to be canning in my sleep,” she said.
“I’m sure they’ll help. There isn’t much to keep them busy more than a few hours each day.” Bryson pushed back his chair having finished eating breakfast. “I heard Rusty and Aaron say that their wives were anxious to help. They’ll probably be over on Saturday.”
“That would be great. Can you tell them for me to all bring something to eat, and we’ll have a cookout sort of to celebrate planting the garden? Then we’ll have another one for harvesting. What do you guys think?” Randi asked.
“Sounds like a great idea. We can all get to know each other. Living out here like we do, we should stick together as much as possible,” Mason said.
“Hey, how’s the milking lessons going?” Bryson asked with a knowing smirk.
“Don’t you dare laugh at me. Me and those cows don’t get along one bit. I volunteered to always get the eggs if they’d take care of the cows. All I seem to do is torture the poor things.”
“You’ll get the hang of it before you know it,” Mason said with a chuckle.
“I doubt it.” Randi began clearing away the dishes. “What are you guys going to do this afternoon?”
“We’re going to make sure the tillers are in good shape and figure out how to stick the beans and peas and tomatoes when they begin growing. There’s all kinds of supplies in the sheds we can use,” Bryson said.
“If the plants grow here like they say in the books, we’re going to need a lot of poles to tie them back.” Randi shook her head. “I can’t imagine a garden as large as this one growing like the ones back at Space Station One. They couldn’t keep up with the plants there at all. We’re going to be really busy staking everything.”
“The guys will do most of that part for you. All you need to do is keep them watered, weeded, and picked,” Mason told her.
“Come on, man. Time to get started.” Bryson walked over to the open door and clapped the other man on the shoulder.
“I’ll bring you out something to drink in a while,” Randi told them.
“Thanks, babe.” Mason followed Bryson through the door.
Randi closed it behind them. Though the temperature felt wonderful outside, she still wasn’t comfortable that something couldn’t get through the fence.
The bunnycat ran into the kitchen with an odd mewing noise. It climbed up on a chair beneath the table and curled up as if to take a nap. Randi smiled and shook her head. Mason had grumbled when the creature was found sleeping in his recliner that morning. She thought it was funny, as did Bryson. Naturally, it picked the one who didn’t want him in the house.
Randi wondered if it was a male or female. She needed to name it but wasn’t keen on the idea of checking to see if she could tell. The little animal had sharp teeth and lethal-looking claws when they came out.
“I’ll just call you Tinker. Tinker can be a male or female name I think. Just don’t get mad at me if Mason calls you stinker instead.” She laughed then finished cleaning the dishes and wiping the table and counters off.
Randi thought about how the men had made her come the night before and shivered at the memory of her climax. She couldn’t wait to return the favor that night. She’d never been much on giving a man oral sex before, but for some reason, she was looking forward to giving them something back. She wanted to drive them insane with pleasure as they’d done to her.
Turnabout is fair play and all. I want to hear them yell my name when they come.
She thought about that the entire morning as she scanned through the reports from other families on the planet concerning their gardens and what to expect. She already knew that they’d have to be careful with the tomato plants since they tended to go wild. She figured that despite their saying that you didn’t need as many as you thought you would, Randi loved cooking with them and would still plant plenty. She’d fix fried green tomatoes for the guys with some of them before they ripened. She decided since they would end up with more than enough that they could spare some of the green ones to enjoy with a meal.
Randi stood and stretched. She’d read longer than she’d meant to. The guys were probably thirsty by now. She carried out two large glasses of posco tea and admired their handiwork of what they planned to do to tie up the climbing plants.
“Think it will work?” Bryson asked her.
“I’m sure it will. If it doesn’t at least you’ll know what to expect next year,” she told him.
“This tea is good. Nothing like the tea back on Earth, but I like it,” Mason said.
“What’s for lunch?” Bryson asked her.
“Fried currick patties and peas.”
“Sounds good. We’ll be inside in another hour or so,” Mason said.
Randi kissed each of them on the cheek then walked back to the house. She got out the currick, a meat substitute that grew on the planet like a soybean and made up the patties before settling in her favorite chair to read some until it was time to fix lunch.
Tinker raced from the kitchen to the living room to plop on her lap as if it belonged there. The furry little creature made the cutest humming sounds as it curled up to nap. Randi settled in and soon lost track of time while she enjoyed her book.
* * * *
Bryson stretched as he pushed his chair back from the table. “That was delicious, hon.”
“It sure was,” Mason added.
Bryson loved the sweet smile that brightened Randi’s face at their compliments. He liked seeing that warm look and loved it when she blushed. Of course, he and Mason took every opportunity they could to make it happen. Her cheeks turned all rosy, and she dropped her head as if embarrassed. They had known that she was attracted to them even before they’d made her come the night before.
He’d noticed that she’d been nervous all during the meal. The only thing he could think of that would make her that way was Mason’s insinuation the night before that she could return the favor by making them come. He wanted her to know that it wasn’t a necessity if she wasn’t comfortable doing that yet. He just wasn’t sure how to approach the subject.
“Go on in the living room and relax, guys. I’m going to clean up in here.”
He stood and walked around the table to pull
her into his arms. He gave her a long, lingering kiss before letting her go to stride into the other room and sit in his recliner. Mason followed close behind him.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?” Bryson said.
“Yeah. We really got the best woman for us. She’s sweet and pretty and sexy as hell. I can’t wait for her to get comfortable enough to have sex with us,” Mason said.
“Let’s not pressure her into anything tonight. Okay?”
“I agree. She seems a pretty nervous. I didn’t really mean she had to give us head tonight. It just came out in the heat of the moment. You know?”
“Yeah. Just the thought of her hot little mouth around my dick has it hard as nails.”
Mason nodded. “My cock’s been like that most of the day. Jerking off in the shower isn’t helping much anymore. She’s got my full attention even when she’s not around us. Know what I mean?”
“Damn. There’s that bunnycat. Why is it pestering me?” Mason asked.
“Probably because you don’t like it. You know how animals are,” Bryson said.
The bunnycat sat next to Mason’s chair, looking up at it as if it might pounce. Bryson loved how aggravated Mason got about it. Before either of them realized what it was going to do, the creature jumped into Mason’s lap and circled once before settling down with one paw over its face.
“What the fuck?” Mason seemed to sink back into the chair. “If I wasn’t scared it would bite me I’d put it out right now.”
“Randi’s named it already. You can’t get rid of it now,” Bryson told him with a smile. “Besides, it really will keep the dangerous creatures away. She needs the protection when we’re not around.”
“If you say so. What did she name the damn thing?”
Bryson grinned. “Tinker.”
“Stinker it is.”
Bryson chuckled. He’d expected that. Mason had a stubborn streak in him a mile long. He had no doubt that the two of them would find themselves at odds now and then. It wouldn’t hurt their friendship because they shared the most perfect woman in the world for them.
He looked up when Randi joined them. Her delighted laugh had his cock jerking in his tight jeans. The movement hurt against the hard line of the zipper. She nodded at Tinker.
“I should have known it would take up with Mason. It’s your own fault you know.”
“What’s my fault,” Mason asked.
“That Tinker’s in your lap. If you weren’t always trying to put him out he wouldn’t bother you,” she said.
Mason smothered a grin. He liked it when Randi got feisty with them.
“Well Stinker needs to find a new place to hang out. I don’t like it in my lap near my crotch.”
“Don’t aggravate it and your junk should be safe,” Bryson suggested.
“Fuck you, man. Tell me you wouldn’t be nervous if this thing was in your lap.” Mason crossed his arms, glaring at the sleeping bunnycat.
“You’re right,” Bryson said, “but I’m not nearly as worried as you are. I don’t pester the thing like you do. I doubt it would threaten to bite my dick when it sits in my lap. Be nice to it, and it will probably leave you alone.”
Randi’s giggle reminded them they weren’t alone. Bryson winked at her. She winked back before settling into her chair and picking up her e-reader.
He loved the evenings when they relaxed and read or chatted. Sometimes they’d doze in the chairs only to wake up and shuffle to bed. Tonight, he doubted that any of them would doze off. The unspoken promise of something more would keep them all on edge. Bryson knew he was a getting antsy. He just hoped that Randi didn’t feel pressured into anything and wanted to take care of them later.
So far, their woman hadn’t seemed anything more than a little nervous. She sure hadn’t appeared apprehensive or like she was dreading the night ahead. Bryson wanted her to enjoy everything they did together whether it was oral sex or intercourse. He just wasn’t sure how to make sure that was the case other than to remind her that nothing needed to happen if she wasn’t ready for it.
Nearly an hour later she put down her reader and stretched with a wide yawn. She stood and smiled at them.
“I’m going to go ahead and take a bath. I’ll see you guys when you come up.”
“We’ll be up in a while,” Mason told her.
Bryson watched her walk out of the room and heard her light tread on the stairs as she headed up.
“Does she seem nervous to you?” Mason asked.
“Yeah, but not too much,” Bryson said.
“I don’t want her to do anything she isn’t ready for. What do you think?”
“I agree. Let’s just see if she initiates anything. If she does, we can remind her that if she isn’t ready, she doesn’t need to go any further.”
“Good idea.”
“Sleeping next to her is like sweet torture,” Bryson admitted.
“Tell me about it. I wake up hard as a rock every morning. It’s not even normal wood. I dream about her.”
“Yeah, me, too. Me, too.”
Chapter Five
Mason finished in the bathroom and walked into the bedroom to climb in next to Randi. She hadn’t fallen asleep like she sometimes did before he made it back to bed. Bryson was sitting up next to her talking. They looked perfect there waiting for him to come to bed. They were already a family despite the fact that they hadn’t fully consummated their union. That would come eventually.
“Did you guys tell the others to plan on bringing food and coming over for a cookout?” Randi asked as he climbed into bed.
“We told Aaron. He was going to pass it on to the others,” Mason told her. “I think it’s a great idea. We all need to get to know each other and spend time together when we can.” Mason was proud that she’d thought of the idea.
“I can’t wait. It’ll be so much fun to visit and find out what everyone’s been up to these last few weeks.” Randi said
“I know they’ve been busy setting up the store and making sure the grain bins work. They’ll all be grateful for some downtime once we get the garden planted. With nine of us it shouldn’t take long at all,” Bryson said.
“Are you guys tired?” Randi asked after a few seconds.
“A little. Not as much as we have been the past few nights though,” Mason told her.
“Why? Did you want to talk?” Bryson asked.
Mason really hoped it wasn’t talking that she wanted, but wasn’t going to expect anything more.
“Not really. I was, um, wondering if you’d like to, you know. Have sex.”
“Are you propositioning us, hon?” Bryson asked. His face seemed to be trying to hide a smile.
“I wouldn’t have put it that way,” Randi said, her brows narrowing.
“I didn’t mean anything by it. I just meant that if you’re ready, we’re always ready for you, Randi.”
Mason’s heart swelled along with his dick. “Babe, we don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”
“I want you,” she said then turned to Bryson. “Both of you.”
“Let’s start out slow,” he said.
Mason looked over at his friend. “Why don’t you let her suck your cock while I make love to our woman?”
“That okay with you, hon?” Bryson asked.
Her “yes” came out a little breathy as her cheeks darkened to a rosy pink.
Mason rolled over on top of her as she scooted down the bed some. He took her mouth in a kiss that had his shaft stiffening even more if that were possible. She tasted like spicy apple cider from back home. He loved exploring her mouth with his tongue. She rubbed hers alongside his as she returned his kiss. When he pulled back, it was to see an answering desire in her eyes. It was all he needed to know that she was ready for this step.
He kissed his way down her chest to test her readiness with his mouth at her pussy. She was already wet and waiting for his cock. Mason knelt between her legs and pulled them over his
arms while fitting his cock at her opening. He rubbed the head of it up and down her juicy pussy until he was wet with her desire. When he pushed inside her, she welcomed him with her hot, wet cunt and smoldering eyes.
Yes! Perfect.
His dick might melt with the heat of her depths. He pulled nearly all the way out before surging inside her once more. She was perfect. He kissed the back of her cunt with the tip of his cockhead with each thrust. She moved with him, settling into his rhythm as if they’d done this a thousand times before.
Mason looked up to see Bryson tugging on his dick with one hand while he fed his thumb inside her mouth. The other man was fucking her mouth with his thumb as she rolled her eyes up to meet Bryson’s.
“God, your beautiful, Randi,” Bryson told her.
“I want your cock, Bryson.”
Mason’s eyes threatened to close at the pure pleasure coursing through his veins, but he didn’t want to miss Randi taking Bryson’s dick into her mouth. She opened for him, and the other man slowly entered her mouth with his thick dick. Randi reached up and squeezed the base of it, taking control from the other man. She pulled back and licked all around the head before sucking it deep once more.
Mason couldn’t watch any more. He was so tied up in fucking their woman. He watched as his hard cock disappeared inside her tight hole. Her juices glistened on the shaft as he thrust inside over and over. His balls felt as if they were on fire as they tightened, readying to explode at any minute.
“I’m almost there, babe. Let me see you play with your clit, Randi. Make yourself come for us.”
She didn’t hesitate even a second. Randi reached down with one hand while keeping the other one on Bryson’s cock and rubbed a finger over her hard little nub. She brushed her fingers over his dick as it tunneled in and out of her hot cunt then rubbed the juices on her clit until she was moaning around Bryson’s cock.
“That’s it, babe. Come for us.” Mason was having trouble holding back his climax for her.