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Their Mountain Love Page 4
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Page 4
His balls ached as he fisted his cock and pumped it, imagining Lacy closing her mouth around his dick while she cupped his balls with one hand and squeezed the base of his shaft with the other. She’d run her tongue all around the underside just like he liked it while sucking hard. Jet went up on his tiptoes as he grew closer to his release. It wasn’t going to take long. He’d been primed ever since he’d answered the door that morning and saw her standing on their front porch.
Jet slapped his hand against the back tiles as he felt his balls lift and cum boiled, ready to release. He pulled on his dick harder and faster as he imagined her sucking him hard before pulling back and letting him coat her face and chest with his release. The thought had him coming before he even realized it. Ropes of cum coated his hand and the back of the shower even as his ass cheeks squeezed to the point of pain. His toes cramped as he curled them against the floor of the shower until he nearly ended up on his knees. Fuck but that had been intense.
Jet cleaned up then stepped out of the shower before drying off. His body ached after his climax, and still his cock was half-hard again. Yeah, they needed a night out to unwind and maybe find a willing woman to share for the night.
The instant he thought about finding another woman, it felt wrong. What was up with that? They hadn’t had a woman between them in months. Why was he feeling uncomfortable about it now? They always shared women. Was it the thought of sharing one or was it just the thought of any woman other than Lacy? Surely, he wasn’t already attached to her. It had only been one fucking day.
He climbed into bed and forced himself to relax. He’d see how he felt the next day when she’d be back again. Having her in their house felt right to him, but that didn’t make sense. No one fell instantly in love with someone. He wasn’t in love. In lust maybe, but not in love. They hardly knew each other. It took time to learn about each other. Time that they hadn’t had yet. No, he was being ridiculous about it. He just had to get through the week and then they’d spend some quality time at the bar and put it all in perspective.
Jet finally fell asleep, but with Lacy on his mind, he dreamed about her all night long so that when he woke the next morning, she was still there teasing him. It was no wonder the boner he’d started out with the night before was even harder when he woke up, leading to another tug of war in the shower before he finally made it downstairs to scramble some eggs for breakfast.
“Shit, you look like you didn’t sleep much last night,” Tanner said, walking into the kitchen.
“I slept well enough. What about you?” Jet asked.
“Okay. Not used to going to bed so early though,” he said.
“Me either. Going to take some getting used to. Can’t help but be a good thing, right?” Jet asked.
“Sure. Leave the eggs out. I’m going to scramble some for me. Want toast?” Tanner asked.
“Sounds good.”
“So, did you dream about her?” Tanner asked out of the blue.
“Worried about how you’re going to act around her after imagining her naked on her knees?” Tanner asked.
“The fuck ever, man.”
“That’s what I dreamed. She was on her knees between us sucking my cock, then moving over to suck yours. She did that all damn night until I swore I was going to wake up raw this morning.”
“Woke up with a screaming dick instead, didn’t you,” Jet said.
“Hell yeah. We might end up with a clean house, great home-cooked meals, and more time to relax, but our fucking water bill is going to go through the roof,” Tanner said.
“Tell me about it.”
Chapter Five
Lacy couldn’t wait to get to work the next day. Not only did she love the job, but the two sexy men she was working for didn’t hurt. She hadn’t noticed them actively showing any affection toward each other, but they might not feel comfortable enough around her yet to do that. Damn, but it was a shame that two such handsome men were gay. It was always like that though. All the good ones were either taken or gay. She’d have to lower her age limits if she was going to find a good man of her own.
They’d made it clear that she didn’t have to knock when she came to work, but even with them giving her a key, she felt odd just strolling into their home unannounced. Lacy hesitated at the back door then drew in a deep breath and walked in. She could smell the lingering aroma of eggs and toast. They’d eaten breakfast and were probably busy at work in their office now. She couldn’t help but smile at the dishes sitting in the sink. At least they’d rinsed them off before leaving them there.
So, not so perfect after all. I knew it was too good to be true.
The morning was taken up with cleaning the kitchen, preparing lunch and deciding on what to cook for dinner that night. Once lunch was ready, she walked around to their office and knocked on the door.
“Lunch is ready if you guys are,” she called through the door.
“Come on in, Lacy,” Tanner yelled back.
She opened the door to find both men at their desks. Tanner wore a T-shirt that stretched across his wide, muscular chest. The sleeve of his left arm barely covered his tattoo. It made him seem even more sexy as if he needed help with that.
Jet had on a faded gray T-shirt with a hole just beneath his right nipple. Both men were wearing jeans that were faded in all the right places. Lacy had to clear her throat in order to talk.
“Lunch is spaghetti with meat sauce if you guys are ready,” she said.
“Sounds delicious,” Tanner said as he stretched then stood.
“I’m starved. Breakfast seems like a lifetime ago,” Jet said.
She led the way back to the kitchen. Lacy served them, then sat to eat, as well. They’d made it clear that they expected her to eat with them so she gave in and fixed her a plate so they wouldn’t fuss.
“This is amazing,” Tanner said. “Thanks.”
“I agree,” Jet said.
“Thanks. I figured that even though it’s normally a dinner meal, you’ve had nothing but sandwiches for a while so it wouldn’t hurt to have it for lunch every once in a while,” she said.
“Just so you know,” Jet said. “We don’t mind eating leftovers from the night before for lunch. No need to always fix something different when there’s something left over.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, but I don’t mind cooking something fresh. If there is enough left at night, I’ll do that,” she said.
They ate in silence, and then Lacy gathered the dishes with the guys’ help. She tried to shoo them off, saying that she could do it and that was what they paid her to do, but they just brushed her off and helped.
“No reason we can’t pick up after ourselves,” Tanner said.
“Well, thanks. I’ve got it from here.” Lacy opened the dishwasher and began loading it.
“We’re going back to work. If you need anything just come get us,” Jet said.
She waved at them but continued what she was doing. Honestly, they were eating away at her resolve to keep them firmly in the boss slot. If she didn’t see something that reminded her that they were a couple, she was going to have trouble holding her hormones at bay.
I can’t believe I’m this attracted to two men who are probably gay. How did this happen?
Easy. She was on a long dry spell, and they were the first good-looking men who’d been nice to her. Her body was desperate for a little human comfort, and those two men were hot as hell.
Lacy finished the dishes, then checked on the roast she’d put in the crock pot. It looked to be coming along nicely. She grabbed the tote she’d created with cleaning supplies in it and started in the living room. By the time she’d finished dusting and vacuuming the downstairs, it was time for dinner.
She dished up the roast on a platter, along with the carrots and potatoes, then added a bowl of green beans to the table before notifying the men that dinner was ready.
“We’ve been smelling it for the last two hours. Made it real
ly hard to concentrate on work,” Jet said with a huge grin. “I don’t think we’ve eaten this good since we were at home.”
“I know I haven’t. College was whatever we could afford at the time, and the Marines was the usual slop that’s served to soldiers,” Tanner added.
“I’m glad I can meet your expectations,” she said, smiling.
“Hell, you beat our expectations. You’re an amazing cook.” Tanner passed the green beans to Jet.
Lacy basked in their praise. She hadn’t had that in a very long time. At her last job, it was always complaints, even when she surpassed their expectations. It was one of the reasons she’d wanted to leave there. Even now she felt bad for Gail. Her friend was suffering there all alone without her.
“Hey, what’s with the frown?” Tanner asked.
“Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about my friend back in Billings. She’s still working where I was. I know she’s miserable and wished she could find a new job so she could get out of there, as well.”
“Maybe there’s something around her she might like to do. Check the paper on Sunday,” Jet suggested.
“That would be great, but she’s seeing someone there in Billings. I don’t think she’d leave Mike.”
“What are your plans for the weekend?” Tanner asked, startling her.
“Oh, well, I haven’t really thought about it. I need to unpack the last of the boxes at my place. Then I’ll probably explore the town. Figure out where things are.”
“There’s not a lot here, but I’m sure you’ll find something to interest you,” Jet said.
“Why did you guys move here?” she asked.
The two men looked at each other. Jet shrugged, and Tanner turned to look at her.
“We moved here along with some buddies and bought up the land on this mountain. We wanted to live close to each other since we all have similar tastes,” Tanner said.
“Similar tastes?” Gail asked.
“Um, yeah. We like to share a woman between us.”
Chapter Six
Lacy was sure her mouth had hung open for a good three seconds before she managed to snap it closed again. They wanted to share a woman? Like sexually?
That shouldn’t excite me, but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t admit it does.
“Like in a ménage?” she finally asked.
“Right,” Jet said. “We want to find a woman who is willing to live with two men who would love and cherish her as a woman deserves.”
“And these other guys who live up here all feel the same way?” she asked.
“Yeah. That’s right. In fact, three of the families up here are already married.” Tanner forked more meat onto his plate, then added more potatoes.
“So, you’re saying that they have each found a woman to share between them?” she asked.
“That’s right.” Jet sat back from the table. “They’re living the dream of what we want, as well.”
“That’s amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that sort of relationship outside of romance novels,” she admitted.
“Have you read those type of romance books before?” Tanner asked.
“Um, yeah. I read a lot, so I’ve read ménage novels here and there.”
“Were you curious about them?” Tanner asked.
Jet cleared his throat and glared over at his friend.
“What woman wouldn’t be if she reads that type book? I mean two men to dote on her and spoil her rotten. What’s not to like?” Lacy laughed.
“That’s part of the draw of that type of relationship,” Jet said.
“Are you two, ah, you know. Together, too?” she asked.
“You mean are we bisexual?” Tanner asked.
“Never mind. That’s too personal. I’m your employee. I don’t have a right to ask that kind of question,” she said.
“It’s okay, Lacy,” Jet said. “No, we aren’t together. We’re really good friends, but we aren’t lovers.”
“I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that.” Lacy stood and began gathering her plate and utensils.
Jet got up, as well, picking up his plate and carrying it to the sink. Tanner finished eating before he handed his plate to Jet.
“That was delicious, Lacy. Thanks for the meal. You have no idea how nice this has been to have good food and be able to crash after working all day without worrying about cooking, cleaning, or laundry,” Tanner said.
“I’m glad you’re pleased. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Lacy smiled and finished cleaning up the kitchen before she let herself out and climbed into her car.
Why did I ask them that? I can’t believe I was so stupid.
Still, she’d found out what she’d been wondering about. They weren’t lovers, but they had dropped a bomb on her anyway by telling her that they shared women. Who would have ever thought of that?
* * * *
“Fuck, Tanner. Did you have to throw that out there like that? Now she’s scandalized,” Jet said.
“What’s the difference? She thought we were gay and lovers. It’s no more scandalous than that. She seemed more curious than upset by it,” Tanner said.
“She was shocked.”
“She was curious.”
“Now she’ll look at us different,” Jet said.
“She’ll think about what-if.”
“I just hope we don’t lose her now that we finally have someone to help us.”
“We won’t. I bet she goes straight home and searches out one of her ménage romance novels and starts reading it. What you want to bet?” Tanner asked with a wide grin.
“Maybe. Or she could be digging through last Sunday’s paper to find a new job.”
“Pessimist,” Tanner said.
“All I’m saying is that we’ve crushed how she looks at us. She’ll be nervous around us now. Things were going so smoothly. Not even a week and we’ve already screwed this up.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Let’s just see how she is tomorrow,” Tanner said.
Jet shrugged and turned on the TV. Tanner watched a sports show with him, then grew bored with it and grabbed a fresh beer and walked outside to sit a while and think. Had he ruined their chances with Lacy? He wasn’t sure how Jet felt about her, but he really liked her, and could seriously consider her as someone they could share.
Am I only interested in her because we haven’t found anyone else and she’s close by?
Tanner didn’t think so. Lacy was sweet and pretty. She smiled like a ray of sunshine in their dull, dingy world. They worked like dogs right now, but eventually, he planned on scaling back and only working enough to subsidize their income from their investments.
Jet liked her. He knew he did, but Jet was less likely to change the status quo. He liked things cleanly in their box and had put Lacy in the employee box with no plans to open that box to any other possibilities. If they were going to make a play for her, it would be up to Tanner to open the box.
He’d drained his beer but still wasn’t ready to go back inside. Instead, he crossed the deck and walked down the stairs to their backyard. It was cool, but not cold yet. It wouldn’t be long though, and there’d be snow on the ground. He couldn’t wait. There was nothing like standing in a foot of snow blanketing the ground and absorbing all sound. The still of the night would be amazing. Even more so if he could share it with someone. Someone like Lacy.
Suddenly the idea of going out that weekend to find a woman didn’t seem all that interesting. He’d feel like he was cheating on Lacy even though she wasn’t theirs. He already thought of her that way though.
“You going to stay out there all day or are you going to sleep in your own bed tonight?” Jet asked from the doorway.
“I’m coming in. It’s a nice night though. Going to be colder in another few days.”
“Yeah. Was thinking that we need to get out the snow chains and be sure they’re in good shape. We’ll need them to drive up and down the mountain this winter.”
t even thought about that with Lacy,” Tanner said. “She’s going to need snow chains to make the trip every day.”
“Damn. You’re right. Do you think she’s any good at driving in the snow? I wouldn’t want her to have a wreck on these roads. Fuck.” Jet stepped back to allow Tanner to come inside.
“We need to talk to her about it tomorrow. I don’t think there’s a chance of snow yet, but it’s right around the corner,” Tanner said.
“If she isn’t able to drive in that shit we’ll need to go pick her up and drop her off each day,” Jet said.
Tanner couldn’t help but smile. Maybe his friend wasn’t as hard lined when it came to dating Lacy as he pretended. It was obvious that he cared about the woman. He could work with that. Getting Jet on board with the idea might be hard, but he didn’t think it would be impossible. They’d have to go slow though. Lacy was innocent in many ways. He didn’t want to scare her off.
He tossed his empty beer bottle in the trash and noticed that she’d even emptied the trash at some point during the day. It bothered him that she’d lifted the heavy bag and tossed it in the outside canister. He and Jet needed to be sure they didn’t leave a heavy bag for her. Beer bottles could get heavy fast in a garbage bag.
It wouldn’t hurt them to toss out the garbage. She was freeing up so much of their time now that they could do that one thing. He’d approach Jet about it later. For now, he’d just handle the trash himself.
“I’m headed to bed. What about you?” Jet asked.
“Me, too. I think I have the company I’ve been struggling with all straightened out now, but they’ve referred another company to me. I’ll be interviewing them to figure out what their issues are. Pulling information out of them is always interesting,” Tanner said.
“I’m still working on the same project. It won’t be long though. I’ll be fucking ecstatic when I can say this one’s done,” Jet said.