Her Mountain Home Read online

Page 4

  She watched them as they walked into the living room with Austin carrying a pad and pencil while Caleb had a rather large measuring tape.

  “So, where do you need the shelves built?” Caleb asked with a bright smile that lit up his hazel eyes, which seemed to hold more green than brown. “I can see that you have two bookcases in here. Did you want to replace them with built-ins?”

  “No. These in here are fine. I want to have them built in my office,” she said, leading the way to the other room.

  “Nice. You’ve got a great view from that window of the mountain,” Caleb said.

  “It’s rather spectacular in the early morning,” she said.

  “Okay. Where do you want them?” Austin said, looking around.

  Selena indicated the back wall, which was clear except for several boxes that hadn’t been opened. She should have moved them out of the way, but they were heavy. She figured the guys could shove them out of the way while working. Yeah, she was being lazy, but her muscles ached from all the work she’d done after moving in.

  “All the way to the ceiling, or do you want them about a foot off so you can put stuff on top of them?” Caleb asked.

  “Floor to ceiling. I have a lot of books and no knickknacks.”

  “Sounds good. Do you have a preference for the wood type or stain?” Austin asked as he made notes.

  “I’m going to leave that to you guys. I don’t know much about shelving and wood and such. It might be nice to have the stain match my desk or the woodwork already in here,” she suggested.

  “I think it will work better to match the desk. Otherwise it will all blend in and take away from the beauty of the shelves. You can use them to accentuate the room,” Caleb said.

  “Sounds good to me,” she said.

  “Well, let’s get the wall measured then.” Caleb and Austin worked for several minutes measuring the wall in a dozen different ways before they agreed on which measurements they needed. Finally, they announced they were going to town to purchase the necessary supplies to get started.

  Selena was left alone for the time being. They’d moved the boxes of books to the middle of the room in a nice neat stack. She was surprised Maggie hadn’t already claimed the stack as her own personal perch, but the fat cat was still dozing on her cat bed. More than likely she’d escape under Selena’s bed once they started working.

  She settled down to try and get some writing done while the men were gone. She almost needed to change her underwear since they were damp from her arousal just being in the same room with the two men. When they started to work, Selena planned to take her laptop into the kitchen so maybe she could still manage to get some writing in. Staying in the same room with them as they stretched those amazing muscles was a sure recipe for embarrassing herself by either drooling or staring or both.

  A little over an hour later, they returned, knocking politely on the door to let her know they were back and would be working outside for the time being cutting the boards. She told them to come and go as they needed to. They didn’t need to knock on the door while they were working on the shelves.

  Selena set up her computer in the kitchen on the little breakfast table and gave herself a good talking-to before settling down to write. She heard the front door open and close several times but forced herself to carry on working instead of getting up to watch them build her shelves. God, how she wanted to watch them.

  Thoughts of them hot and sweaty from working had her fanning herself until she had to stop and get something to drink.

  Hey, I bet they could use a cold drink right about now.

  She pushed the little voice telling her to leave well enough alone to the back of her mind and poured two glasses of iced tea. She carried the glasses into the office and cleared her throat at the sight of them bent over working near the floor.

  Caleb and Austin stood and smiled at her. Their smiles were amazing. Both of them had straight white teeth and luscious full lips. The fact that their smiles reached their eyes and brightened them wasn’t lost on her.

  “I thought you might like something to drink. It’s hot outside.” She held out the two glasses.

  “Thanks, Selena. That will go down good,” Caleb said.

  She watched their throats work as they downed the iced tea in a series of gulps. She marveled at how wide their shoulders were with the T-shirts stretched across them. What she wouldn’t give to run her hands up and down their muscular arms. They weren’t muscle-bound like bodybuilders, but strong from hard manual labor. She liked the look on them.

  Jesus. I’ve got to stop this. I’m not looking for a man, let alone two. What is wrong with me?

  She swallowed twice before she could speak again. “I can get you some more if you want some?”

  “This will do us for now. Thanks, hon,” Caleb said.

  Austin smiled down at her. “It was perfect. Really hit the spot.”

  Selena took their empty glasses and retreated to the kitchen. She had to work hard at settling her mind back onto her writing. All she could think about for the next little while was the sight of the two men downing their tea.

  Stop it! I’ve got to concentrate or I’m going to miss my deadline.

  She needed to finish the book she was writing for another author by the first of the next week, and that meant leaving time to edit it, as well. At the rate she was going, she’d be putting in some long nights to catch up.

  After a while, she managed to bury herself in the story and forget about the two men in the other room pounding away at something. She even managed to miss the sound of the front door opening and closing. She was so caught up in the plot she was creating that when Caleb cleared his throat only a few feet away from her, she let out a squeal.

  “Sorry for scaring you. I thought you would have heard us walk in. Our boots make a lot of noise,” Caleb said.

  “No. It’s okay. I was just really concentrating. Finished?” she asked.

  “Not quite. We thought we’d knock off for the day and come back tomorrow. We’ll finish up the shelving, then stain it tomorrow afternoon,” Austin said.

  “Wonderful. I can’t wait to be able to unpack my books. How long before I can do that once you stain the wood?”

  “If we don’t get any rain after we stain it, you should be able to put books on it by Friday without it staining them,” Caleb said.

  “That’s great. What time do you plan to come back tomorrow?”

  “Thought nine was a good time if it still works for you,” Austin said.

  “That’s fine. I’m an early riser unless I’ve worked late,” she said.

  “We’re going into town to get some dinner. Want to tag along?” Caleb asked.

  “Oh. I’m not very hungry,” she said. Her stomach rumbled, belying her claim.

  Caleb chuckled. “Sounds like your stomach isn’t so sure. Come on. You can ride with us and we’ll drop you off on the way back through.”

  “Really, I can fix something here,” she said.

  “Nonsense. You should get out some. You’ve been cooped up inside all day. It won’t hurt to take a little time for a meal.” Caleb nodded toward the front door.

  “Well. Maybe you’re right. I guess I am a little hungry.” Her stomach growled again.

  Both men laughed, then took a step back so she could walk past them. They waited while she grabbed her purse and keys, then watched as she locked up the house behind them.

  When she climbed up into the truck, she was a little surprised when Austin scooted in next to her with Caleb driving.

  “Fasten your seat belt, babe,” Caleb said as he started the big truck.

  She couldn’t help but be hyper-aware of the two men since her thighs were touching theirs on either side of her. Their shoulders were so broad that they touched hers, as well. This close to them, Selena was surprised her ovaries didn’t take up the rumbling sound her stomach had given earlier. They were seriously the most virile men she’d ever been this close to. Her ex couldn�
��t hold a candle to these guys. He was a wimp in comparison and really, there was no comparison.

  Once they pulled into the parking lot of the diner, Selena was a walking bundle of nerves and hormones. When she scooted over to jump down, Austin surprised her again by lifting her with his big, strong hands at her waist and letting her gently to the ground. She couldn’t mistake the bulge between his legs as she slid down his body to stand on her wobbly legs. Had all of that been an erection? Damn, the man was built.

  Caleb walked around the front of the truck to join them as they strode across the parking lot to the door of the diner. Caleb held it open for her, then followed her inside along with Austin. They led her toward a table next to the windows. Austin held her chair for her, and then both men sat down, as well.

  “Hey there, guys.” Tracy walked over. “What can I get you all to drink?”

  “Diet Coke,” Selena said.

  “Sweet tea for us,” Caleb said.

  “Gotcha. We’ve got fried catfish tonight if you’re interested,” she said before she walked off to fetch their drinks.

  “That sounds good. What do you think, Selena?” Austin asked.

  “I haven’t had catfish in a long time. I think that’s what I’m going to have,” she said.

  “That’s three of us then,” Caleb said.

  When Tracy returned with their drinks, Caleb told her their order and the young woman strode off.

  “So, what is that furry thing that was sleeping on your desk before we started working on the shelves?” Austin asked.

  Chapter Five

  “Oh, that was Maggie. She’s my boss and makes sure I get my work done every day,” Selena teased.

  “Sure is big,” Austin said.

  “And she looks like she’s been around the block a few times,” Caleb added.

  “I found her as a kitten hiding under my car. Now she allows me to feed her and live with her as repayment.” Selena couldn’t help but smile at the men shaking their heads.

  “Hope she comes back out for you now that we’ll be gone for the night,” Austin said.

  “Oh, don’t worry about her. She’s probably just napping under my bed. She does that during thunderstorms, too.”

  “You’d think a cat that looks like her with all those scars would be a little less of a sissy,” Caleb said.

  “Yeah, well, she’s good company. I wouldn’t tell her you think she’s a wimp, if I were you. She can get real feisty.” Selena took a drink of her Diet Coke. She loved fountain drinks but stuck to iced tea at home.

  The waitress returned with their meals soon after that and they ate, only stopping to say how good it was until they’d finished.

  “Did you guys get enough? We can fry up another batch for you,” Tracy said.

  “Not for me,” Selena said. “I’m stuffed.”

  “I think we’ve had plenty, as well. You gave us a double order I think,” Caleb said, patting his flat stomach.

  “Knew you guys would need it,” Tracy said with a broad smile. “How about dessert?”

  “None for me,” Selena said, shaking her head.

  “I think we’re good, Tracy.”

  The young woman nodded, tore off a ticket from her book, and handed it to Caleb. Selena waited expectantly for hers, but the woman walked away.

  “Wait. You can’t pay for my food. I can pay for it.” Selena put her purse in her lap.

  “We asked you to eat with us. We’re paying. Don’t argue with us, babe,” Caleb said.

  “Well, thank you, but I didn’t expect you to pay when I agreed to come with you guys.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s the man in us. We’ll always pay when you’re with us,” Austin said.

  With them? Are they saying they’re going to take me out again?

  “Ready?” Caleb asked.

  Selena stood and threw the strap of her purse over her shoulder. “I’m ready. I really appreciate the meal. It was very good.”

  Caleb and Austin stood as well and ushered her toward the entrance. While Caleb paid the tab, Austin held the door for her to walk out into the parking lot. The temperature had cooled off quite a bit since they’d gone inside. She’d figured out that even when it was hot during the day, the mountain air tended to cool off a lot at night. Besides, it was September, so summer had slipped away into fall.

  “Here you go.” Austin opened the passenger-side door and waited while she climbed up into the cab of the truck.

  He waited until Caleb walked out of the building before getting into the truck, as well. The heat of his body seeped into hers, and when Caleb climbed into the driver’s seat, she felt surrounded by their masculine scent and warmth.

  The trip to her home was fast despite the fact that Caleb seemed to be driving five miles under the speed limit. Maybe it was because she really didn’t want the ride to end. She liked being between the two men.

  I really have to stop thinking about them like this. My panties are soaked. If they look hard enough, I bet my jeans are even wet. God, please don’t let them notice.

  Once again when they’d stopped outside her house, Austin helped her out of the truck. Yes, that really was his cock poking her abdomen. He didn’t look the least bit embarrassed that she could feel it pressed against her as she slid to her feet.

  “I’ll walk you to your door,” Austin said.

  “Oh really, there’s no need. Thank you both for the delicious meal,” she said.

  “It was the diner, babe. Nothing fancy about that. Next time we’ll take you to the steak house,” Caleb said.

  “Next time?” she all but squeaked.

  “Yep. Next time,” Austin said as he took her elbow and urged her toward the house.

  Selena walked up the walkway toward her door and pulled her keys out of her purse. She unlocked the door and stepped inside.

  “I guess I’ll see you guys in the morning,” she said.

  “We’ll be here. Now lock up, hon. I want to hear the deadbolt slide into place before I leave,” Austin said.

  She couldn’t help but feel good that he wanted to be sure she was safe. It made her feel precious in a way. Something she had no business feeling about them. They were off limits. After all, they were working for her.

  But they wouldn’t be working for her after tomorrow.

  It doesn’t matter. I can’t get mixed up with them. I have work to do, and spending time with them would keep me behind. Besides, they probably don’t want to spend any more time with me. They’re just being nice by suggesting they might take me out again.

  Had that been what tonight had been? A date of sorts? Surely not. But they’d taken her to the diner and paid for it. That was basically a date.

  She sighed and checked on Maggie. The chubby cat was back on her bed on the desk, sound asleep. She looked over the shelves they were building and was impressed. They weren’t just slapping up some boards and calling it done—they’d created scallop designs at the top so the shelves looked more like furniture than just bookcases she could have bought anywhere. Once stained, they’d be lovely.

  Selena settled at her desk and got to work. She needed to work until at least nine to make up for lost time. If she could do that, maybe she’d get caught up. Especially since the men would be back the next day and she knew she wouldn’t get nearly as much done as she’d need to.

  I’m so screwed. They are hot as hell, and I already don’t want them to finish the shelves and walk out of my life.

  * * * *

  Caleb stretched before settling into his recliner with a beer. Austin was already in his, flipping through the channels looking for something interesting to watch. There really wasn’t a lot on.

  “How about the Discovery Channel?” he suggested.

  “Sounds good to me. I think there was a documentary on Vikings on,” Austin said.

  They sat in companionable silence through the majority of the show. Caleb couldn’t stop thinking about Selena. She was just as nice as he’d thought. Swe
et even. She’d brought them something to drink and stayed out of their hair while they’d worked. Nothing drove him crazy more than when an owner hovered around them while they worked. She’d left them to it, trusting that they knew what they were doing.

  “You’re thinking about her again,” Austin said.

  “Can’t help it. She’s great, man. She’s into us. Did you see how her nipples were puckered while we ate? And I swear her pants were wet when you helped her down.” Caleb grinned.

  “Yeah. I think you’re right, but we’re going to have to go slow like I said before. She’ll balk if we push her too fast,” Austin cautioned.

  “I know. But it’s hard as shit to go slow when I have a raging hard-on just being in the same room with her. Hell, being in the same house with her. Her scent is all over that office already. I guess she spends a lot of time in there,” Caleb said.

  “Well, she works from home, so I would think she probably does. I wonder what she does,” Austin said.

  “Really no telling. So much crap you can do from home nowadays. It could be anything from writing programs to filing insurance for doctors’ offices,” Caleb said. “Hell, my sister said if she wanted to, she could work from home as an insurance coder.”

  “How is Carmen these days?” Austin asked.

  “Good. She’s getting over yet another man in her life. I don’t know what happens, but she breaks up with them after three or four months of dating them. It’s like she loses interest in them.”

  “She’s picky, and that’s a good thing.” Austin took a pull of his beer and stared at the TV screen, where men in animal skins battled it out.

  “Yeah, maybe.” Caleb thought it was more than that. His little sister seemed to be searching for something in a man that she might not even be aware of.

  “Did Selena seem a little confused to you when we said we’d take her to the steak house next time?” Austin asked.

  “Yeah, maybe. I guess she didn’t realize we were taking her out yesterday until we said that. She probably thought it was just a casual shared dinner.”

  “Nothing about it was casual to me.”


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