Belonging to Her Mountain Read online

Page 5

  Tammy smiled, then sipped her wine. She was enjoying herself and couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun with a man. The fact that this was with two men didn’t bother her right now. That was something she’d think about another time. For now, she was just going to enjoy herself.

  Twenty minutes later, they were laughing and drinking and talking about some of the amusing anecdotes from the guys’ army days.

  “I hadn’t realized that you’d been in the army before,” she said.

  “Yeah, all of us up here on the mountain were stationed together. It’s why we all settled on the same mountain. We know each other and get along well,” Gabriel told her.

  “I’ve heard that two of the women who live up here are with two men each. They talk about it in town. Doesn’t that bother them?” she asked.

  “Yes, four of our buddies have found their women. They’re married and committed to one another. Does that bother you?” Baldwin asked.

  “No. Everyone has the right to live like they want to, but I can’t help but wonder how that works. Is this what you guys are looking for?” she asked.

  That had been the main question in her head almost from the beginning. She blamed the wine and the hot tub for loosening her tongue enough to ask them. She’d planned on waiting for another day to broach that subject.

  “It works because the three of them work together,” Gabriel said.

  “And, yes. That’s what we’re wanting for ourselves,” Baldwin said.

  She squirmed under his direct gaze. She was sure she was a little giddy from the wine. Though she was used to drinking, paired with the hot tub and she was sure it had all gone to her head.

  “How does that work? Don’t you get jealous? I mean, most men don’t like it when another man pays attention to their girlfriend,” she pointed out.

  “Not when it’s between us. If any other man paid attention to you, we’d have to set him straight,” Gabriel said.

  “It works because we talk things through. If one of us has a problem, then we work it out between us and the woman would never know about it. We aren’t going to make our woman choose sides over anything that’s between just us. If it is something the woman needs to be a part of, we include her, but for most stuff, we just decide and go on,” Gabriel said.

  “It’s so unconventional. I still don’t see how it works,” she said.

  “Does it bother you that both of us are dating you?” Baldwin asked.

  “I guess I hadn’t really thought about it until now. I kept thinking that one of you would back off or something. Now I realize you never planned to do that,” she admitted.

  “No. We’re a package deal. We both want to be with you at the same time, babe. Are you willing to give us a try?” Gabriel asked.

  “I guess I already am,” she said.

  “Yeah. I guess you are.” Gabriel scooted closer to her. “I want to kiss you, babe. You good with that?”

  “Yes,” she breathed out.

  Baldwin slid over next and settled his mouth on the side of her neck. “Mind if I kiss your neck while he kisses your mouth, hon?”


  She lifted her face to Gabriel, and he held the back of her neck as he slid his mouth over hers. She immediately felt giddy with the kiss. She was sure part of it was the alcohol and part of it was that the man could kiss. He slanted his head and sucked on her lower lip before thrusting his tongue in to tangle with hers. He sucked on it, then nibbled at her lip.

  Baldwin kissed down her neck before nipping at her shoulder. He licked his way back up to bite at her jaw before sucking on her earlobe. Her daydreams and fantasies hadn’t come nearly close enough to what it actually felt like to have two men paying attention to her at one time. It was heady stuff.

  Gabriel and Baldwin made love to her mouth and neck and shoulders. When they lowered the straps on her bathing suit, she didn’t even protest. Baldwin picked her up and settled her across his lap so that he could reach one of her breasts while Gabriel took the other one in his mouth. God, their mouths on her breasts were almost too much. They sucked and nipped and pulled on her nipples until she was squirming on Baldwin’s lap. That’s when she felt his very hard, very big erection pushing at her ass.

  “Oh my God. I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, attempting to slide off his lap.

  “Easy there, babe. There’s no reason to get down. I’m fine. Let us take care of you. It’s what we want to do. Nothing else has to happen. We’re men, not schoolboys. We can handle it,” Gabriel told her.

  “But I’m not ready to sleep with you. I’m not a tease,” she said.

  “We know you’re not, but we want to make you feel good. Just relax and enjoy, babe. Want to see you come apart in our arms,” Gabriel said.

  She stilled and tried to relax, but it was awfully difficult with the feel of Baldwin’s hard cock beneath her. Didn’t it hurt him or something?

  They continued teasing her with their mouths. Then she felt one of their hands between her legs, slipping beneath her swimsuit. She moaned when fingers began to rub gently up and down her slit until they breached her pussy and thrust inside. Tammy nearly bucked off of Baldwin’s lap at the pleasure it sent through her body.


  “Feel good, baby girl?” Gabriel asked against her neck as he sucked and licked her there.

  “Too good,” she said.

  “It’s never too good, hon. We want to make you come for us,” Baldwin said against her hair.

  “I don’t know if I can like this. I mean out in the open in a hot tub and all,” Tammy said.

  “You can, babe. Just relax and let us do all the work,” Gabriel said.

  She leaned back into Baldwin’s arms just as one of them thrust two fingers deeper into her pussy over and over. Gabriel sucked on her nipples so that her body felt as if it were on fire from the attention they were giving her. Her pussy ached and vibrated with need while her breasts felt heavy and tingly.

  When she was certain she couldn’t take any more, someone pinched her clit and she saw stars. Her cry was muffled when Baldwin covered her mouth with his and kissed her while they brought her down slowly from her climax. Never had anything felt so good and so bad all at the same time.

  She was in so much trouble.

  Chapter Six

  “Beautiful,” Gabriel said.

  Tammy didn’t know what he was referring to, but she was wiped out. She shivered when they helped her out of the hot tub and quickly toweled her off before wrapping her up in the robe. Then Gabriel picked her up and carried her into the house while Baldwin covered the hot tub and gathered the towels.

  “You can put me down. I can walk now,” she said.

  “You sure, babe?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I need to get my clothes and dress,” she said, looking everywhere but at him.

  “Go take a shower so you feel fresh, babe,” Gabriel said.

  “I really should go now,” she said.

  “Take a shower. We’ll take you home after that.”

  “Okay.” She walked over to the downstairs bathroom and gathered her clothes before walking up the stairs to shower off. She had to admit she was curious about how it would feel to have three showerheads focused on her at one time.

  Maybe like it did to have two men focused on me in that hot tub.

  She shivered at the memory of her orgasm. God, she was still quivering from it. They’d truly made her come between them. She’d never have believed she’d have two men interested in her at one time. It boggled her mind. She’d been thrilled when she’d had any date. Two men at one time was like two scoops of ice cream when she’d only had enough money for one.

  Tammy hung the robe on the back of the bathroom door, then pulled out a towel and bath cloth. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. When she stepped into the spa-like shower, she turned on the other showerheads and moaned. It felt amazing to have all three on at once, but she turned all but the one overhead off.

  She quickly cleaned up, then got out to towel off. She looked beneath the counters and finally found a hair dryer. She dried her hair, then got dressed. She tarried a little longer, admiring the bathroom, before she finally walked downstairs to find the guys already dressed in the living room.

  “Enjoy your shower, hon?” Gabriel asked.

  “Yes. It was wonderful. I’ll be sorely disappointed when I have to use my normal one tomorrow,” she said, offering a smile.

  “You’re welcome to borrow ours anytime you want, babe,” Gabriel said.

  “Don’t make that offer unless you’re ready to deliver,” she said with a chuckle. “I may just take you up on that.”

  “Anytime, baby girl. Anytime,” Gabriel said.

  “I’d better go home now. It’s getting late,” she said.

  “No problem. We had a great time tonight. I hope you did, too,” Baldwin said.

  “I did. The food was amazing and the hot tub…” She trailed off, sure that her face was flaming red by the heat she felt.

  “The hot tub was special,” Baldwin said.

  “That was perfect, hon. You looked beautiful when you came for us,” Gabriel said.

  “It feels wrong though,” she said.

  “Why would you think that?” Gabriel asked, stepping back.

  “Because I came, but you guys didn’t, and there were two of you. It’s just weird,” she said, looking anywhere but at them.

  “We told you that it was all for you. We’re fine. Besides, we can take care of ourselves later if we need to. Never worry about us, babe. And it was the fact that there were two of us pleasuring you that you came so hard,” Gabriel said.

  “I’ve never been with two men at one time before, guys,” she said.

  “That’s okay. We’ll show you everything you need to know. Like relaxing and letting us do all the work. You never have to worry about a thing when you’re with us,” Baldwin said.

  “This is so surreal. I don’t know how to do this.” Tammy clasped and unclasped her hands over and over. What happened if she found that she liked one more than the other?

  “Don’t overthink it, babe. Just see how things go. There’s no pressure. We’re just exploring a relationship to see if it works for us. Okay?” Gabriel asked.

  “I guess. I’m just not sure.” She sighed and walked toward the door.

  “Gabriel, why don’t you take her home? She’s overwhelmed right now,” Baldwin said.

  Tammy could hear the disappointment in his voice. She turned back around and walked over to him, then got up on her tiptoes and kissed Baldwin softly on the mouth before following Gabriel outside.

  Gabriel helped her into the truck, then walked around to climb into the driver’s side. He didn’t say anything until they were on the way down the mountain.

  “Are you okay, babe?”

  “Yeah. Just a little confused. I’ll be all right.”

  “Did we scare you away?”

  “No. But I need a little time to think about this.”

  Gabriel sighed. “We want to take you to the movies next weekend. Will you go with us?”

  “Let me think about it and talk to you later in the week, okay?” she asked.

  “Don’t think too hard, Tammy. You’ll talk yourself out of it. Out of us. Just think about how we make you feel,” Gabriel said.

  “I’ll try.”

  He pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building and helped her out of the truck before walking her upstairs to her apartment. When she hesitated outside the door to her unit, he smiled down at her.

  “I had a nice time, Gabriel. I really did,” she said.

  “We did, too, babe. One of us will call you later in the week, okay?”

  “Yeah. That’s fine.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and slowly lowered his head until he could brush his lips across hers. She inhaled as he deepened the kiss. His tongue tangled with hers before he drew back to brush his lips across hers one last time. Then he kissed her forehead and stepped back.

  “Lock up, babe. I’m not leaving until I hear the lock click.”

  Tammy smiled and nodded. Then she unlocked the door, stepped inside, and turned the deadbolt once she’d closed the door again. The entire night washed over her, and she rested her forehead against the door.

  “What am I going to do about them?”

  * * * *

  “She’s running scared,” Baldwin said when Gabriel got back from driving her home.

  “Yeah. I thought she was ready for a little more, but I could have been wrong. She’s so sweet. I want to take care of her and make her feel good,” Gabriel said.

  “She might not be a virgin, but she’s a virgin when it comes to relationships. I don’t think she’s had very many,” Baldwin said.

  “I think you’re right. I can’t understand why though. She’s beautiful and when she smiles, her eyes light up so that you can’t tell if her eyes are green or brown or what. I love it when she smiles.” Gabriel walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

  “What about next weekend?” Baldwin asked.

  Gabriel huffed out a breath. “We’re supposed to call her midweek to see if she’s game. She wanted to think about it.”

  “That’s not a good thing,” Baldwin said.

  “I know. She’s going to overthink it. We need to see her before then.”

  “I agree.”

  “Let’s call her while we’re in town on Wednesday and ask her to lunch,” Gabriel suggested.

  “Good idea.” Baldwin emptied the beer he’d been drinking and walked over to get another one. He had a feeling he’d need more than one to get some sleep tonight. Not only was he turned on, but he was also anxious about keeping Tammy from turning them down.

  Gabriel sat back in the recliner and took a long pull from his beer. Baldwin could tell that his friend was just as worried as he was about keeping Tammy interested in them.

  “How do you really feel about her?” Baldwin asked his friend.

  “I really like her. Hell, I think I’m already falling in love with her. She’s perfect for us if she’d just give us a chance. Did you see how her eyes glazed over when she came for us? I felt ten feet tall knowing I’d helped bring her pleasure,” Gabriel said.

  “Yeah, me too. I wanted to do it again, but she was pretty overwhelmed from the one. Can you imagine once she’s ours how it will feel to make her climax over and over again?” Baldwin asked.

  “I want her to always be happy,” Gabriel said.

  “Not going to happen as long as she works where she is now. I get the feeling she’s more than dissatisfied with her current job. I think she hates it.”

  “Makes you wonder why when she’s such an easygoing person. Must be real bad for her to feel the way she does about it. Wonder how we can convince her to tell us more? Maybe we can help her find another job she’d like. That would go a long way to winning her over,” Gabriel said.

  “One thing she’s right about is that there aren’t a lot of jobs here,” Baldwin said.

  He’d love to find her another place to work. He hated that she was so unhappy about her current job.

  I don’t want her to be unhappy about anything. That includes us, but how can we convince her to give us a chance? A fighting chance?

  Baldwin figured they had a couple of days to think about it. They’d have to catch her off guard on Wednesday to talk her into lunch. Then they needed to hold back some so as not to scare her away when they asked her to the movies for Saturday night. Maybe they’d asked her to their place too soon. Taking a step back was probably the best decision.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Gabriel asked.

  “I think we should have held off on cooking out here until she was ready to spend the night. We jumped ahead too fast.”

  “I agree. That’s my fault. I wanted some alone time with her. If we’d forgone the hot tub until the next time she came over, it might have been okay,” Gabriel said. />
  “Maybe. I’m really worried she’s too sweet for us. We’re asking a lot of her for someone as obviously as inexperienced as she is.”

  “True, but if we date her individually, she’ll end up falling for just one of us instead of both of us. That’s a sure way to screw this up,” Gabriel argued.

  “I agree. We have to make sure we’re in agreement with everything around her so that she doesn’t feel like she’s taking sides about anything. If we disagree, we talk it over without her. Doesn’t matter how small the issue is.” Baldwin was positive that arguing even a little around her in the beginning would be a death sentence for any possible relationship between the three of them.

  “I think you need to be the one to call her on Wednesday. You’re more relaxed than I am,” Gabriel said.

  “No shit. You’re like a bulldozer when it comes to people,” Baldwin said.

  “Which is why you’re the better bet.”

  “So, how about pizza and a movie afterward?” he asked.

  “Sounds good to me,” Gabriel said.

  “I’ll call her and ask her out for lunch since ‘we’re in town anyway,’ and then we’ll just talk for a while at the diner. Afterward, I’ll bring up Saturday and make it sound relaxing more than a date. Think that will work?” Baldwin asked.

  “I think it’s our best shot. She’s really on the fence with us. Retreat for now is the only option.”

  “This isn’t a war, Gabriel.”

  “Sure it is. It’s the war for her heart.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Tammy. I need that brief for the Lester case. Where is it?” Mr. Bigsby demanded from the door of his office.

  “Right here, Mr. Bigsby.” Tammy carried the brief to him and sighed when he snatched it out of her hands.

  “Why wasn’t it on my desk?” he asked.

  “You asked for it just before you got on the phone, and I didn’t want to interrupt you by walking in on your conversations.”

  “Next time, knock on the door and come in unless I tell you otherwise. I needed this while I was on the phone,” he said.


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