Caught Between Hawk and Gunner Read online

Page 6

  The instant he stepped inside the dim building, Gunner was aware of her. It was as if the noise of the rowdy crowd and the ringing of the amplifiers from the stage receded and all he could see and feel was Jackie.


  It was too late to turn around and leave, Hawk and Rage were already making their way toward him. Gunner forced a relaxed expression on even though he felt far from relaxed. Not only did he need a drink but a good hand job would be just as welcome.

  Hell. I’d probably lose the wood if someone else touched me. I’m so fucked.

  How could she arouse him just by being in the same room despite what she represented to him?

  “Wasn’t sure you were going to show up.” Rage stopped right in front of him. “We’ve got some intel on the One-Niners. You solid?”

  Gunner jerked his gaze over to Hawk, making sure the man who was supposed to be his best friend saw how irritated he was that the other man had said something to the prez. Didn’t matter that it was his job as vice prez to keep Rage and Terror informed. But he wasn’t losing it. He wouldn’t put his brothers in danger.

  “Don’t piss on him over this, G-man. This is too fucking serious to risk everything because someone reminds you of your ex. If that’s all it is, just get over it, man. Fuck her and get her out of your system.”

  As if that’s all it would take. The way I feel right now, sex with her would just seal the deal. No. Hell. No.

  “I’m good. Let’s go.” Gunner glared one last time at Hawk, showing the other man his teeth then followed Rage back to their table.

  Besides Terror, Loco, and Bush, their treasurer, sat Bear and Duke. He was surprised there weren’t more of the club there to talk about something as big as the One-Niners.

  “Who’s watching the bar, Duke?” he asked.

  “Jack. She’s good. She can handle it for an hour or so.” He stared hard at Gunner.

  Gunner just grunted and wondered why they had shortened her name to Jack. He wasn’t going to ask because it didn’t matter to him. Best if he kept his back to the bar and his thoughts to himself.

  “Loco managed to reach out to one of our brother clubs where the One-Niners make their home base, in Joplin. Turns out they’ve pretty much been kicked out by the Holy Terrors. Seems they weren’t too thrilled with what the One-Niners were up to.” Terror nodded over at Loco.

  Loco picked up the conversation. “They’ve been bad little boys. They started dealing with a terrorist cell that has a training camp up in the hills. Guns and ammo as well as something my contact hasn’t discovered yet. Whatever it is, it’s the size of a shoebox and comes in plastic tubs of four each. So far they’ve seen ten of these tubs transferred to the terrorist’s compound.”

  Bush shook his head. “There’s no telling what’s in those tubs. Could be gun parts for something bigger or parts to make bombs.”

  “Terrorist tend to lean toward bombs more than anything. Makes the biggest impact with more casualties and collateral damage.” Gunner didn’t like that some of the bastards had set up shop in their territory. “They’ve got to go.”

  “I agree,” Rage said. “But we need more information to feed to the Holy Terrors first. I don’t want any part of knowing we might have helped to stop an attack if they manage to pull one off.”

  “I agree.” Hawk leaned forward. “Do we know for sure how many are located around Settler’s Point?”

  “To date we’ve only spotted three, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more on the way or already here and just laying low.” Loco nodded toward Bush. “Cowboy and Jinx have been watching them. Right now they’re kept to themselves.”

  “We figure they’re waiting on something,” Bush said.

  “Or someone,” Gunner pointed out. “Could be a buy about to go down.”

  “Not in our town.” Terror banged his hand on the table. “Everyone’s on alert. We look for anyone who doesn’t belong and report back to Loco. He’ll keep a log of what we notice and we’ll try and map out what they’ve got in the works. Look for routines and schedules.”

  “I’ll reach out to some of my munition contacts to see if they’ve been approached by them and if they’ve delivered anything to them.” Gunner started to get up, but Hawk grabbed his arm.

  “Wait. There’s more.”

  Gunner slowly returned to his seat and waited. This didn’t sound good. They always saved the best for last.

  “What do you know about this new girl?” Rage asked him.

  “What the fuck?” Gunner sat back in his chair and stared at his president. “As little as I can manage. I haven’t spoken more than a half a dozen words with her since we left her ass at the garage the other night.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little too coincidental that she was walking toward town right when we were coming back from our meet up the same time the One-Niners show up?” Terror cocked his head with a serious expression creasing his forehead.

  Gunner’s first instinct was to defend her, tell them that they were way off base, but he didn’t know a thing about her other than she must have some self-hate going on. What if she was with the bastards and had been supposed to infiltrate The Howling Death and feed the other MC information?

  “Maybe. It wouldn’t be the first time an MC tried that on a rival club,” he finally admitted.

  Duke groaned. “I’ll fire her ass tonight. I can stay and work the bar and let Randy help wait tables. My ass is too big to get between everyone without spilling beer.”

  “I don’t want you to fire her, Duke. We need her where we can watch her.” Rage looked back over at Gunner. “I need you to get close to her. Show her some interest, fuck her if you have to, but we need to know if she’s a plant.”

  “Hell no. I’m the last one you want to deal with her. Just looking at her pisses me off,” he said.

  Rage looked over at Hawk. “You have a problem chatting her up?”

  Gunner saw his buddy stiffen up, but he shook his head no. “I can get close to her and feel her out.”

  “You mean feel her up,” Gunner snapped back.

  Hawk looked at him. He smiled a toothy smile that was more a look of danger than anything else.

  “Gunner, you’re with him. Keep his head clear since you don’t much like her anyway. He can pump her for information, and you will be there to intervene if things get squirrely.” Rage nodded over at his brother. “Anything else?”

  Terror nodded. “I want to try and dig into her background. Get me more information as soon as possible, guys.”

  He and Rage stood. “Be careful, you know the rules. No one goes solo anywhere at any time.”

  “Hear that, Duke? You can’t go potty without me holding your hand,” Bear grinned at the other man.

  “I’ll let you hold something else if you don’t fuck off.” Duke shot his friend the bird and got up. “I’m out of here. It’s been a long day.

  “Hold up, man. You can’t go without me to make sure you make it home safe.” Bear smiled before holding both of his hands up to ward off the other man’s attack.

  Gunner shook his head. They were steady in a fight and had your back every time, but times like this, their joking around pissed him off. He still couldn’t believe Rage expected him to deal with Jackie even knowing how she affected him.

  He doesn’t know the real reason I don’t want to be anywhere around her. I haven’t even told Hawk and he’s closer to me than my brother by blood.

  He just couldn’t admit that what had happened with Peggy had left him more scarred than he wanted anyone to know. He had failed her. Left her when she needed him for his brothers in the MC. It didn’t matter that he’d tried hard to be there all the time. Only it hadn’t been enough even before that night. Gunner knew he had to tell Hawk, but he just couldn’t right now. Soon. It had to be real soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Jackie’s feet ached as she finished sweeping the floor. Cindy followed her with the mop, making sure the floor was clean without a
sticky layer from spilled beer. The other woman chatted nonstop the entire time they cleaned up. Jackie didn’t really mind as long as she didn’t expect her to remember anything she said, or to do more than give her an occasional grunt.

  “Looks good,” Randy told them as he wadded up the bar apron and tossed it in the basket with the dirty rags and towels. “I’ll stuff these in the washer and whoever comes in first in the morning can start it. Hold up, and I’ll walk you ladies out.”

  “Where’s your car parked, Jack?” Cindy asked her.

  “I walked. My truck’s over at the garage. Can’t get it fixed until I’ve made enough money for the parts.” When the other woman didn’t say anything but stopped walking beside her, Jackie turned to look to see what was wrong. “What?”

  “You walked? From where?” she asked.

  “The motel. It’s not that far. The exercise is good for me.”

  “That’s not what she meant, hon.” Randy pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. “It’s too dangerous to walk around at night. One of us will take you home.”

  “I will,” Cindy said. “The motel is in my direction. You live on the opposite side of town, Randy.”

  “Look. I’m fine. I’ve walked in worse places than this. I can take care of myself,” she told them, but both stood their ground and shook their heads in solemn agreement.

  She refused to say anything more about it. They couldn’t make her get into one of their cars if she didn’t want to. Once outside, Randy locked the door while Cindy took her hand, urging her to follow her.

  “Look. I really appreciate it, but I don’t need a ride.” She pulled her hand out of the other woman’s grip.

  Cindy opened her mouth to argue, but the crunch of gravel had her looking up, and her mouth snapped shut.

  Expecting it to be Randy behind her intending to make her get into Cindy’s car, Jackie turned to snap at him that he wasn’t going to manhandle her, only to find that it wasn’t the bartender at all. Gunner and Hawk stood behind her with their legs spread wide. Hawk had an easy smile while Gunner’s gaze was hot enough it singed her skin.

  “Thanks, Cindy. We’ve got her.” Hawk took a step forward. “She’s riding with us.”

  “Oh no I’m not. I don’t need anyone to carry me back to the motel. I can get there on my own in one piece. That’s more than I can say if I ride with the two of you.” Jackie squared her shoulders and stepped away from Cindy and attempted to make a wide path around the two bikers.

  “Where do you think you’re going, Jack?” Gunner’s hand shot out and grabbed her upper arm. His grip was loose, but she knew there’d be no pulling away from it.

  As if to make sure of her cooperation, Hawk caged her in from behind. Immediately she felt like the filling in a Hot Pocket. They surrounded her, sealing their warmth in with her until she was sure she felt sweat trickle down her back. The air grew heavy until she was positive she was going to suffocate.

  “We’re going to give you a ride,” Gunner told her with a growl in his voice. “Tonight and every night that you work.”

  “Why? What’s changed? One minute you can’t stand for me to be in the same town and now you expect me to believe you care what happens to me? Well screw you, Gunner.” Jackie tried to push past the big biker, but he stood his ground wearing a predatory grin.

  “Gunner was fighting his attraction to you, but I convinced him there was no use. He’s relationship shy, but I’m not. Can’t really call it a relationship when you’re just passing through, now can I.” Hawk’s warm breath puffed along her ear even as that dirty, deep voice plucked at the strings controlling her hormones.

  Holy hell!

  It took a full thirty seconds for her to remember how to form a coherent word, much less a complete sentence. She searched her memory until the one that contradicted Hawk’s statement jumped out in her mind.

  “That’s bullcrap. He took one look at the scars on my wrist and snarled at me like I was a leper. I highly doubt he’s changed his mind,” she said.

  If that had startled Hawk, he didn’t show it. Evidently he’d already known about the scars. They didn’t step away from her either.

  “We need to get you back to the motel and talk this over in a more private location,” Hawk said instead.

  “There’s nothing to discuss. Leave me the fuck alone. I don’t need your kind of trouble.” Again Jackie tried to push between them but to no avail.

  “Stop fighting us, Jackie. We aren’t bringing you any trouble,” Gunner said. He sighed. “We want to start over. Can’t you give us another chance?”

  “You didn’t have a chance to begin with. I don’t have time for hookups or even quickies against that wall over there, so stuff it and move out of my way.” Jackie was beginning to panic. She could fight with the best of them, but there were two of them, and they weren’t your average punk intent on robbery or even rape.

  Faster than a hawk diving on its prey, Gunner had her over his shoulder, following Hawk as they walked across the back lot to where two bikes were parked side by side. The move had been so quick and smooth as silk that Jackie was still trying to regain her focus when they stopped next to the bikes.

  “What are you doing?” she yelled.

  “Hold her while I get on,” Gunner told the other man then transferred her to Hawk’s arms.

  “Hey! I’m talking to you, asshole.”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” Gunner threw one leg over the bike, straddling it before he started the impressive engine. “Okay, Hawk.”

  Her ride lifted her over the back of the bike before shoving Gunner’s helmet on her head. As soon as Hawk stepped away from the revving motor of the iron horse she found herself riding, Gunner took off. Jackie let out a high-pitched squeal as she wrapped her arms around Gunner’s impressive six-pack and held on for dear life. She swore as they pulled out of the bar’s parking lot that she heard Hawk laugh.

  * * * *

  Hawk watched Jackie scramble to wrap her arms around Gunner as his friend lurched forward across the lot at a face clip. The woman’s shriek of surprise made it so that he couldn’t help but laugh. That had been all woman. Despite her tough-as-nails attitude, there was still a feminine streak inside her. It might be buried deep, but it was still there.

  Frankly, he liked her just like she was. In an MC’s world, there wasn’t a lot of room for wimps or girly girls. Mia was an exception. She was Terror and Rage’s old lady. Despite her sweet but shy demeanor, the woman was as solid as they came. She’d gone through hell while on the run from her deceased husband’s boss. Now she was happy with the two bikers and supported them wholeheartedly.

  He wanted to talk to his friend about her, but without his helmet on, Gunner didn’t have access to the radio. If they had longer than a short minute’s ride to the motel, Hawk would have talked dirty to her over the radio in the helmet. But they were already pulling into the lot.

  Gunner turned back and yelled something at Jackie. She pointed toward the back, so he and Gunner drove around the building until she pointed to a particular door. Hawk parked the bike and jumped off to help Jackie down from behind Gunner.

  “That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Hawk removed the helmet and smiled at the picture she made with the way the static electricity formed a small mountain on top of her head.

  Once Gunner had climbed off the bike, Hawk tried to smooth Jackie’s hair down, but she slapped his hands away and did it herself. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. Her hair had already been a slight mess from working first in a hot, greasy kitchen then out on the floor waiting tables in a mad rush to keep everyone in beer. Now she’d just had a quick ride wearing a helmet too large for her head. There was no wonder her hair looked a mess.

  “Thanks for the ride. You can go now.” She turned her back on them as she pulled the key from her pocket and inserted it into the lock.

  “We still need to talk, princess,” Hawk told her.

  “There’s nothing to talk
about. I’m not interested. Period.” She shoved her door open, stepping in. She’d tried to close it even before she’d turned around but Gunner had one booted foot lodged in the doorway.

  “Oh, we’ve got plenty to talk about, babe. First of all, we need to discuss your sassy mouth and attitude. While it turns me on something fierce, it also pisses me off when I’m serious,” Gunner said. “Move back so you don’t get hurt.”

  Hawk could see the wheels turning in her head as she weighed her options. For a brief second, she looked as if she were going to argue and fight them, but logic won out and instead of trying to shove the door closed again, Jackie stepped back and walked across the small room to take a seat in the only available chair.

  He could easily imagine by her small smile that she’d chalked a win up to her by claiming the chair for herself. Gunner, for all his bravado that he was just there to be sure Hawk didn’t fall for anything she tried to lay on him, took the lead and stalked across the room to stand over her. It amused Hawk to no end. He just walked over to the bedside table across from them and made his own place to sit.

  “This is how it’s going to be,” Gunner began. “As long as you’re in town, you’re ours. Got it?”

  Before he could continue, Jackie growled and stood to poke Gunner in the chest with a single finger while she seethed out her argument.

  “I don’t belong to anyone. Do you hear me? No. One. Except me. You don’t get to treat me like a leper then claim me like I’m a pet. Take your stupid ultimatums and fuck off. Right out that door there.” Jackie pointed toward the now-closed and locked door.

  Hawk got a slight glimpse of the scars she’d mentioned earlier. He’d covered his surprise and sudden understanding then, but now it hit him again just what his friend’s beef was with the pretty woman really was. Hell, he couldn’t even blame him. Why would someone want to kill themselves? Why? If you don’t like your situation, you move on.


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