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A Dirty Dozen Christmas [The Dirty Dozen 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 7

It revved her up like one of her men’s motorcycles. His hands were gripping her thighs as if his life depended on holding on to her. She loved it, loved the feel of him moving against her, the weight of him lying over her once he had climaxed and was still trying to capture his breath once again.

  Suddenly Allen was back in the action, using his hands and fingers to twist and pull on her breasts. Her nipples stabbed out at his hands, aching for his attentions. He didn’t disappoint her. He palmed them so that her spiked nipples pressed insistently against the palm of his hands. So focused on what Allen was doing to her breasts, Parker groaned when Shane slammed into her cervix with more force than before. The heat from it spread across her body.

  “Please, please don’t stop.”

  Shane’s grip on her hips kept her from slamming into him as he thrust inside of her. She knew he was trying to make it last, but right then, Parker didn’t care. She just wanted to come. It seemed like she was almost desperate to reach her climax for some reason.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so damn hot and tight.” Shane’s breathe almost seemed to be pulled from him.

  He reached between them and rubbed lightly over her tender clit twice, and she flew apart, free-falling through the burning lights behind her eyelids into a split second of total darkness. When Shane gently pulled his softening cock from her pussy, Parker opened her eyes and sighed.


  “You can say that again.” Shane looked at Allen. “I swear the sex only gets better with time. It sure as hell gets hotter.”

  Allen chuckled, lying on his side with a hand stroking her abdomen in soothing circles. “I agree with you on that.”

  Parker stretched between the two men, noting the smug smiles they exchanged over her head. She hid her own smile, letting them believe they were the cat’s meow. It was good for their egos, and a man was nothing without his ego. Even her two handsome hunks who treated her like a queen.

  Chapter Eight

  Brandy settled Matthew on her hip and closed the door of the car before slinging her massive bag over her other shoulder and heading to the restaurant where her friends were meeting. She shouldered her way through the door and immediately honed in to where the other women were waiting. They had gotten two tables pushed together and were chatting among themselves.

  “Hey, Brandy. How’s my favorite baby boy?” Tina stood up to take Matthew out of Brandy’s arms to settle him on her lap.

  “Great, you already have a high chair for him. Thanks.” She draped the strap of her bag over the back of the chair and collapsed into it with a sigh.

  “How is everyone doing?” she asked.

  They all murmured that they were fine. She looked over where the twins were ensconced in their own high chairs. It was obvious that they had their own secret method of communication by the way they looked at each other and nodded or grinned. Brandy noticed that Parker hadn’t brought Addison.

  “Where’s Addy?”

  “She’s fussy today for some reason, so the guys are keeping her at home.”

  “Poor thing. Matthew was like that last week. Hope she feels better soon.” Brandy knew when the baby in the house wasn’t happy, no one was.

  “Okay, everyone. How are you doing with your ticket sales?” Parker got down to business.

  They all chimed in on how many tickets they’d sold so far. Brandy thought they were doing pretty damn good from the sound of it. She was so proud of what they were doing.

  Briana spoke up after a few seconds. “The website has produced over twenty ticket sales so far. I’ve already sent out the tickets and have the names and numbers stored in case they don’t receive their tickets.”

  “You really outdid yourself on that website, Briana,” Tina said, shifting Matthew in her lap.

  “Well, we’ve only got another week before we need to cut this off and start shopping for the kids. I have the list now and am making a list of what we need to get, and then we’ll brainstorm over the rest of the gifts.” Parker waved the sheaf of papers in her hand.

  Everyone murmured among themselves with excitement. They were all looking forward to doing the actual shopping. It would be fun to buy the toys for the kids. Briana smiled as Tina played with Matthew while carrying on a conversation with Carly. She knew that her friend wanted a child and had no doubt that Tina would make a wonderful mother. She hoped the other woman would get pregnant soon. It hurt to see the longing in her face.

  A waitress come over and started taking their orders. Since Briana had been late getting there, the waitress took her drink order as well. She was very appreciative when the woman returned almost immediately with her iced tea. She was thirsty.

  Just as they got their meals, the doors to the restaurant opened and the sound of several women talking grabbed her attention. Seeing who it was, Briana smothered a moan. The women from the other club who wanted to take their charity away from them. What were they doing there and how had they found out they were even meeting there?

  She looked over toward where Tina and Parker sat across the table. Both women had noticed the other group as they made their way across the room. It looked like there was going to be another run-in with them women. She stiffened her spine and prepared herself for a fight.

  “Caro, what are you doing here?” Parker didn’t beat around the bush. Instead she took the bull by the horns and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I just came to give you a friendly warning. If you don’t step back from the orphanage, you’ll regret it.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “Oh, not just you, Parker dear, but your whole little commune of sinful bastards. What you’re doing is sickening. You have no business even being around those children.” The other woman’s face turned red with her anger.

  “You have no say over what we do. Get a life and leave us alone. You don’t want to tangle with me. You’ll never win.” Parker didn’t raise her voice, but she sounded just as serious as the other woman.

  “You haven’t heard the last of us, Parker. Remember, I warned you.”

  “So Jillian? Are you really following around behind Caro like a sick little puppy? I never would have figured you for a prude considering your um, shall we say, unusual lifestyle.”

  Brandy could feel the chill in the air. Parker was obviously a force to be reckoned with in her world. She was glad she wasn’t part of that area of the universe. She would take good old down-to-earth people over the snotty bunch standing in front of them anytime. Not that she would ever be invited into that group of people, considering her humble background.

  “There’s no need to be that way, Parker. I really don’t care how you live your life, but the orphanage is ours,” Jillian said.

  “How do you figure that when we got there first? If you’d taken care of business to begin with, we wouldn’t be having this issue. Besides, there are plenty of other needy charities that need support. Why not choose one of them? You adopted the women’s shelter for the last two years. Why are you changing now?” Parker asked.

  Brandy watched the other women and realized they looked uncomfortable. They obviously had something to hide. What was it? Her curiosity was piqued. Maybe they needed to do a little digging of their own. She would bring it up when the bitches were gone. It might prove to come in handy if they were really going to go for the throat.

  “We just decided to make a change.” Caro crossed her arms.

  “Well, you should have made your decision to change a little sooner.”

  “This isn’t over, Parker. You really should rethink your position on this.”

  Tina seemed to have had enough. She stood up and stared at the other woman. “Your threats aren’t going to have any effect on what we do, so you might as well shut up and get out. You’re not wanted here.”

  The other woman gasped and turned on her heel and stomped off with her entourage of puppy dogs following at her heels. Brandy couldn’t help but giggle at the visual that gave her. Tina sat back down and

  “She’s going to make trouble for us. You realize that, don’t you?” Tina rubbed a spot between her eyes.

  “I know. I don’t think there is anything we can do about it, though. We decided not to give in to her.” Parker took a sip of her tea.

  “They would have eventually caused trouble anyway. That Caro is a piece of work. She doesn’t like us and has made it her mission in life to cause trouble.” Alexis spoke up for the first time.

  “Alexis is right,” Carly said. “She has it out for us and the children’s home issue is just a means to an end. I’m sure if we had stepped down, they would still have come after us.”

  “So what is our next move?” Parker asked.

  “I have a feeling there isn’t anything we can do to prevent whatever they are planning, but we can be prepared,” Tina said.

  “How do you prepare for something like this? You know they are going to attack our way of life. The thing is, we don’t know how?” Parker seemed to be blaming herself for whatever the other women were planning.

  “Parker, you’ve said they were never your friends. Don’t take on the responsibility as yours alone. We’re all in this together.” Brandy felt as if she needed to offer the other woman her support.

  “Thanks. I can’t help but feel responsible since if it wasn’t for me, they never would have known about the rest of you. I tried to tell you all what it would be like.”

  Parker’s expression tore at Brandy’s heart. Somehow they had to weather this storm without any of them getting hurt. She wished there was something she could do to help. Tina changed the subject and everyone talked about Christmas and their plans. As they talked, an idea began to germinate in her mind. Maybe there was something she could do. As soon as she got back home she was going to be doing some research on the other woman’s club. Something about the way they had shifted around when the discussion brought up the women’s shelter charity had seemed off. She was willing to bet that there was something behind their odd behavior. She decided not to say anything until she had more information. There was no need to get anyone excited about it until she had something to show them.

  Nearly an hour later, everyone prepared to leave. They gathered up their purses and Brandy claimed Matthew back from where Tina had him stashed in a high chair next to her. Again she caught the longing that crossed Tina’s face before she hid it. Brandy pretended she didn’t see anything as she accepted her son back.

  After they had all said their good-byes in the parking lot, she buckled Matthew into his car seat and started the car to head home. All the way back home, Brandy knocked around ideas in her head and a sly smile widened her mouth. She couldn’t wait to get to her computer.

  * * * *

  Parker pulled into the drive at the house and sighed. She hated that her past life was causing problems for her friends. She would never have called those other women her friends. They’d been causal acquaintances at best. She supposed even back then she had known they were enemies, but the better you know your enemy, the better off you were. Like someone said once, keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.

  She finally opened the car door and stepped out of her vehicle. She wasn’t surprised when Allen met her at the door. His dark eyes held his concern. How did he always know when she was upset? Did she make it that obvious? She would have to figure out how to alleviate his worry. She didn’t like how all of her past was falling down around them, threatening to ruin their way of life.

  “Hey, babe. You look upset. What happened?”

  Shane walked up just as Allen closed the door. He looked from one to the other of them with a questioning expression. Parker sighed and taking both of their hands led them into the den where she sat down.

  “How’s Addison?” She wanted to know if her precious little girl was okay first.

  “She’s fine. She took a nice nap and is in her playpen right now. I have the monitor on me.” Shane pointed to the mobile monitor on his hip.

  “So what’s going on, Parker?” Allen asked.

  “Caro and her friends showed up at the restaurant and threatened us if we don’t step back from the orphanage.”

  “How did they know where you were?” Shane’s angry question mirrored her own.

  “I don’t know unless someone is following one of us. Either way we’ve got a problem. They are going to try to expose us and not in a good way.” She wrung her hands.

  “Easy, baby. Don’t let them upset you like this. They aren’t worth it.” Allen rubbed a hand up and down her back in a soothing motion.

  “It is my fault that they are focused on the group. Were it not for me they wouldn’t even know the Dirty Dozen existed.”

  “Enough of this, Parker. I won’t have you making yourself sick over it. No one in the gang will blame you for anything. We all agreed that you were a part of us and we would weather whatever came of it.” Shane obviously wasn’t going to put up with her self-flagellation.

  Parker nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. She couldn’t help but worry about how everything was going to end up. She knew Caro and her followers too well. They wouldn’t think twice about the potential harm their actions could cause. All they cared about was themselves and what they wanted.

  “You could use a nap, babe. Let’s go upstairs and lie down.” Allen stood up and pulled Parker to her feet.

  “I’ll watch Addison while y’all relax. She’ll probably get fussy about being alone soon.” Shane grinned up at them from his position on the couch. He pulled off the mobile monitor and set it on the coffee table.

  “Thanks, Shane.” She didn’t know how she had ended up with two of the most understanding men in the world. They each knew exactly what she needed, sometimes even before she realized it.

  Allen kissed her cheek and pulled her toward the stairs. Once inside their bedroom, she let him remove her clothes one item at a time. By the time she stood before him nude, her desire had edged out her worry. Her husband ran the back of his fingers over one distended nipple before she moved his hands aside so she could undress him next.

  The feel of naked skin beneath her hands settled a part of her that was still uneasy about the fund-raiser and the orphanage. She slid the shirt off his shoulders before running her hand all across the wide expanse of his chest. Parker paid special attention to the flat discs of his nipples, scraping her nails lightly across them. She smiled when he shivered.

  “Tease.” He grinned and leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

  The soft kiss could have turned deeper, but Parker wanted Allen naked. She brushed aside his hands as they started to wrap around her waist. Instead, she lowered the zipper to his jeans after thumbing open the button. The scent of man and sex teased her nose. He was as excited as she was. With deliberate care, she slowly lowered his jeans until they were caught at his boots.


  Allen chuckled. “I love that you always forget about our boots when you undress us. It proves how caught up you get while you’re so horny.”

  Instead of saying anything, Parker shoved him so he sat down heavily on the bed. The slight bounce let her know he hadn’t been expecting that. She made short work of untying his boot laces and pulling them off his feet before jerking his jeans the rest of the way down. Since he wasn’t wearing underwear, she knew he’d been planning on a round of sexual excess even before she made it home. Sometimes she wondered how they knew her so well.

  Allen interrupted her musings by pulling lightly on her nipple before she straddled his hips and leaned him back on the bed. She needed to feel in control right then. Allen didn’t mind, as evidenced by his pulsing erection at her stomach. She leaned down and ran her tongue from one nipple to the next then sucked at them before moving to nip and lick at his chin and jaw. She settled her lips on the side of his neck to suck and kiss.

  Backing off of him, Parker trailed her nails down his abdomen and then knelt between his feet off the side of the bed. She leaned over him, draggi
ng her nails up his inner thighs until he shivered. She loved seeing his eyes shutter as he grew more and more affected by her actions. Knowing that she was the one who put that need in his eyes and the strain around his mouth gave her the ultimate thrill as a lover and her men’s wife.

  “Fuck, Parker. You’re driving me crazy here.

  She smiled and bent over him, licking across the top of his cockhead and capturing the pearled drop of cum that had beaded there with his arousal. His hiss was music to her ears. She dragged the flat of her tongue over the spongy head before running the tip of her tongue around the corona.

  Allen tried to buck his hips in order to force more of his thick girth into her mouth, but she just pulled back and shook a finger at him. Then Parker took the entire length of him into her mouth and applied suction as she quickly backed off. It had the desired effect. He moaned and grabbed at her head.

  “Easy, Allen. I’m going to take care of you. Don’t I always?” she asked with a small purr.

  “Yeah, but you tease the hell out of me first.”

  Parker smothered her chuckle and began to lap at his swollen cock in long, slow licks much like she would do if she were eating an all-day sucker. The more she licked, the more Allen pumped his hips having lost control of being still. She sucked him down again until he hit the back of her throat. Swallowing around him, she closed her eyes at the strained noises he made. Nothing turned her on like hearing her men moan and growl for her.

  Patience gone, Parker set a moderate pace of fucking Allen with her mouth. He managed to keep his hands away from her for the first few plunges of her mouth down his cock, but after that, he threaded his hands through her hair and massaged her scalp in a rhythm along the same lines as his cock rising to meet her mouth.

  “God! Baby, you’re so freaking hot around me. Suck my dick, Parker.”

  She hummed around him and began to bob up and down on the long length of him. His groans only added to her own arousal and spurred her on. She slipped her hand between his legs and gently rolled his balls around in their heavy sac. She wanted to suck on them, but that would have to wait for another time. Right now she was too far along to be careful with them.


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