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Belonging to Her Mountain Page 7
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Page 7
“I wouldn’t think so. I don’t know anything and sure as hell wouldn’t tell anyone even if I did.”
“You’re telling me,” Tammy pointed out.
“Yeah, but we’re best friends and you won’t tell anyone. Right? Not even Scott.” Tammy hadn’t thought about the fact that she might tell Scott.
“No one. Not even Scott.” Randi tapped her wineglass to Tammy’s.
“I better finish getting ready. The guys will be here in the next ten minutes, and I don’t have my shoes on.” Tammy stood and carried her glass with her to the bedroom.
“Mind if I read a book on your e-reader?” Randi called down the hall.
“No, go ahead.” Then she cringed. She’d left the ménage book up.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Randi called out.
“Shut it, Randi.”
“Someone is messing around with having a threesome. Wonder who that could be?”
“Doesn’t hurt to read up on what other people think about them,” Tammy said as she carried her purse and shoes into the living room.
“I’m just teasing. Maybe I’ll read this one, as well.”
The doorbell rang.
Randi jumped up. “I’ll see who it is so you can grab your shoes.”
Tammy hurried to get ready. The more time Randi had to spend with Baldwin and Gabriel, the more she’d tease her later.
“I’m ready,” she announced as the two men walked into the room.
“Great. Hope you’re hungry, babe. I’m starved.” Gabriel reached over and pulled her into a hug.
“Great to see you again, Randi. Have a good night.” Baldwin pulled Tammy out of Gabriel’s arms and kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s go, guys.”
Tammy couldn’t stop the small shiver his kiss gave her. It had only been on the cheek, but after having Gabriel squeeze her in a hug, she was already geared up to their touches no matter how innocent.
“How was work this week?” Gabriel asked.
“Okay, I guess,” she said.
“Doesn’t sound like it. You sound even more depressed over it than you were Wednesday,” Baldwin said as he started the truck.
“I’d rather forget about it for the weekend if you don’t mind,” she said as they drove toward the next town, where they had a pizza parlor and a movie theater.
“Consider it off limits, then. No talk about work,” Baldwin said.
“Was Randi going out this weekend with her sweetie?” Gabriel asked.
“She and Scott were going out to eat at the steak and fish house tonight,” she said.
“We could have asked them to go along to the movie,” Baldwin said. “I’m sorry I didn’t think to ask you to ask them.”
“That would have been nice. Maybe next time,” she said.
Next time. I’m never going to be able to tell them no. I already like them too much.
Tammy was already thinking about them way too much when she should have been thinking of a way out of her current work situation. They were touching her on both sides from shoulder to thigh. She hadn’t realized they’d even made bench seats anymore. The warmth from their bodies was a welcome distraction from her conversation with Randi earlier. Only now, she was plagued by arousal, as well.
“What do you like on your pizza, Tammy?” Gabriel asked.
“Anything other than anchovies, olives, or pineapple.”
“Still don’t understand why anyone would want fruit on a pizza,” Gabriel said.
“Me either,” she said.
“So everything except olives and anchovies,” Baldwin said.
“If you like olives, I can pick those off. That doesn’t bother me. Randi likes olives and I just pick them off,” Tammy said.
“Not a deal breaker for us. We can take them or leave them, so no olives is fine,” Baldwin said.
They talked about favorite foods the rest of the way to the pizza parlor, then continued the conversation while they waited for their waitress to take their order.
“What can I get you to drink?” the waitress asked once she finally made it to their table.
“Pitcher of beer with three glasses,” Gabriel said.
“Okay. Ready with your order?” she asked.
“Two large thin-crust pizzas with everything except anchovies and olives. Oh, and no pineapple either,” Gabriel said.
“Don’t have that here. You have to go to one of those specialty pizza places for stuff like that,” the waitress said.
“Good to know,” Baldwin said.
“Guys, are you going to be able to eat an entire pizza each by yourselves? ’Cause I doubt I’ll eat more than two pieces.” Tammy shook her head. “I mean, two large?”
“Trust me, babe. We can do it, but if there’s anything left over, we’ll take it for a snack later,” Gabriel said.
“Just making sure you know there’s plenty for all of us, hon. You can eat as many pieces as you want to,” Baldwin told her.
“I’m pretty sure there will be pizza left over.”
Baldwin brought up the movies. “So, The Equalizer 2 is out as well as a couple of others. What do you want to watch?”
“I say let’s stick to Denzel Washington. The first one was great. The second one should be, too,” Tammy said.
“Sounds good to me,” Gabriel said.
“Supposed to have updated their seating, as well,” Baldwin said.
“Oh, I heard about that. Made them like reclining seats. That’s going to be interesting,” she said.
“Trying to get people to go out to the movies again. Streaming movies has really cut into their pocketbook.” Baldwin nodded at the waitress as she set the beer pitcher and glasses on the table.
Gabriel poured for all of them, then took a sip. “Good and cold.”
They talked about other movies all during eating and to her surprise, Tammy managed three pieces of pizza so that there wasn’t any left by the time they got ready to leave. The guys paid while she visited the lady’s room, then met her out front to walk outside. By the time they’d driven across town to the theater, it was nearly time for the next showing to start. They hurried to their seats and found that they actually did recline.
Both men held hands with her as they watched the trailers and commercials. Once the movie started, she found that they took turns wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She wasn’t sure how they managed it, but she was never without one of them touching her. It felt good. She felt cared for.
By the time the movie was over with, Tammy was antsy for something more. They’d touched and caressed her all during the movie without actually making out with her. It had been nice, and she’d gotten to enjoy the movie, as well.
They sat through the credits to wait out the crowd. Once most of the moviegoers had left, the guys stood and helped her out of the row and down the stairs that led to the exit. Once outside she excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she returned, it was to find Baldwin waiting on her.
“Where’s Gabriel?” she asked.
“He went to get the truck so there wouldn’t be so far to walk.”
“That was nice of him. I didn’t mind walking.”
“No need for it when he can pull right up outside.”
Baldwin took her elbow and guided her to the doors leading outside. Just as they stepped through the doorway, two men walked up to enter where they’d left. It startled her to see that it was the two men from her boss’s office on Friday. She tried to act as if she hadn’t seen them, but it was obvious that they knew she had by the way they’d narrowed their eyes.
Fear traveled down her spine like a slippery snake. She started to shake as Baldwin escorted her toward the curb where Gabriel had the truck waiting.
“Hey, hon. What’s wrong? Why are you shaking? Are you cold?” Baldwin asked as they reached the truck.
“Um, yeah. I guess I got a chill going from how warm it was inside to how cold it is out here. I’ll be okay in a few mi
“Here you go.” Baldwin helped her up into the truck, then climbed in after her. “Crank the heat up, man. She’s so cold she’s shivering.”
“Glad I got it going as soon as I started the truck. It should be warm by now.” Gabriel reached over and fiddled with the knobs.
“I’ll be okay in a little bit. Just caught a chill,” she said.
Tammy fought to settle down so that the guys didn’t think she was getting sick. Finally, after a good ten minutes, she stopped shaking all over.
They know I saw them. I should have just looked away instead of trying to pretend I didn’t recognize them.
It was too late now though. Were they going to tell her boss? What would Mr. Bigsby do? Tammy didn’t know what to think. On the one hand, getting fired would save her the need to quit, but on the other hand, she needed to have a job before she lost the one she had.
“Are you okay, Tammy?” Gabriel asked.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just started thinking about work when I said I wasn’t going to.” She smiled over at him.
“Not a good idea, babe. Just messes up the good mood,” he said.
“The movie was great, wasn’t it?” she asked.
“Yeah. So was the company,” Baldwin said, giving her hand a squeeze.
“How about lunch Tuesday at the diner? It’s meatloaf and mashed potatoes,” he said.
Tammy smiled. “I don’t think I can say no to meatloaf.”
“Good, then we’ll plan on meeting you there at eleven thirty,” Baldwin said.
“Isn’t that out of the way for you guys?” she asked.
“Not really. We’re going to have some things to mail Tuesday, so we’ll be in town anyway. Wouldn’t matter though. We’d come to town anytime to have a chance to see you, Tammy,” Baldwin said.
She could feel heat seep up her neck into her cheeks. She was glad it was too dark in the cab for them to notice her blush.
They parked out front of her apartment building, then walked with her upstairs to her apartment. She pulled her keys out and fitted them into the lock. Before she unlocked the door, though, Baldwin turned her toward him.
“Need a kiss goodnight, hon. I had a great time. Can’t wait until Tuesday,” he said, then slowly lowered his head and kissed her.
Tammy’s body came alive with the first touch of his lips. When he deepened the kiss, she was certain her panties were going to be sopping wet by the time both men had finished kissing her goodnight. Already her nipples tingled and tightened at the way Baldwin’s hands brushed so close to the bottom of her breasts.
When he’d pulled back, she’d found herself leaning toward him, and then Gabriel gently pulled her into his arms. He cupped the back of her neck with one hand and caressed her cheek with the other as he slanted his mouth against hers and kissed her with passion and intent that was so Gabriel. His tongue teased along hers so that she was sliding alongside his tongue. When he finally released her from the kiss, Tammy was a little light-headed.
“Easy there, babe.” Gabriel held her a few extra seconds after she swayed once he’d pulled back from the kiss.
“Go on inside and lock up, hon. We’ll see you Tuesday for lunch,” Baldwin said.
Tammy smiled at them, then unlocked the door and stepped inside. She closed the door, locked it, and dropped her purse and her keys on the table next to the door before listening to see if she could hear them walking away. After a few seconds of nothing, she sighed and walked across the living room toward her bedroom. She had no doubt her dreams were going to be pretty steamy after those kisses. She still had hot dreams after the hot-tub episode.
I’m so screwed.
Tammy knew she wasn’t going to be able to tell them no. All they had to do was smile at her and she was gone for them. Her only possible recourse would be to break up with them over the phone, but she didn’t think she had the guts to do that.
What would it hurt to keep seeing them?
Besides my sanity?
They would eventually get tired of her, and then she wouldn’t have to worry about breaking it off with them. They’d do it first. All she had to do was keep her heart safe from them. Then when they broke up, she’d be fine.
The only trouble there is that I think my heart is already involved.
Yep, she was so screwed.
Chapter Nine
“So? How did it go last night?” Randi asked the next morning.
“Good. The movie was great. You need to get Scott to take you,” Tammy said.
“I’ll mention it to him. If we don’t go, we can always catch it on Netflix or rent it on Amazon Prime and watch it,” Randi said.
“True, but those new seats they had were really wild. Loved being able to lean back while I watched.”
“So, have you thought any more about what you’re going to do about your job?” Randi asked.
“Oh, God. I forgot to tell you. I saw those two guys from the office at the movie last night. They looked right at me, and I was too surprised to look away. They really give me the creeps.”
“Shit, girl. Did they notice?”
“Yeah. They noticed. One of them narrowed his eyes at me. I’m really worried they’re going to tell Mr. Bigsby, and he’s going to have something to say about it or even worse, fire me.”
“You were thinking about quitting anyway,” Randi pointed out.
“Yeah, but quitting is better than getting fired.”
“Maybe it would be a good idea for me to plan to quit anyway. I’m getting a bad feeling about this. They look like gang members and even if we don’t have those around here, they were here visiting with my boss last Friday. I might be better off finding two part-time jobs like I said before than risking whatever he has going on.” Tammy sighed.
“I’m beginning to think you may be right. Let’s get a paper and see what’s out there. Oh, and we can stop by the bulletin board at the grocery store when we get the paper to see if anyone has posted a job there. You never know.” Randi picked up her purse before throwing Tammy’s in her direction.
They drove over to the grocery store and grabbed a paper, then perused different announcements and lost-and-found posts on the bulletin board. The only thing she found there was other people looking for part-time work. She decided to take a chance that the grocery store might have an opening and asked for an application just in case.
Once they were back at the apartment, Randi helped her pore over the paper for any jobs.
“They’re looking for a waitress at The Cougar’s Breath, and there are two openings at the truck stop outside of town,” Randi said.
“Well, they didn’t sound very helpful about the grocery store having anything, but I’ll turn in the application anyway the next time I’m there. What do you think about applying for the one at the truck stop and seeing what the hours are then if I can apply at the bar?” Tammy asked.
“You’d seriously work at the bar? It’s not even the better bar. It’s a total dive, Tammy.”
“I know, but I’m desperate enough to consider it. I don’t have a good feeling about my job right now,” she said.
“Why would you think he’s going to fire you just because you recognized two guys from the office?” Randi asked.
“I’m more worried about those two men recognizing me. I think I’m more afraid of them than of Mr. Bigsby right now.”
“Why would he be mixed up in anything cagey, Tammy? He’s a lawyer. They make good money anyway.”
“This is a small town, Randi. He may make a good living, but it’s nothing like what he’s throwing around. He wears expensive suits you can’t get off the rack and has a diamond ring and a Rolex watch. Plus, he had his office redecorated last month, and the desk is probably worth more than our cars combined.”
“You’re right, that doesn’t sound good,” Randi admitted.
“Want to ride out to the truck stop with me? For moral support.”
“Got another résumé
printed out?” Randi asked.
“Right here.”
They got back in the SUV and drove out to the truck stop on the outskirts of town. The diner inside the truck stop was so desperate that when she asked for an application, they gave her one and had her fill it out right there. She completed it and tried to give it to them along with her résumé, but they told her the manager wanted to go ahead and interview her right then and there.
“I’m not dressed for an interview,” she protested.
“Doesn’t matter,” the clerk said. “Just sit over there, and he’ll be right with you.”
“Sit with me until he shows up. I’m too nervous to sit here alone,” Tammy said.
“I can’t believe they’re interviewing you today,” Randi said. “It’s Sunday.”
“They’re obviously desperate. Means you’ve got whatever job you want,” Tammy pointed out.
While they sat there talking, a big truck pulled up and a large man stepped out, then walked inside and headed straight for where she and Randi were sitting.
“Which of you is Randi Walls?” the man asked, holding out his hand.
“That’s me.” Randi shook his hand.
“I’m Roger Homes. Good to meet you. Are you both applying for a job?” he asked.
“No. I’m going to wait outside. I just rode along with her.” Randi stood.
“Do you have your own car?” the man asked Tammy as Randi walked away.
“Yes, I do.”
He quickly looked over her résumé. “Why are you looking for a new job?”
“I’m not happy at the job I currently have. I thought I would be when I started six years ago, but I’ve become disillusioned with it over the years. I would be willing to work both jobs you have open. I know that one is in the truck stop side and the other is the diner side.”
“Let’s start you out on the diner side first. Can you work six a.m. till four Thursday through Sunday? If you work out, I’ll rotate it so you get every other weekend off. Start you off at four an hour and you get all your tips. Tips are good days or nights here. The better your service, the better your tips,” the man said.
“It sounds great. I’d need to give two weeks’ notice at my other job, but I can work weekends until then if that will help,” she said.