Her Mountain Home Read online

Page 7

  Selena was stuffed, but maybe a bite would be good. She shook her head instead.

  “I’m too full to eat dessert,” she said.

  “You can try mine then,” he said.

  “I’ll get the peach pie,” Caleb said. “She can try mine, too.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll get the chocolate one. That way she can try two different kinds,” Austin said.

  “You guys are going to kill me.” Selena couldn’t help but smile at them.

  Once the desserts arrived, both men held out a forkful of their desserts. She took Caleb’s peach first and hummed her appreciation, then took a sip of tea to clear her taste buds and accepted Austin’s chocolate bite. Both were delicious, and she said so.

  “Ready to go, hon?” Austin asked.

  “If I can roll my stuffed butt through the door,” she quipped.

  “We’re in the same boat, babe. I think I might need a nap after this,” Caleb said.

  Austin paid the bill, and then the three of them strode through the building toward the door. Seconds later, Austin was opening the door to the truck so that Caleb could pick her up and settle her inside.

  “How about stopping by the bar for a drink before going home?” Caleb asked.

  “A bar? I didn’t realize there was one in town. I guess I should have. Unless a county is dry, every town has a bar somewhere,” she said.

  “Yep. We’ve got a bar. Two actually, but one is a real dive and not fit to take a lady. Marty’s Bar is a few steps above that one. Game?” Caleb asked.


  Austin nodded and pulled the truck out of the parking lot. They only had to drive about five minutes down the road before he turned into a nearly filled gravel parking lot outside a wooden building sporting a lopsided sign that said, “Marty’s Bar and Grill.”

  “They serve food here?” she asked as Caleb helped her out of the truck.

  “Mostly burgers, fries, and grilled sandwiches. Nothing fancy,” Caleb said.

  “They do have the best fried pickles, green tomatoes, and onion rings,” Austin said.

  “If I wasn’t already stuffed, I might have liked to try the green tomatoes. It’s been a long time since I’ve had those,” Selena said.

  “Next time we’ll come here for a quick bite then, and you can try the tomatoes,” Caleb said.

  She smiled. There was that “next time” again. Maybe they really did mean it. She knew she was enjoying their date, but she still wasn’t sure which man she was supposed to be dating. Surely, she wasn’t dating both of them. But then they both had asked her, and they were both there. She’d already had this conversation with herself. Just because they were both seeing her didn’t mean it would continue that way. One of them had to back off, right? A threesome could never work.

  Could it?

  They nabbed a table near the bar, and Caleb waved over a waitress.

  “What can I get you guys?” she asked with a wide smile.

  “Hon?” Austin asked.

  “Corona, please.”

  “We’ll have a Bud,” Caleb told her.

  Once she’d left, Caleb leaned over to be heard over the jukebox and crowd. “The band will be starting up soon.”

  “What kind of music? Country or what?” she asked, having to shout to be heard.

  “A mix but mostly country and classic rock,” he yelled back.

  “Do you guys dance?” she asked.

  “Abso-fucken-lutely,” Caleb said with a wide grin.

  “Not good, but we dance,” Austin told her.

  “I love to dance. I’m not all that good either, but it’s fun,” she admitted.

  “We’ll keep you dancing all night long if it means spending more time with you,” Austin said.

  “I’m enjoying this, too,” she admitted.

  “Good,” Caleb said, giving her hand a quick squeeze.

  “Um, guys. I have a question,” she said as little ants ran up and down her back.

  “What is it, beautiful?” Austin asked.

  “Well, you both are taking me out and we’ve gone out for lunch together, but I’m not sure who I’m supposed to be with. I mean, which one of you is actually with me?” She grimaced at how that came out. They’d think she was daft not knowing who she was actually dating.

  “That’s easy, babe,” Caleb said with a wide grin. “Both of us.”

  * * * *

  Austin watched as Selena’s eyes grew wide, then lowered to the table. What was she thinking? Was she disgusted that they both wanted to date her? Had she really thought she was going out with one of them? He couldn’t help the little bubble of disappointment that popped in his gut. She was going to ask them to take her home now.

  “Selena?” Caleb asked. “Is that a problem for you?”

  She looked up, but Austin didn’t see disgust or even a frown on her face, just confusion. What was there to be confused about? They were both in this together. They were both with her on this date.

  “No. I guess not, but it’s not going to work. Men can’t share when it comes to a woman. I don’t want to end up in the middle of a fight between you guys. You’re obviously best friends,” she said.

  “Not happening,” Caleb said.

  “We’ve always shared and don’t get jealous of each other. It’s normally the woman who ends up trying to pick one of us instead of the other way around,” Austin said.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Austin was ready for that question. It was one they were always asked by both guys and women. No one could understand why both of them wanted the same woman and were willing to share.

  “We’ve shared everything since we first met in grade school. Growing up, we dated different girls, but always found ourselves wanting the same one. We didn’t fight over it, just took turns dating her. Once we got to college, it was different. We didn’t want to take turns—we wanted to share at the same time,” Austin told her.

  Caleb took up the story. “Once we found a woman interested in trying two men at one time, it was the best sex of our lives, and we knew it was meant to be that way for us. We like taking care of a woman so that she never feels taken for granted or left out. If one of us is busy, the other one can take care of her. If one of us has to go out of town, the other one stays with her. She’s never left out or ignored this way.”

  “Plus, the sex is super intense and satisfying when you have two men paying attention to you at one time,” Austin told her.

  “I can’t even imagine,” Selena said, fanning herself with a napkin.

  “Two sets of hands, two mouths, two bodies to see to your every wish. Bringing you to the edge of orgasm before backing off and starting it all over again,” Caleb said.

  Austin watched her face while his friend talked. Yeah, she was intrigued and a little turned on by their sex talk. Maybe she would honestly give them a try and not run off once it was over with.

  They’d had their share of women who wanted to try a threesome, but never more than a few times. Once they’d done it, they were over it and moving on. That wasn’t what they wanted with Selena. They wanted much, much more time with her. Maybe even a lifetime if she proved to be the one for them.

  “Do you think you might like that?” Caleb asked.

  “I—I don’t know. I can’t believe you guys won’t eventually fight over a woman you’re both seeing at one time. It just doesn’t work that way,” she said.

  “It does for us. If you’ll give us a chance, you’ll see,” Austin told her.

  “Maybe. I honestly like both of you, but what if I like one of you more than the other? What then?” she asked.

  “Then we say our goodbyes and hopefully remain friends. It’s both of us or neither of us,” Caleb said.

  “Wow,” she said, shaking her head.

  “If you think you can’t handle that, we need to know it now, hon,” Austin said in as gentle a voice as he could, considering he had to almost yell in her ear to be heard.

  She looked from one
of them to the other, then back at Austin. “I’d like to see where this goes. I really like both of you.”

  Caleb grinned. “Well, okay then. Let’s dance, babe.”

  Austin couldn’t help but laugh at Caleb’s obvious excitement as he pulled Selena out of her chair and off to the dance floor. They danced through two songs before he brought her back. Though they enjoyed dancing with a woman together, it wasn’t possible if they wanted to keep their table and their beers safe. One of them would always watch over the drinks to be sure no one slipped anything in them.

  “Oh. My. God. I haven’t danced like that in years. I’m going to be sore tomorrow,” Selena said with a laugh.

  “Rest up, hon. It’s my turn next,” Austin teased.

  “Let me catch my breath, then we can go.” She took a long pull of her beer, then ran the cool bottle around her forehead.

  Austin wanted to be that bottle or better yet, the condensation that had just dripped down between her breasts. He could so get into that. She had perfect breasts. They were more than a handful, but not so large they put her out of proportion. She had the best body and curves that made him want to trace her with his tongue.

  He wasn’t surprised when he’d watched them on the dance floor that Caleb kept his hands on her ass as much as he could. His friend loved women’s asses. Loved touching them, biting them, and spanking them, and Selena had a perfectly heart-shaped butt.

  “Ready?” he asked a few minutes later.

  “Let’s do it,” she said, jumping to her feet.

  Caleb chuckled as she bounced up and grabbed Austin’s hand. Just the feel of her skin next to his had his dick shifting in his jeans. Fuck, he’d be hard the rest of the night. His cock had been semi-hard all during dinner. Now he was straining at the zipper to his jeans. He’d have the print of the damn thing there when he finally managed to peel the damn jeans off himself later that night.

  He danced with Selena for what felt like hours but was only two songs. He hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her though. When a slow song came on after the two previous fast ones, he pulled her into his arms and swayed with her to the soft, sensuous beat. She felt perfect in his arms. He wished the song wouldn’t end, but when it did, he reluctantly steered her back to the table where Caleb waited with a wide smile.

  “You two looked good out there. How are your feet doing, Selena?” he asked.

  “Tender, but they’ll be okay in a little bit. These aren’t the best shoes to dance in, but with so many people out there, I don’t want to take them off and get my toes stomped on by a pair of cowboy boots,” she said.

  “Hell no. I’d have to bust a nose if that happened,” Caleb said.

  “Having fun?” Austin asked.

  “Having a ball. I can’t believe you guys like to dance. Most guys aren’t into it once they have a woman tied to them. I think they only dance to get a woman, then lose interest once they’re a couple.”

  “Not us. We love to dance. At least to country or classic rock. Not so sure about any of that rap music or new-age shit,” Caleb told her.

  Austin could see the amusement in Selena’s eyes. He liked that about her. She didn’t take offense easily and seemed to genuinely enjoy their company. She hadn’t once tried to pit one of them against the other. Of course, that could come later in their relationship, but he prayed that wouldn’t happen because he really liked her. She fit against him perfectly and could hold her own with Caleb.

  “So, what are you guys working on now?” she asked before taking a sip of the new beer they’d ordered.

  “Working on a deck for some friends of ours,” Austin told her. “Actually, we’ve finished it and are just adding some things to it they want now.”

  “What sort of things?”

  “They want an outdoor kitchen so they can have cookouts all year round and invite friends to them,” Caleb told her.

  “That sounds awesome. I love to cook out, but rarely do it since it’s just me. The little deck I have is perfect to sit outside in the mornings and drink a cup of coffee though,” she said.

  “Our deck is built for both,” Caleb said.


  “Well, we have an outdoor kitchen that’s off the living room with plenty of room to entertain, then we have a little area off the master bedroom that’s perfect to sit outside with something to drink or just to listen to nature,” Austin told her.

  “Wow. That sounds really nice,” she said.

  “We’ll take you to look at our place next time. In fact, we’ll cook you an awesome steak and we can sit outside while we eat,” Caleb said.

  “How can I turn down an awesome steak?” she teased.

  “Ready for some more dancing?” Caleb asked, standing with his hand held out.

  Selena couldn’t say no to him. Would she have to say no to both of them later?

  Chapter Nine

  Selena had never had so much fun in her life. No date she’d ever been on had been that great. She’d definitely been dating the wrong guys. Was it because there had been two of them or because they were just that much fun? She didn’t know, but one thing Selena did know was that she would go out with them again.

  “You awake over there?” Austin asked, giving her shoulder a little shove with his.

  “Mm-hmm. I’ve had a great time. I hate for it to end,” she admitted.

  Caleb took her hand in his and give it a little squeeze. “We’ve had a great time, too, babe. Doing this again soon, right?”

  “Definitely,” she said.

  “Good. How about next Saturday we cook for you?” Caleb asked.

  “That sounds good. I’d like to try that awesome steak I’ve heard so much about,” she quipped.

  “You’ve got it. Steak, potato, and a salad. That work for you?” Austin asked.


  “What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? We don’t do desserts,” Austin said.

  She laughed. It felt good to feel so comfortable with them. Normally it wasn’t until the second or third real date until that she felt this relaxed with a man, let alone two.

  “Either vanilla or chocolate chip. Not cookie dough though,” she told them.

  “Okay, not cookie dough. I can handle that,” Austin said.

  “I’ve really had a great time, guys,” she said as they pulled into her drive.

  “We have, too,” Caleb said. He opened his door the second Austin put the big truck into park.

  Austin reached over and unbuckled her seat belt, then undid his and got out of the cab on the opposite side. She scooted over and let Caleb help her down. The slow slide down his body had her dress hitching up and her body aware that he was more than excited. She could feel his erection against her belly. The thought of him all hot and bothered for her made her girly parts wet and tingly. Her pussy hadn’t felt this wet since, well, forever.

  They walked her to the front door and before she could pull out her keys, Austin was there pulling her into his arms for a kiss. He pressed his lips against hers in a soft touch, then slanted his head to sip at her like a man dying of thirst and wanting a drink of water. He licked her lips, and then when she opened, he dove in, exploring her mouth just as gently as he’d started their kiss. When he drew back, he bumped his head against hers and smiled.

  “You taste like heaven, hon. I could kiss you all night, but then Caleb really would complain,” he said in a teasing voice.

  “My turn, babe. I can’t wait to taste you.” Caleb turned her from Austin’s arms into his. He nipped her lower lip, obviously a different kind of kisser than Austin. He pressed his mouth to hers, then licked along the seam of her lips and took her mouth in a soul-searing kiss that was as different as night and day from Austin’s. Both were deliciously arousing, but in different ways. Where Austin coaxed and teased her into submitting to his mouth, Caleb demanded and conquered as if he couldn’t get close enough to her without being inside of her.

  Honestly, she couldn’t choose whi
ch one she liked better. She liked them both and didn’t want to choose. If being with both of them meant she could have both ways, she was all for it. They were unique and so different from each other that she’d never get tired of being with them, because where one might bore her one time, the other would more than make up for it. Bore her? She couldn’t see that ever happening. They were both so much fun.

  Caleb kissed her forehead as Austin took the keys she’d nearly dropped and unlocked her front door.

  “Lock up, hon. Don’t forget you’re coming to our place next Saturday,” Austin said.

  “Wear jeans and we’ll pick you up at six. Work for you?” Caleb asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll see you then,” Selena said.

  She waved at them as she closed the door, then locked it and tossed her purse and keys onto the little table by the door. She slipped out of her shoes and carried them to the bedroom, where she sank down on her chair and laid her head back against the top. It was her comfy reading chair, and she’d fallen asleep on it more than once. No chance of that happening now though. She was floating on air after her date with Austin and Caleb. They’d more than proven they could keep her entertained and wanting more.


  She looked down to see Maggie sitting at her feet with a pissed-off expression on her scraggly face.

  “What is it? I fed you before I left.”

  The fat feline pawed at her ankle. Meow.

  Obviously, she was in the chair Maggie was claiming as her own for the night. Selena laughed and stood, then watched as the little monster jumped up and circled a few times before settling in to give herself her pre-nap bath.

  Selena tossed her shoes toward her closet and undressed. Her breasts were super sensitive since she’d been slightly aroused all night with the guys. She’d rubbed them against one or the other enough while dancing that they were all perky and needy. She sighed and tossed her super-wet underwear into the laundry hamper, then hung up her dress.

  Wow. Just wow. She’d actually gone out with two men. She didn’t count the lunch at the diner. This had been an honest-to-goodness date, and she’d had a ball with them. She couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had really noticed or thought anything about it. Did she care? Not really. She’d always done whatever she’d wanted to do without worrying about other people, but this had been over the top even for her.


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